
作者: 偶是星爷 | 来源:发表于2017-05-17 16:14 被阅读19次

ProvisionQL - Quick Look for ipa & provision

Thumbnails exampleThumbnails example

Inspired by number of existing alternatives, the goal of this project is to provide clean, reliable, current and open-source Quick Look plugin for iOS & OSX developers.

Thumbnails will show app icon for .ipa or expiring status and device count for .mobileprovision. Quick look preview will give a lot of information, including UUIDs, devices, certificates and much more.

Supporting file types:

  • .ipa - iOS packaged application
  • .app - iOS application bundle
  • .appex - iOS/OSX application extension
  • .mobileprovision - iOS provisioning profile
  • .provisionprofile - OSX provisioning profile

More screenshots

License: MIT.


Check out these great alternatives:

Tutorials based on this example:

Installation from Homebrew Cask

Homebrew cask is the easiest way to install binary applications and quicklook plugins.
If you have homebrew - use 3 lines below and you are ready.

# Cask install
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install brew-cask

# ProvisionQL install
brew cask install provisionql

Installation from Xcode project

Just clone the repository, open ProvisionQL.xcodeproj and build active target. Shell script will place generator in ~/Library/QuickLook and call qlmanage -r automatically.

Manual installation

  • Download archive with latest version from the Releases page.
  • Move ProvisionQL.qlgenerator to ~/Library/QuickLook/(current user) or /Library/QuickLook/(all users).
  • run qlmanage -r to refresh Quick Look plugins list.



