Markdown and Typora Intro

Markdown and Typora Intro

作者: _TheSpecialOne | 来源:发表于2017-10-10 22:50 被阅读56次

    Markdown and Typora Intro

    Typora is a software for Mac to support the markdown.

    Readable & Writeable

    Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate the content itself.

    • Distractions Free

    • Seamless Live Preview

    • What You See Is What You Get

    Simple, yet Powerful


    1. Using markdown syntax to insert images into your content.

      ![](url|local path)

      For instance,

    2. Using shortcut cmd + option + i to insert snappet into your content


    Markdown had defined 5 different size about headers.

    • One-level header

      1. Markdown syntax

         # One level header

        One level header

      2. Press cmd + 1 , then input your header.

    • Secondary-level header

      1. Markdown syntax

        ## secondary level header

        Secondary level header

      2. Press cmd + 2 , then input your header.

    • Third-level header

      1. Markdown syntax

        ### Third level header

        Third level header

      2. Press cmd + 3 , then input your header.

    • Forth-level header

      1. Markdown syntax

        #### Forth level header

        Forth level header

      2. Press cmd + 4, then input your header.

    • Fifth-level header

      1. Markdown syntax

        ##### Fifth level header
        Fifth level header
      2. Press cmd + 5, then input your header.


    Markdown defineded Unordered List,Ordered List,Task List, those lists basiclly fullfill our needs.

    Unordered List

    Markdown syntax or using shortcut to insert unordererd list into your content.

    - Apple
    - Mango
    - Banana

    Or, Press cmd + option + u in Typora.

    • Apple
    • Mango
    • Banana

    And you could arrange nested lists like a rich editor, by tab and shift + tab key, here the nested unordered list.

    - Animal
      - Monkey
      - Horse
      - Tiger
    - Bird
      - parrot
      - sparrow
    • Animal
      • Monkey
      • Horse
      • Tiger
    • Bird
      • parrot
      • sparrow

    Ordered List

    Markdown syntax of the ordered list is the simplest, but notice the indentation,

    1. Apple
    2. Mango
    3. Banana
    1. Apple
    2. Mango
    3. Banana

    Or, press cmd + option + o in Typora.

    Task list

    GFM task list supported. Able to manage simple todos in a markdown file.

    - [x] Python
    - [ ] C#
    - [ ] Java
    - [ ] Javascript
    - [ ] C
    - [ ] SQL

    Or, press cmd + option + x to insert task list in Typora.

    • [x] Python
    • [ ] C#
    • [ ] Java
    • [ ] Javascript
    • [ ] C
    • [ ] SQL

    Cool, huh 😀


    At first, it give me a suprise that markdown support tables, but when i start to using it, I've got to say it's amazing , really helps me a lot.

    For instance, I create a table below.

    Name Age Club
    Ronaldo 32 Real Madrid
    Messi 31 Barcelona

    The markdown code goes like this,

    | Name    | Age  | Club        |
    | :------ | ---- | ----------- |
    | Ronaldo | 32   | Real Madrid |
    | Messi   | 31   | Barcelona   |

    Seems a little complated, if you do it manully, but in Typora , you could just press cmd + T to popup a window to choose how many columns and rows you need, the best part is you can adjust the row counts and columns counts while you fulfill the value in table.

    Code Fences

    Code changes world, Steve Jobs used to claim that everyone should learn to program.

    Markdown support nearlly all the popular programming language you can find in the world, and highlight the code at wonderful way.

    Here's some explams:

    • C#

      // A Hello World! program in C#.
      using System;
      namespace HelloWorld
          class Hello 
              static void Main() 
                  Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
                  // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
                  Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
    • Java

       *  Compilation:  javac HelloWorld.java
       *  Execution:    java HelloWorld
       *  Prints "Hello, World". By tradition, this is everyone's first program.
       *  % java HelloWorld
       *  Hello, World
       *  These 17 lines of text are comments. They are not part of the program;
       *  they serve to remind us about its properties. The first two lines tell
       *  us what to type to compile and test the program. The next line describes
       *  the purpose of the program. The next few lines give a sample execution
       *  of the program and the resulting output. We will always include such 
       *  lines in our programs and encourage you to do the same.
      public class HelloWorld {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // Prints "Hello, World" to the terminal window.
              System.out.println("Hello, World");
    • Javascript

      function fn(s){
      fn('Hello World')

    • Python

    def fn(s:str)->str:
    fn('Hello World')  

    And So on, now, let me show you how the markdown syntax do the magic.

     def fn(s:str)->str:
     fn('Hello World')  

    Using ``` language name ``` will do the trick!

    Or, if you are using Typora , you could just press cmd + alt + c to insert the code fances.



        本文标题:Markdown and Typora Intro
