Announcement | 通告 |
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Andy Naselli | 安迪·纳西利 |
1 Peter 2:6–8 | 彼得前书2:6-8 |
6 For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” 7 So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” 8 and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. | 6 因为经上记着:“看哪,我在锡安放了一块石头, 就是所拣选所珍贵的房角石, 信靠他的人,必不致失望。” 7 所以这石头,对你们信的人是宝贵的,但对那不信的人,却是“建筑工人所弃的石头, 成了房角的主要石头。” 8 它又“作了绊脚的石头, 使人跌倒的磐石。” 他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样是必然的。 |
Let’s pray together: | 让我们一起祷告: |
Thank you, Father, for blessing us with the opportunity to feed on your words. We have tasted that you are good. We crave your words the way newborn babies crave milk. As we strive now to understand your words, would you enlighten our minds? And would you stir our affections to worship? We ask for Jesus’s sake. Amen. | 父啊,感谢你祝福我们有机会以你的话语为食。我们已经尝到了你是良善。我们渴望你的话语,就像新生儿渴望喝奶一样。当我们现在努力理解你的话语时,你能不能启发我们的思想?你会激发我们的感情去崇拜吗?我们为耶稣的缘故而求。阿们! |
Our passage is part of a letter Peter wrote, and we believe these words are God’s words for us. Every word matters. We want to understand what the human author and the divine author intended to communicate. That means that we should be asking lots of questions as we read—questions such as … | 我们今天的经文是彼得写的一封信里面的一部分,我们相信这些话是神对我们说的。每个字都很重要。我们要了解人类作者和神性作者所要传达的内容。这意味着我们在阅读时应该提出很多问题--比如: |
• How does this argument work? | • 他的论证是怎么展开的? |
• What does this word mean? | • 这个词是什么意思? |
• How does this harmonize with other passages of Scripture? | • 这与其他经文如何协调? |
• How should this affect how I think and feel about God? | • 这应该如何影响我对神的认识和感受? |
0.1. What Does “For” Indicate in 1 Peter 2:6? | 0.1.彼得前书2:6中的“因为”是什么意思? |
When we start reading our passage in 1 Peter 2:6, the very first word should raise questions. The passage begins with the word “For.” The way we understand our passage hinges on how we understand that word. So let’s look at the passage again, but let’s start reading in v. 4. As we read, try to figure out how the word “For” works in v. 6. Also, see if you can identify a recurring theme. | 当我们开始读彼得前书2:6的经文时,第一个词就应该引起我们问这个问题。这段话的开头就是“因为”。我们对我们这段经文的理解,取决于我们如何理解这个词。所以我们再看这段经文,但我们从第4节开始读。当我们读的时候,试着揣摩“因为”这个词在第6节中的作用。另外,看看你是否能找出一个反复出现的主题。 |
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. | 主是活石,虽然被人弃绝,却是 神所拣选所珍贵的;你们到他面前来, 也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭。 |
Forit stands in Scripture: | 因为经上记着: |
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, | “看哪,我在锡安放了一块石头, |
a cornerstone chosen and precious, | 就是所拣选所珍贵的房角石, |
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” | 信靠他的人,必不致失望。” |
So the honor is for you who believe, | 所以这石头,对你们信的人是宝贵的, |
but for those who do not believe, | 但对那不信的人, |
“The stone that the builders rejected | “建筑工人所弃的石头, |
has become the cornerstone,” | 成了房角的主要石头。” |
and | 它又 |
“A stone of stumbling, | “作了绊脚的石头, |
and a rock of offense.” | 使人跌倒的磐石。” |
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. | 他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样是必然的。 |
Did you notice the recurring theme? |
你注意到这个反复出现的主题了吗? |
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. | 主是活石,虽然被人弃绝,却是 神所拣选所珍贵的;你们到他面前来, 也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭。 |
Forit stands in Scripture: | 因为经上记着: |
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, | “看哪,我在锡安放了一块石头, |
a cornerstone chosen and precious, | 就是所拣选所珍贵的房角石, |
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” | 信靠他的人,必不致失望。” |
So the honor is for you who believe, | 所以这石头,对你们信的人是宝贵的, |
but for those who do not believe, | 但对那不信的人, |
“The stone that the builders rejected | “建筑工人所弃的石头, |
has become the cornerstone,” | 成了房角的主要石头。” |
and | 它又 |
“A stone of stumbling, | “作了绊脚的石头, |
and a rock of offense.” | 使人跌倒的磐石。” |
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. | 他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样是必然的。 |
The stone theme occurs repeatedly. | 石头的主题不断重现。 |
Now what’s the argument here? The “For” in v. 6 introduces three OT quotations in vv. 6–8, so it appears to be proving something in the previous sentence (vv. 4–5). Verses 6–8 have two parts: | 现在,这里是在论证什么?第6节中的“因为”在第6-8节中引入了三处旧约的引文,所以它似乎是在证明前一句话(第4-5节)中的某些内容。6-8节分为两部分: |
For it stands in Scripture: | 因为经上记着: |
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, | “看哪,我在锡安放了一块石头, |
a cornerstone chosen and precious, | 就是所拣选所珍贵的房角石, |
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” | 信靠他的人,必不致失望。” |
So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, | 所以这石头,对你们信的人是宝贵的,但对那不信的人,却是 |
“The stone that the builders rejected | “建筑工人所弃的石头, |
has become the cornerstone,” | 成了房角的主要石头。” |
and | 它又 |
“A stone of stumbling, | “作了绊脚的石头, |
and a rock of offense.” | 使人跌倒的磐石。” |
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. | 他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样是必然的。 |
The first part is about you who believe. The second part is about those who do not believe. That corresponds to the previous sentence (vv. 4–5): | 第一部分是关于相信的你。第二部分是关于那些不相信的人。这与上一句(第4-5节)相对应。 |
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. | 主是活石,虽然被人弃绝,却是神所拣选所珍贵的;你们到他面前来,也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭。 |
So how does the word “For” work in v. 6? There are two main options for how this word could function: | 那么,第6节中的“因为”一词起什么作用呢?这个词的作用主要有两种选择: |
1. It could support by identifying cause. The argument gives reasons. For example, I am hungry, for I have not eaten for 24 hours. Not eating for 24 hours is a reason I am hungry. | 它可以通过确定原因来支持。这个论证是在说明原因。比如说,我饿了,因为我已经24小时没吃东西了。24小时没吃东西,是我饿的原因。 |
2. It could support by identifying evidence. The argument explains. For example, I am hungry, for my stomach is growling. A growling stomach is evidence that explains that I am hungry. | 它可以通过确定证据来支持。这个论证是在作出解释。比如说,我饿了,因为我的肚子在叫。肚子咕咕叫是解释我饿了的证据。 |
So how does the word “For” work in v. 6? Cause doesn’t seem to work logically. It’s not clear how the OT quotations are reasons for the sentence in vv. 4–5. | 那么,第6节中的“因为”一词起什么作用呢?原因似乎在逻辑上行不通。不清楚旧约的引文如何成为第4-5节的句子的原因。 |
The OT quotations are evidence for the sentence in vv. 4–5. The argument explains that some come to Christ as the living stone and that others reject the living stone. God predicted this in the OT. That explains what we see happening now. | 旧约的引文是第4-5节这句话的证据。这段论证解释了有些人归向基督并以基督为活石,有些人则拒绝活石。神在旧约中预言了这件事。这就解释了我们现在所看到的情况。 |
0.2. Illustration | 0.2.例证 |
This passage reminds me of the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” In 2014, Roger and Steven Lanau, two brothers from New Jersey, were taking care of their deceased mother’s estate. They found a painting in their mother’s basement that was remarkably unremarkable. One person said, “It looked like a dark, discolored portrait of three people, one of whom is passed out.” The brothers hired an auction agency to appraise the value of items in the home, and the company valued that painting at 800—not bad for a painting the brothers didn’t want. | 这段经文让我想起了一句话:“一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财宝。”2014年,来自新泽西州的罗杰和史蒂文-拉瑙两兄弟正在处理他们已故母亲的遗产。他们在母亲的地下室发现了一幅画,这幅画非常非常不起眼。其中一个人说:“看起来像一幅黑乎乎,已经变色了的画像,画中有三个人,其中一个人已经昏迷了。”兄弟俩请了一家拍卖公司对家里的物品进行估价,公司对那幅画的估价是250到800美元—对于不想要这幅画的兄弟俩来说,这价格已经不错了。 |
But the painting turned out to be an original painting titled “The Unconscious Patient” by the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt. It sold at the auction for $1.1 million to a French buyer, who then sold it to a Dutch art collector for over $3 million.1 | 但不曾想这幅画竟是荷兰著名画家伦勃朗的一幅原作,名为《不省人事的病人》。在拍卖会上,它以110万美元的价格卖给了一位法国买家,然后这位买家又以300多万美元的价格卖给了一位荷兰艺术收藏家。1 |
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. That’s how people treat Christ. Some reject Christ, and others treasure Christ. | 一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财宝。人们就是这样对待基督的。有人拒绝基督,有人珍惜基督。 |
0.3. How does 1 Peter 2:6–8 fit with the message of 1 Peter? | 0.3.彼得前书2:6-8与彼得前书的信息如何配合? |
Before we dive in and analyze our passage, it’s helpful to have a sense of how it fits in the context of the letter. Peter writes this letter to “elect exiles” (1:1). Unbelievers were persecuting believers. Peter writes this letter primarily to exhort believers to stand firm in God’s grace. That’s how he ends the letter in 5:12: “I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” I think that’s the theological message of this letter—stand firm in God’s grace. | 在我们深入分析我们的这段经文之前,先了解一下这段经文与整封信的上下文是如何结合的,有助于我们理解。彼得写这封信给“蒙拣选的寄居者”(1:1)。不信者在逼迫信徒。彼得写这封信主要是劝勉信徒在神的恩典中站稳。这就是在信的结尾5:12中所说的:“我……简略地写了这封信劝勉你们,又向你们证实这是 神真正的恩典;你们要在这恩典上站立得住。”我想这就是这封信的神学信息--在神的恩典中站稳。 |
How does our passage contribute to that message? Peter is exhorting persecuted Christians to understand that the polarized way that people respond to Christ is what God predicted in the OT and even what God has ordained. People either treasure Christ or reject him. | 我们这段经文对这个信息有什么贡献呢?彼得是在劝勉受逼迫的基督徒,让他们明白,人对基督的两极化反应方式是神在旧约中所预言的,甚至是神所命定的。人们要么珍惜基督,要么拒绝基督。 |
Persecution for Christians comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. In some places in the world right now, Christians are in danger of being tortured and killed. For most of us, persecution looks more like insults and shaming. | 基督徒所受的逼迫是形形色色的。目前在世界的一些地方,基督徒正面临着被折磨和杀害的危险。对我们大多数人来说,迫害看起来更像是侮辱和羞辱。 |
One of the courses I teach to graduate students at Bethlehem College & Seminary is ethics, and in that course we spend a lot of time on sexual ethics because those issues are so controversial in our culture. It wouldn’t surprise me if in my lifetime it becomes a hate crime to publicly affirm what God says in his word about creating humans as male and female, creating marriage for one man and one woman, and ordaining sex only for marriage. But even if it’s not a crime to affirm what the Bible teaches, much of what the Bible teaches opposes what our culture values. It’s not respectable to believe the Bible—all of it—in our culture. It’s backwards. It puts us on the wrong side of history and all that. | 我在伯利恒学院与神学院给研究生上的一门课程是伦理学,在这门课程中,我们花了很多时间在性伦理学上,因为这些问题在我们的文化中很有争议。如果在我的有生之年,公开肯定上帝在祂的话语中所说的创造人类为男性和女性,为一男一女创造婚姻,并规定性活动只为婚姻而存在,这样的言论将成为一种仇恨犯罪,我一点都不会感到惊讶。但是,即使肯定圣经的教导并不算犯罪,圣经教导的许多内容也与我们的文化价值观相悖。在我们的文化中,相信圣经--整部圣经是不值得尊敬的。那是落后的。那让我们站在了历史的对立面等等。 |
But not according to 1 Peter. To be with Christ is to be on the right side of history. Right now it may be difficult for us believers when unbelievers shame us. But at the last day, there will be honor for those who believe and shame for those who do not believe. Therefore, Peter argues in this letter, persevere and stand firm in God’s grace! Keep trusting and treasuring Christ no matter what the world says about you or does to you. | 但根据彼得前书的说法,并不是这样的。与基督同在,就是站在了历史的正确一边。现在,当不信的人羞辱我们的时候,我们信徒可能很难受。但到了最后一天,信的人要得荣耀,不信的人要得羞耻。因此,彼得在这封信中认为,要在神的恩典中坚持不懈,站稳脚跟!无论世人怎么说你,怎么对你,都要继续相信和珍惜基督。 |
That’s how this passage fits with the message of the letter. | 这就是这段经文与这封信的信息的契合。 |
0.4. Transition | 0.4.过渡 |
This is how I summarize the message of this passage in a single sentence: Here is evidence that some come to Christ as the living stone and that others reject him. | 我是这样用一句话概括这段经文的信息的:这里有证据表明,有些人来到基督,并以基督为活石,而其他人则拒绝基督。 |
So I’d like to preach to you from 1 Peter 2:6–8 on this subject: Evidence That Some Come to Christ as the Living Stone and That Others Reject Him. | 所以我想从彼得前书2:6-8给大家讲讲这个问题:有证据表明有些人接受基督为活石,而有些人则拒绝接受祂。 |
We’ll proceed in two parts: (1) evidence that some come to Christ as the living stone and (2) evidence that others reject Christ as the living stone. | 我们将分两部分进行。(1) 有证据表明有些人接受基督为活石 (2) 有证据表明其他人拒绝接受基督为活石。 |
1. Evidence That Some Come to Christ as the Living Stone (1 Peter 2:6–7a) | 1. 有人接受基督为活石的证据 (彼得前书 2:6-7a) |
We’ll approach this passage by asking four questions: | 我们将通过提出四个问题来探讨这段话。 |
Question 1. Why does Peter appeal to Scripture? | 问题1.彼得为什么要引用圣经? |
Peter argues, “For it stands in Scripture” (2:6a). Scripture refers to the OT. He appeals to the OT as an unquestioned authority because Christians believe that the entire Bible—the Old Testament and the New Testament—are God’s words. We are Bible people. We completely trust the Bible as our final authority. | 彼得论证说:“因为经上记着”(2:6a)。经指的是旧约圣经。他诉诸旧约作为一个不容置疑的权威,因为基督徒相信整本圣经--旧约和新约--都是神的话。我们是圣经之民。我们完全相信圣经是我们的最终权威。 |
The very first sentence that members of Bethlehem Baptist Church affirm in the Congregational Affirmation of Faith is this: “We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.”2 | 《伯利恒浸信会会众信仰告白》中申明的第一句话是: “我们相信圣经是上帝的话语,在圣灵的默示下写成的原稿,是完全来自圣灵的感动,是完全无误的,它在所有信仰和行为方面具有至高无上的权威。”2 |
Peter is appealing to Scripture to give convincing evidence that God has planned that some will come to Christ as the living stone and that others will reject him. To give evidence that some come to Christ as the living stone, Peter quotes Isa 28:16: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” | 彼得诉诸圣经给出令人信服的证据,证明神已经计划好了,有些人要来归向基督这个活石,而有些人要拒绝祂。为了证明有些人接受基督是活石,彼得引用以赛亚书28:16:“看哪,我在锡安放了一块石头, 就是所拣选所珍贵的房角石, 信靠他的人,必不致失望。” |
Question 2. What is a cornerstone? | 问题2.什么是房角石? |
In ancient building construction, the cornerstone was the most important stone. It set the foundation and connected two walls. The first major action in construction was to lay the cornerstone. All the other stones were plumbed to the cornerstone. The size and quality of the cornerstone determined how large a building could safely be. | 在古代建筑中,房角石是最重要的石头。它奠定地基,连接两堵墙。施工中的第一道重要工序是奠定房角石。其它所有的石头都向这个房角石对齐。房角石的大小和品质决定了一栋建筑能够安全地扩展到多大的规模。 |
Some people argue that the cornerstone refers to the capstone—the top stone on a building (like a pyramid) or the keystone in an arch. But that does not work since this is a stone that people stumble over (1 Pet 2:8). | 有人认为,房角石指的是顶石--建筑物(如金字塔)上的顶石或拱门中的拱顶石。但这个说法行不通,因为这石头也是绊倒人的石头(彼前2:8)。 |
Question 3. Why does Peter quote Isaiah 28:16 here? | 问题3.为什么彼得在这里要引用以赛亚书28:16? |
Three OT passages use this stone imagery, and Peter quotes all three of them in our passage. He first quotes Isaiah 28:16. |
旧约中共有三处经文使用这种石头的意象,彼得在我们的这段经文中引用了这三处经文。他首先引用了以赛亚书28:16。 |
Isaiah 28 is a blistering judgment on Ephraim and Jerusalem for disobeying and disbelieving God. But there is hope for those who believe: “Whoever believes will not be in haste” (Isa 28:16). NIV: “the one who relies on it [i.e., the precious cornerstone] will never be stricken with panic” (Isa 28:16). That fits with the theological message of Isaiah—people should trust (believe, rely on) the Holy One of Israel because he is the incomparable King and Savior. | 以赛亚书第28章讲的是对以法莲和耶路撒冷不顺服、不信神的严厉审判。但信神的人是有盼望的:“信靠的人,必不着急”(以赛亚书28:16)。新国际标准版译成:“依靠它(即宝贵房角石)的人永远不会感到恐慌”(以赛亚书28:16)。这符合以赛亚书的神学信息--人们应该相信(相信、依靠)以色列的圣者,因为祂是无与伦比的君王和救主。 |
In Isaiah, God predicts that he will lay a cornerstone in Zion, which is the site of the Jerusalem temple. This new work replaced the temple with the result that now God’s people are a living temple. That’s what the previous sentence says (1 Pet 2:5). | 在以赛亚书中,神预言祂将在锡安安放一块房角石,也就是耶路撒冷圣殿的所在地。这新的工作取代了圣殿,其结果是现在神的子民是一座活的圣殿。这就是前一句话所说的(彼前2:5)。 |
Question 4. What does Peter infer from Isaiah 28:16? | 问题4.彼得从以赛亚书28:16推断出什么? |
Note that the next sentence begins with the word “So.” That introduces an inference. Peter infers, “So the honor [i.e., the oppose of shame] is for you who believe” (2:7). There will be no shame for those who trust and treasure Christ. Peter says this because persecuted believers may feel dishonor for following Christ. | 注意,下一句话的开头是 "所以"。这就引出了一个推论。彼得推论说:“ 所以这石头,对你们信的人是宝贵的[亦即,与羞愧相反]”(2:7)。信靠和珍惜基督的人不会有任何羞愧。彼得之所以这样说,是因为受迫害的信徒可能会因为跟随基督而感到不光彩。 |
This truth should lift up the spirit of a persecuted believer. Persevere! Stand firm in God’s grace because at the last day we will not be put to shame; we will receive honor. Peter has already highlighted this in 1:7: “the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” | 这个真理应该使一个受迫害的信徒的精神振作起来。坚持下去!在神的恩典中站稳,因为在那末日,我们没有羞愧,我们会得到荣耀。彼得在1:7已经强调了这一点:“你们的信心经过试验,就比那被火炼过,仍会朽坏的金子更宝贵,可以在耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称赞、荣耀和尊贵。” |
What might persecution look like for us today? Here’s an example from just a few months ago. John Piper wrote a book titled Coronavirus and Christ. In May, major news outlets reported that a United States Army chaplain was in trouble for commending Piper’s book to fellow military chaplains via email. Some called for him to be disciplined and court-martialed. In a public letter to the secretary of defense, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation calls Piper’s book “unmitigated drivel,” “incendiary,” “bigoted,” and “vulgar.” Why? In the book Piper quotes Romans that homosexual intercourse is a sin, and Piper argues that God is sovereign over the coronavirus and sends it and ends it when he wills.3 | 今天的逼迫对我们来说可能是什么样子?这是几个月前的一个例子。约翰-派博写了一本题为《冠状病毒与基督》的书。5月,各大新闻媒体报道称,一名美军牧师因通过电子邮件向军方牧师同事推荐派博的书而惹上麻烦。有的人要求对他进行军纪处分,上军事法庭。在一封致国防部长的公开信中,军事宗教自由基金会称派博的书是“不可饶恕的胡言乱语”、“煽动性”、“偏执”和“粗俗”。为什么?在书中,派博引用罗马书中的话说,同性恋性交是一种罪;派博认为,神主宰着冠状病毒,只要祂愿意,祂就会降下或收回病毒。3 |
Non-Christians are trying to shame Christians for affirming what the Bible teaches. But we must not let such pressure lead us to deny Christ and his word. We must persevere. We must stand firm in God’s grace because at the last day we will not be put to shame; we will receive honor. | 非基督徒试图羞辱基督徒,只因为基督徒肯定圣经的教导。但我们决不能让这种压力导致我们否认基督和祂的话语。我们必须坚持下去。我们必须在神的恩典中站稳,因为在那末日,我们不会没有羞愧,我们会得到荣耀。 |
[Transition] That’s part 1 of our passage: evidence that some come to Christ as the living stone. What about the others who reject Christ? Is there evidence for that, too? | [过渡]这就是我们这段经文的第一部分: 有些人接受基督是活石的证据。那其他拒绝基督的人呢?也有证据吗? |
2. Evidence That Others Reject Christ as the Living Stone (1 Peter 2:7b–8) | 2. 另一些人拒绝基督为活石的证据(彼得前书 2:7b-8) |
“But” (2:7b) indicates a contrast. There is honor for those who believe, but there is dishonor or shame for those who do not believe. | “却是”(2:7b)表示对比。相信的人有荣耀尊贵,但不相信的人有羞愧或耻辱。 |
Peter quotes two OT passages back-to-back to as evidence that God predicted some would reject Christ as the living stone: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Ps 118:22) and “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense” (Isa 8:14). | 彼得接连引用了两段旧约的经文,作为神预言有些人会拒绝基督为活石的证据。“建筑工人所弃的石头,成了房角的主要石头”(诗篇118:22)和“绊脚的石头、跌人的磐石”(以赛亚书8:14)。 |
We’ll approach this passage by asking three questions: | 我们将通过提出三个问题来探讨这段话。 |
Question 1. Why does Peter quote Psalm 118:22 here? | 问题1.为什么彼得要在这里引用诗篇118:22? |
One reason is that Peter heard Jesus teach this about himself [turn to Matthew 21]: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?” (Matt 21:42; cf. Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17). | 其中一个原因是,彼得听到耶稣这样教导说祂自己[翻到马太福音21章]:“‘建筑工人所弃的石头,成了房角的主要石头;这是主所作的,在我们眼中看为希奇。’ 这话你们没有念过吗?”。(马太福音21:42;参见马可福音12:10;路加福音20:17)。 |
[Now turns to Acts 4.] After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, Peter preached this to Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem: “This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone” (Acts 4:11). | [现在翻到使徒行传第4章]在耶稣从死里复活升天后,彼得向耶路撒冷的犹太宗教领袖们宣讲了这一点:“这耶稣是你们建筑工人所弃的石头,成了房角的主要石头”(使徒行传4:11)。 |
Peter heard Jesus teach that he himself fulfills Psalm 118:22–23, and then Peter preached that in Jerusalem. | 彼得听到耶稣教导说祂自己应验了诗篇118:22-23,然后彼得就在耶路撒冷传讲这话。 |
Psalm 118 celebrates that God will deliver his people. Here’s the key section: | 诗篇118篇庆祝神要拯救祂的子民。下面是关键部分: |
The stone that the builders rejected | 建筑工人所弃的石头 |
has become the cornerstone. | 成了房角的主要石头 |
This is the Lord’s doing; | 这是耶和华作的; |
it is marvelous in our eyes. | 在我们眼中看为希奇。 |
This is the day that the Lord has made [ultimately speaking of Christ’s resurrection]; | 这是耶和华所定的日子[最终指的是基督的复活]。 |
let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps 118:22–24) | 我们要在这一日欢喜快乐。(诗篇118:22-24) |
In Psalm 118, the builders who reject the cornerstone are foreign nations who reject the God of Israel. Jesus ultimately fulfilled Psalm 118:22–24 when God raised him from the dead, and the builders who rejected the cornerstone were Jewish religious leaders (Acts 4:11). In 1 Peter the builders who reject the cornerstone include non-Christian authorities and neighbors who persecute Christians. Many who reject Christ think that they are actually building for God when they have rejected the most important stone for a building. | 在诗篇118中,弃绝那房角石的建筑工人就是拒绝以色列的神的那些外邦。耶稣最终应验了诗篇118:22-24,神让祂从死里复活,而拒绝房角石的建筑工人就是犹太宗教领袖(使徒行传4:11)。在彼得前书中,拒绝房角石的建筑工人包括非基督徒的政府当局和逼迫基督徒的邻人。许多拒绝基督的人认为他们真的在为神建造,而事实上他们却拒绝了建筑最重要的石头。 |
Question 2. Why does Peter quote Isaiah 8:14 here? | 问题2.彼得为什么在这里引用以赛亚书8:14? |
Isaiah 8 exhorts God’s people to trust the Lord. Isaiah 8:14 says that the Lord “will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” The Lord is both (1) a sanctuary and (2) a stone that causes people to take offense and stumble. Peter here emphasizes the judgment that unbelievers will experience when they reject Christ the cornerstone. | 以赛亚书第8章劝勉神的子民信靠主。以赛亚书8:14说主“必向信靠他的人作圣所,却向以色列两家作绊脚的石头、跌人的磐石; 又向耶路撒冷的居民作陷阱和网罗。”主既是(1)圣所,又是(2)绊脚的石头、跌人的磐石。彼得在这里强调了不信的人拒绝基督这块房角石,将经历的审判。 |
Question 3. Does God destine people to disobey and stumble? | 问题3.难道上帝预定要让人不顺服、跌倒吗? |
Peter’s final sentence is controversial among some Christians: “They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.” The controversy is whether this passage supports what theologians call reprobation. That’s the flipside of election. | 彼得的最后一句话在一些基督徒中是有争议的。“他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样也是预定的。”争议在于这段经文是否支持神学家所说的遗弃。也就是拣选的反面。 |
We’ve already seen election in this letter since Peter addresses the letter “to those who are elect exiles … according to the foreknowledge of God the Father” (1:1–2). | 我们在这封信中已经看到了拣选,因为彼得在信中提到“寄居的人……就是照着父 神的预知蒙拣选”(1:1-2)。 |
• Election means that God sovereignly and unconditionally chose to save individuals. | • 拣选的意思是,神出于至高主权、无条件地选择拯救个人。 |
• Reprobation means that God chose to pass over non-elect sinners and eternally punish them. | • 遗弃的意思是说,上帝选择越过不蒙拣选的罪人,给他们永刑。 |
Does the final sentence of our passage refer to reprobation? “They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.” | 我们这段经文的最后一句话是否指的是遗弃?“他们跌倒是因为不顺从这道,他们这样是预定的。” |
Here’s a form-based way to translate that sentence: “They stumble, disobeying the word, unto which also they were appointed.” That word appointed (NASB) or destined (ESV) translates the same word that v. 6 translates as lay: | 这里有一个基于形式的方法来翻译这句话:“他们跌倒了,不顺从这道,他们这样也是被指定的。”那个翻为指定(NASB)或预定(ESV)的词,与第6节译为安放的词相同: |
• v. 6: I lay [i.e., appoint] a stone in Zion | • 第6节:我在锡安放[亦即,指定]了一块石头 |
• v. 8: they were destined to do [i.e., unto which they were appointed] | • 第8节:他们这样也是预定的[亦即,他们这样也是指定的] |
The words “they were destined” or “they were appointed” are passive. Do you know the difference between the active and passive voice? Which line is a politician more likely to say: (1) “I made mistakes” or (2) “Mistakes were made”? A passive verb does not specify who did it. “Mistakes were made”—but who made them?! An active verb tells you (“I made mistakes”). The passive action in v. 8 is a divine passive—that is, God is the one who destined or appointed them. | “他们被预定”或“他们被指定”中的动词都是被动语态。你知道主动语态和被动语态的区别吗?政客们更可能说哪句话:(1) “我犯了错误”还是(2) “错误被造成了”?被动词并没有说明是谁做的。“错误被造成了”——但是谁造成的呢?!一个主动动词就会告诉你(“我犯了错误”)。第8节的被动行动是一种神圣的被动--也就是说,神是预定或指定他们的人。 |
Some people interpret this final sentence in a way that they think gets God off the hook. They argue that what is ultimately decisive for whether a person is a believer or an unbeliever is that person’s free will. So in this passage, they argue that God does not appoint people to disobey the word (which is another way of referring to rejecting Christ or not believing in Christ); rather, they argue, God appoints that people who disobey the word will stumble and thus be punished in hell. In other words, God appoints the stumbling (i.e., the result of the disobeying = stumbling and punishment), but God does not appoint the disobeying. | 有些人对最后这句话的解释方法让他们以为可以替上帝开脱。他们认为,对于一个人信还是不信,最终起决定性作用的是这个人的自由意志。所以在这段经文中,他们认为,神并没有指定人不顺从这道(这是指拒绝基督或不信基督的另一种说法);相反,他们认为,神指定不顺从这道的人会跌倒,从而在地狱中受到惩罚。换句话说,神指定了绊跌(即不顺服的结果=绊跌和惩罚),但神没有指定不顺从。 |
But there’s a problem with that view: that is not what the text says. The text says, “They stumble, disobeying the word, unto which also they were appointed.” The phrase “unto which they were appointed” refers to both the stumbling and the disobeying. God destined both. The phrase “disobeying the word” is the reason they stumble—hence the ESV translation, “They stumble because they disobey the word.” This corresponds to vv. 7–8a: “for those who do not believe … a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.” Stumbling and being offended are parallel—to stumble is to take offense and thus not believe. The text says that God appointed or destined that those who do not believe stumble because they disobey the word. | 但这种观点有一个问题:文中不是这么说的。经文说:“他们绊跌,不顺从这道,他们这样也是被预定的。”“他们这样也是预定的”指的是绊跌和不顺从。神预定了这两样。“不顺从这道”就是他们跌倒的原因--所以英文标准版译本说:“他们跌倒是因为他们不顺从这道”。这与第7-8a节:“对那不信的人……它又作了绊脚的石头,使人跌倒的磐石”相对应。绊脚与使人跌倒是平行的——绊脚就是使人跌倒,因此不信。经文说,神指定或预定那些不信的人因不顺从这道而跌倒。 |
Peter heard Jesus teach this about himself: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?” (Matt 21:42). Jesus quoted Ps 118:22–23 and emphasized, “This was the Lord’s doing.” God destined that some would reject Jesus the cornerstone. God appointed it. God planned it. And “it is marvelous in our eyes.” | 彼得听到耶稣这样教导关于祂自己:“‘建筑工人所弃的石头,成了房角的主要石头;这是主所作的,在我们眼中看为希奇。’ 这话你们没有念过吗?”(马太福音21:42)。耶稣引用诗篇118:22-23并强调:“这是主所作的。”上帝预定了有人会拒绝耶稣这个房角石。上帝指定了此事。上帝安排了此事。并且“在我们眼中看为稀奇。” |
That is why Peter preached to his fellow Israelites at Pentecost, “This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men” (Acts 2:23). God planned that people would reject and murder Jesus. And God planned this without being guilty of sin himself. | 这就是为什么彼得在五旬节向他的以色列同胞传讲:“这个耶稣,照着 神的定旨和预知被交了出去,你们就藉不法之徒的手,把他钉死了。”(使徒行传2:23)上帝计划让人们拒绝并且杀害耶稣。而且上帝计划了这一切,祂自己却没有罪。 |
That is why God’s people in Acts 4:27–28 prayed like this: “Truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” God planned that people would reject and murder Jesus. And God planned this without being guilty of sin himself. | 所以神的子民在使徒行传4:27-28中这样祷告:“希律和本丢.彼拉多,外族人和以色列民,真的在这城里聚集,反对你所膏立的圣仆耶稣,行了你手和你旨意所预定要成就的一切。”上帝计划让人们拒绝并且杀害耶稣。而且上帝计划了这一切,祂自己却没有罪。 |
So does 1 Peter 2:8 teach reprobation (i.e., that God chose to pass over non-elect sinners and eternally punish them)? “They stumble, disobeying the word, unto which also they were appointed.” Yes, I think it does. And it harmonizes with many other Scripture passages—especially Romans 9. | 那么,彼得前书2:8是否教导了遗弃(即神选择越过不蒙拣选的罪人,并给他们永刑)?“他们绊跌,不顺从这道,他们这样也是被预定的。”是的,我想是这样的。而且这个说法与其它许多经文--特别是罗马书9章--相协调。 |
Now I realize this is a difficult teaching. But God has revealed this truth to us in the Bible, so we dare not ignore it or minimize it. |
现在我意识到这是一个很难的教义。但神在圣经中向我们启示了这个真理,所以我们不敢忽视它,也不敢轻视它。 |
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If you want to dig deeper on the issue of God’s sovereignty regarding election and reprobation, I highly recommend that you listen to John Piper, our church’s previous pastor for preaching and vision, preach on Romans 9. The audio, video, and manuscripts for those sermons are available for free at I was not part of Bethlehem Baptist Church when John Piper preached those sermons, but I was devouring those sermons as they became available. I remember it vividly because I was taking a graduate course on Romans at the time, and God used John Piper’s exposition of Romans 9 to help me see and savor the power and beauty of his sovereignty and mercy. | 如果你想更深入地探讨神关于拣选和遗弃的主权问题,我强烈推荐你听听我们教会前任负责讲道和异象的牧师约翰-派博所讲的罗马书9章。这些讲道的音频、视频和手稿都可以在desiringGOD.org上免费获得。当约翰-派博作这些讲道时,我还不是伯利恒浸信会的一员,但当这些讲道公诸于众时,我就如饥似渴地听这些讲道。我记得很清楚,因为当时我正在选修罗马书的研究生课程,神用约翰-派博对罗马书第9章的阐述,帮助我看到和品味祂的主权和怜悯的大能和美善。 |
I’ll close our discussion of reprobation in our passage by sharing John Piper’s nine concluding thoughts on the predestination of unbelief in 1 Peter 2:8. This is from his “Look at the Book” video series on 1 Peter, which you can also access for free at | 我将分享约翰-派博在彼得前书2:8中对不信者的预定的九项总结,来结束我们这段经文中对遗弃的讨论。这摘自他关于彼得前书的“看那圣书(Look at the Book)”系列视频,你也可以在desiringGOD.org上免费观看。5 |
1. This is the other side of the coin in Peter’s calling the Christians “elect exiles” (1:1). If some are elect, then God passes over some and wills that they not be elect, and they express that in unbelief. | 1. 这是彼得称基督徒为“蒙拣选的寄居者”(1:1)的另一面。如果有些人是选民,那么神就会越过kl 一些人,命定他们不能成为选民,他们就表现为不信。 |
2. The mystery is how God rules over sinners without sinning, not that he does. (See Acts 4:27–28.) | 2. 奥秘不在于上帝对罪人有绝对主权,而在于上帝如何在不犯罪的情况下支配罪人。(见使徒行传4:27-28)。 |
3. God can and does will the sinful unbelief of those who reject Christ. Yet … | 3. 上帝可以也确实会让那些有罪的不信者拒绝基督。然而…… |
4. There are no persons who want to be saved and are prevented against their will. Nobody ever says, “I wanted to be saved, and you wouldn’t let me.” That never happens. | 4. 也没有一个人想要得救却被阻止。没有人会说:“我想得救,你却不让我得救。”这事从不会发生。 |
5. Every person who perishes willfully rejects the knowledge of God that they have. | 5. 每一个灭亡的人都有意拒绝他们所拥有的关于神的知识。 |
6. There are no persons who are not morally responsible for their unbelief. | 6. 没有一个人不为自己的不信承担道德责任。 |
7. There are no persons whose judgment will be unjust. | 7. 没有一个人会受到不公的审判。 |
8. All of us were hopelessly sinful (fallen in Adam), and none of us deserves to be delivered. | 8.我们所有人都是无可救药的罪人(在亚当中堕落),我们没有一个人配得被拯救。 |
9. So take heart, embattled exiles (who are persecuted and insulted), none of your adversaries can thwart God’s plans. That’s why Peter says to them, “They [i.e., all these unbelievers who are making your life miserable] stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.” They are not obstructing or thwarting God’s plan. They are fulfilling it. So take heart. Just as Jesus was rejected and then honored, so you too will be honored. | 9. 所以,四面受敌的流亡者(受迫害和侮辱的人)请安心,你们的对手都不能阻挠神的计划。这就是为什么彼得对他们说:“他们[即所有这些让你生活痛苦的不信者]跌倒,是因为他们不顺从这道,正如他们被预定要做的那样。”他们并没有妨碍或阻挠神的计划。他们却是在实现神的计划。所以,请安心。就像耶稣被拒绝,然后被尊崇一样,你也会被尊崇。 |
3. Conclusion | 3.结语 |
In 1 Peter 2:6–8, Peter presents evidence that some come to Christ as the living stone and that others reject him. He writes this to encourage persecuted Christ-followers. I’ve been proclaiming this message primarily to Christ-followers. If you follow Christ, this passage should encourage you when those who don’t follow Christ insult you because nothing is outside of God’s sovereign plan. So persevere! Stand firm in God’s grace! | 在彼得前书2:6-8中,彼得提出了一些人接受基督作为活石,而另一些人拒绝祂的证据。他这样写是为了鼓励受迫害的基督信徒。我主要是向跟随基督的人宣讲这个信息。如果你跟随基督,当那些不跟随基督的人侮辱你的时候,这段经文应该鼓励你,因为没有什么是在神的主权计划之外。所以,要坚持下去!在上帝的恩典中站稳! |
If you don’t follow Christ, I welcome you to come to Christ, the living stone, the cornerstone. Whoever believes in him will not be put to shame. If you have questions about Christ and the Bible, please feel free to ask anything—to me or our pastoral team or a church member. It would be our joy to interact with you and to pray for you. | 如果你还不跟随基督,我欢迎你来到基督面前,祂是那活石,是那房角石。凡是相信祂的人,都不至于羞愧。如果你有关于基督和圣经的问题,请随时向我或我们的教牧团队或教会成员提出任何问题。能与你交流,为你祈祷,是我们的荣幸。 |
Now before we sing together, we get to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. So let’s prepare to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. | 现在在我们一起唱歌之前,我们可以一起庆祝主的晚餐。所以,让我们准备庆祝主的晚餐。 |
4. Celebrate the Lord’s Supper | 4. 庆祝主的晚餐 |
[Walk down to the floor.] | [走下讲台] |
4.1. Fence the Table | 4.1.护卫餐桌 |
When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, eating and drinking is for all those who are trusting in Jesus Christ alone to save them from their sins. If you not a follower of Christ, we ask that you participate by observing but not by eating and drinking. Again, we warmly invite you to follow Christ as your Savior and Lord. | 当我们庆祝主的晚餐时,吃饼喝杯是为了所有那些相信只有耶稣基督才能拯救他们脱离罪恶的人。如果你不是基督的追随者,我们请你以观察的方式参与,但不要吃或喝。我们再次热烈邀请你跟随基督成为你的救主和主。 |
4.2. Explain How to Use the Cup with Two Lids | 4.2.解释如何使用两个盖子的杯子。 |
If you plan to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together with us, please have your bread and cup of juice handy. (If you didn’t get a cup when you entered the auditorium, you are welcome to get up now and get one in the lobby.) This is only our second time using these contraptions, and this first time we used them some folks were confused. So let me explain how it works. The cup has two lids. Peel the top lid to access the cracker, and peel the bottom lid to access the juice. | 如果你打算和我们一起庆祝主的晚餐,请准备好你的饼和杯。(如果你进入礼拜堂时没有拿到杯子,欢迎你现在起来到大厅去拿。) 我们还只是第二次使用这些新玩意儿,第一次使用时,有些人都搞糊涂了。那么让我来解释一下它应该怎么使用。这杯子有两个盖子。剥开上面的盖子可以拿出饼干,剥开下面的盖子可以喝到果汁。 |
4.3. Connect to the Sermon | 4.3.与讲道的联系 |
When a church celebrates the Lord’s Supper, there are at least six directions we may profitably look (based on 1 Cor 11:17–34): | 当一个教会庆祝圣餐时,至少有六个方向可以让我们受益(根据哥林多前书11:17-34)。 |
1. Look Within: Examine whether you have sinful relational tensions with a fellow church member (vv. 27–32). | 1. 向内看:检查你与教会同工之间是否有罪的紧张关系(27-32节) |
2. Look Back: Remember Jesus’s cross-work, and exult in what he accomplished (vv. 23–26). | 2. 向后看:回想耶稣十字架的工作,为祂所成就的工作而欢喜(23-26节)。 |
3. Look Up: Celebrate your union with Christ (10:16). | 3. 向上看:庆祝你与基督联合(10:16)。 |
4. Look Around: Celebrate your union with each other as one body (vv. 33–34). | 4. 向四周看:庆祝你们在同一个身体里肢体彼此联结(33-34节)。 |
5. Look Outward: Proclaim the gospel to those who do not follow Christ (v. 26). | 5. 向外看:向还没有跟随基督的人宣讲福音(第26节)。 |
6. Look Forward: Anticipate that Jesus is coming back (v. 26). | 6. 向前看:期待耶稣再来(第26节)。 |
Of those six directions, our passage in 1 Peter 2:6–8 encourages us to look forward and anticipate that Jesus is coming back and that when he does, “the honor is for you who believe.” | 在这六个方向中,我们在彼得前书2:6-8中的经文鼓励我们期待和等待耶稣再来,当祂回来的时候,“对你们信的人是宝贵的。” |
4.4. Pray for the Bread, and Eat | 4.4.为饼祝祷,领用饼 |
Now Pastor _______ will lead us in prayer before we celebrate by eating the bread. | 现在由______牧师带领我们祷告,然后一起吃饼庆祝。 |
“Jesus said, ‘This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me’” (1 Cor11:23–24). | “耶稣说:‘这是我的身体,为你们擘开的;你们应当这样行,为的是记念我。”(哥林多前书11:23-24) |
4.5. Pray for the Juice, and Drink | 4.5.为杯祝祷,领用杯 |
Now Pastor _______ will lead us in prayer before we celebrate by drinking the juice. | 现在由______牧师带领我们祷告,然后一起喝果汁庆祝。 |
“‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Cor 11:25–26). | “’这杯是我用我的血所立的新约,你们每逢喝的时候,应当这样行,为的是记念我。‘你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,就是宣扬主的死,直等到祂来。”(哥林多前书11:25-26) |
5. Benediction | 5.祝祷结束 |
May you continually come to Christ, the living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious. | 愿你不断地来到基督面前,这块被人拒绝的活石,却在神的眼里是所拣选所珍贵的。 |
Amen. | 阿们! |
2 The Elder Affirmation of Faith adds, “We believe that God’s intentions, revealed in the Bible, are the supreme and final authority in testing all claims about what is true and what is right. In matters not addressed by the Bible, what is true and right is assessed by criteria consistent with the teachings of Scripture.” 我们教会的《长老信仰告白》还说:“我们相信,圣经中所启示的上帝的意旨,是最高和最终权威,用来检验所有关于什么是真实和什么是正确的主张。在圣经没有涉及的问题上,什么是真实和什么是正确,则要用符合圣经教导的标准来评估。”
3 See John Piper, “What’s the Comfort If the Coronavirus Is Judgment?” Ask Pastor John, 11 May 2020,
5 John Piper, “They Were Destined to Disobey God: 1 Peter 2:4–8, Part 2,” Look at the Book, Desiring God, 24 November 2015,