Scheduling our task

Scheduling our task

作者: _浅墨_ | 来源:发表于2022-02-12 09:25 被阅读0次

Scheduling our task is a great way to ensure we can complete all of our work on time.

If we have a reason to work, it's much easier to find the energy to accomplish whatever we need to do. After all, by definition, motivation requires a motive.

For example, if we know that we need to be up before 7 am for an important meeting, we probably won't have a desire to sleep in, or at least we will be much more motivated to get out of bed when our alarm clock begin to ring.

Elon Musk schedules his day by creating "time blocks" of five minutes. We don't need to go to that level of time management, but we can break down our day into segments of 30 or 60 minutes.

If we know what we are supposed to do each hour, we can improve our overall level of productivity.

2022.02.12 morning
Shanghai Hongqiao



      本文标题:Scheduling our task
