AI means what?

AI means what?

作者: E_H_I_P | 来源:发表于2017-12-09 21:03 被阅读0次

  In the hunt for AI,I have discovered that computer have far suppassed humans in many fields,but are unlikely to put us out of business yet ? Because these super machines have not come close to capturing the true natue of our intelligence.But I also learned how closely our intelligence is linked to our biology .And that perhas the secret to creating thinking machines lies in letting them develop like we do.

  Maybe we have become obessed with our abilities.And are blined by being human.Whether we should be bothering to try and recreate what is us.,when machines can do something so different to what human being can .

  The potential machines had to generate a new kind of intelligence,that has its own distinct identity.


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