第四单元 工农业发展 加强中德在创新领域的合作

第四单元 工农业发展 加强中德在创新领域的合作

作者: 5765f3fa240e | 来源:发表于2020-05-09 11:32 被阅读0次

两国发表以“共塑创新”为主题的《中德合作行动纲要》,our two countries issued a joint program of action on cooperation, with the theme of shaping the future together

这是迄今为止中德之间内容最为丰富的一份共同文件,也是指导两国中长期创新合作的总规划。It is so far the most substantial joint document and the master plan on mid- to long-term innovation cooperation between our two countries.

中国人常说,三年有成。We Chinese often say, three years is a natural cycle for making real progress.

三年来,在两国各界人士共同努力下,中德创新合作迈出坚实步伐。over the past three years, with the concerted efforts of people from all sectors, China-Germany innovation cooperation has taken solid steps.

两国有关部门分别发表《中国战略》、《德国战略》,开创了大国科技合作的先例。The competent departments of our two countries respectively issued the China Strategy and Germany Strategy, which is the first of its kind for science and technology cooperation between major countries.

两国合作建设的首条“工业4.0”示范线在沈阳落地,这是“中国制造2025”与德国“工业4.0”对接的果实。We jointly built the first “Industry 4.0” demonstration production line in Shenyang, a concrete result of cooperation between “Made in China 2025” and “Industry 4.0”.

中车集团和西门子公司联袂生产的地铁机车出口到美国、巴西等国,展现出三方合作的生命力。Metro trains jointly developed by CRRC (China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation) and Siemens are sold to the United States, Brazil and other countries, showing the dynamism of China-Germany cooperation in third countries.

两国科研机构和企业开创 “2+2” 合作模式,搭起了科研成果与市场应用之间的“高架桥”。Our research institutions and companies have created the “2+2” cooperation model, building a bridge connecting research findings and market application.

沈阳、青岛、芜湖、揭阳、太仓等各具特色的中德产业园区蓬勃发展,正在成为中德创新合作的高地。Sino-Germany industrial parks in Shenyang, Qingdao, Wuhu, Jieyang and Taicang, each with its distinctive features, have emerged as the front runner of our innovation cooperation.

强有力的创新伙伴关系,为中德务实合作装上了大功率“引擎”。Strong partnership for innovation has provided a powerful engine for China-Germany practical cooperation.

这些年,全球贸易持续低迷,而中德双边贸易总体保持稳定。In recent years, despite sluggish global trade, the trade between China and Germany has been stable overall.

据德方统计,去年双边贸易额达1700亿欧元,中国首次成为德国最大的贸易伙伴国,双边贸易占中欧贸易的30%。According to German statistics, our two-way trade reached 170 billion euros last year. For the first time, China has become Germany’s largest trading partner, and bilateral trade volume now accounts for 30% of total China-EU trade.

两国贸易的技术含量和附加值逐渐提高,The technological content and added value in our trade have been steadily increasing.

德国对华出口中机电产品和化工产品约占80%,自华进口中机电产品约占2/3。About 80% of German exports to China are mechanical and electrical products and chemical products, and 2/3 of German imports from China are mechanical and electrical products.

两国投资合作由“单行道”进入“双向道”。Investment cooperation between the two countries have moved from a one-way street onto a two-way lane.

德国企业仍视中国为海外投资重要目的地,German companies still see China as a key destination for investment.


Investment by Chinese companies in Germany has been fast expanding, exceeding 10 billion US dollars in accumulative terms.

in the making :在形成中,在制造中

当前,全球经济面临深刻调整,The global economic landscape has been undergoing deep readjustment.

新一轮世界科技革命和产业变革孕育兴起,A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are  in the making.

为各国创新合作带来了前所未有的机遇 This has presented unprecedented opportunities for innovation cooperation among countries.

德国基础研究领先,科技实力雄厚,发明创造众多,工匠精神蜚声世界,是公认的创新强国。Germany excels in basic research, technology, invention and workmanship, and is well-known for being an innovative powerhouse.


adj. 羽毛生齐的;羽翼丰满的;经过充分训练的;成熟的

中国市场规模巨大,人力资源丰富,产业体系齐全,互联网经济快速发展,在创新方面拥有得天独厚的优势。China, on its part, has a big market, abundant Human Resources, full-fledged industrial system, and fast-growing Internet economy, which provide unique advantages in innovation.

中德创新资源禀赋高度互补,可谓创新合作的“黄金搭档”。Such a strong complementarity in innovation resources has made our two countries natural partners.


China is ready to enhance its golden partnership on innovation with Germany to multiple knowledge, added value and innovation efficiency through cooperation and boost our all-round cooperation with an upgraded innovation partnership.



      本文标题:第四单元 工农业发展 加强中德在创新领域的合作
