每日听英语20(Lesson26 Where is it?)

每日听英语20(Lesson26 Where is it?)

作者: 生命中最美的是成长 | 来源:发表于2023-12-25 00:00 被阅读0次

Lesson 26 Where is it?

Is there a clean cup on the floor?

No,there isn’t one on the floor.

There’s a clean one on the table.

Is there a large box on the shelf?

No,there isn’t one on the shelf.

There’s a large one on the floor.

Is there an empty glass in the refrigerator?

No,there isn’t one in the refrigerator.

There’s an empty one in the cupboard.

Is there a sharp knife on the tin?

No,there isn’t one on the tin.

There’s a sharp one on the plate.

Is there a dirty fork on the plate?

No,there isn’t one on the plate.

There’s a dirty one on the tin.

Is there a full bottle in the cupboard?

No,there isn’t one in the cupboard.

There’s a full one in the refrigerator.

Is there a blunt pencil on the table?

No,there isn’t one on the table.

There’s a blunt one on the desk.

Is there a small spoon in the glass?

No,there isn’t one in the glass.

There’s a small one in the cup.


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