adj.有关土地的; 耕地的 农业的, 土产的;土地的
The 8th Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Agriculture and Agrarian Development 第八届金砖国家农业部长会议
commendable 值得称赞的
rest on one’s laurels 满足于已有的成就,固步自封
be complacent about 沾沾自喜,洋洋自得
assistant director general 助理总干事
SDGs 可持续发展目标
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)
ratify v.批准
the important resolutions that we are going to ratify arising out of the work done by our technical teams. 由我们技术团队起草的重大决议的批准
important forward-looking decisions 重要的前瞻性决定
With this population lies challenges of poverty, food insecurity and the effects brought about by climate change as it affects production levels. 我们的人民面临着许多挑战,包括贫困、粮食安全问题以及气候变化对生产造成的影响。
With the clock ticking toward the 2030 deadline for meeting the international goals to eradicate hunger and poverty, Ministries of Agriculture in five of the world’s most important emerging economies are well positioned to take a leading role in helping to achieve these objectives. 2030年是实现消除饥饿和贫困全球目标的最后期限,随着时间的逐步推进,世界上最重要的五大新兴经济体的农业部有能力在帮助实现这些目标方面发挥引领作用。
FAO made an observation that 粮农组织曾经说道
Assistant Director General and FAO’s Regional Representatives for Asia and Pacific, Kundhavi Kadiresan 粮农组织助理总干事和亚太区域代表昆德哈维·卡迪瑞桑
targeted social protection 有针对性的社会保障
the rural non-farm economy 农村非农经济的发展
Agriculture can be a driver of sustained and inclusive rural growth. 农业可以成为农村可持续和包容性发展的驱动力。
In low-income countries, growth originating from agriculture is twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth originating from other sectors of the economy. 农业增长在减贫方面的成效是其他经济领域的两倍。
hi-tech competitive edge 高科技方面的竞争优势
through our collegiality as BRICS countries 通过我们的金砖伙伴关系
intratrade 内部贸易
Through our collegiality as BRICS countries, I plead that lets hand-hold each other, lets share information and experiences in our scientific and technological advances that each one of us has. As BRICS block, we must be driven by the great sense of solidarity than competition, brotherhood than enmity and increasing intratrade. 通过我们金砖伙伴关系,我恳请大家携起手来,分享各国在科技进步方面的信息和经验。作为金砖集团国家,我们必须以团结而非竞争、友谊而非敌意的方式推动前进,通过不断增长的区域内贸易激励前行。
Economic indicators show that agriculture in many parts of the world, no less in our country, carries a potential of being a larger contributor (than it is) to national GDPs thereby representing a sunshine economic sector that we must nurture for prosperity of our nations. 经济指标显示,世界上许多国家的农业和我们国家的一样具有发展潜力,可以为GDP作出更大贡献。因此,我们必须培育这一阳光经济领域,以促进各国的繁荣。
We must embrace the technological takeover that is replacing old agricultural methods of doing agricultural business. There are necessary disruptions that put us on a hi-tech competitive edge with younger generations becoming the masters of the new technological revolution in the sector. 我们必须接受科技取代旧的农业经营模式。随着年轻一代将成为农业领域新技术革命的主导者,要想获得高科技方面的竞争优势,必然要经历新旧交替的混乱。
deliberation [di,libə'reiʃən] n. 审议;考虑;从容;熟思 [ 复数 deliberations ]
I therefore wish you well and good deliberations. 预祝本次会议圆满成功!
surmount v.克服;登上;越过
continuum n.连续统一体
enormity [i'nɔ:məti] n. 巨大;暴行;极恶 [ 复数 enormities ]
Ministers and Deputy Ministers 各位部长和副部长们
I am confident that significant progress will be achieved today which will make a revolutionary continuum from Nanjing decisions so that we surmount the enormity of the challenges confronting our nation states. 我相信,我们今天将取得重大进展,这标志着南京决定的革命性延续,因而我们能够克服我们民族国家所面临的巨大挑战。