【JIRA】Backlog management 积压工作管理

【JIRA】Backlog management 积压工作管理

作者: 乔兔JobsRabbit | 来源:发表于2016-07-15 19:11 被阅读1074次

    We have collected some frequently asked questions about Backlog Management in JIRA Portfolio.
    以下是在JIRA 组合管理功能中经常会被问到的积压工作管理问题


    Can you assign an entity to more than one theme?

    The general rule is that the lowest level entries in the hierarchy can only be assigned to one theme. Thus, stories can only be be assigned to a single theme. If an epic has several child stories assigned to different themes, the epic implictly is then assigned to multiple themes. If an epic does not have child stories, it can only be assigned to a single theme. The reason for this is that we want to report on resource allocation, thus it needs to be deterministic, to which theme an effort is assigned to in order to avoid start splitting up or double-counting efforts towards multiple themes.
    一般的规则是最底层结构中的条目 只能分配给一个主题。因此,故事(用户情景)只能被分配到一个主题。如果一个史诗故事有几个子故事分配给不同的主题,然后史诗故事则意味着被分配给多个主题。如果一个史诗故事没有子故事,那么它只能分配给一个单一主题。原因是我们想要报告出在资源分配上的工作量情况,工作量主题分配是为了避免割裂或者在多个主题上重复计算工作量。

    JIRA doesn't have a "theme" issue type by default. How do you add themes?

    Themes are defined directly within the portfolio plan. Navigate to Reports > Themes to add or edit existing themes and define a target allocation of effort, which you want to compare with actuals.
    主题默认定义在项目组合计划中。当导航到 报告>主题,可以添加或编辑现有的主题,还可以定义一个结合了你的绩效来进行比较的工作量分配目标。

    Can initiatives contain multiple themes?

    Yes. This is possible if an initiative consists of multiple epics and stories which are assigned to different themes. In this case, you'll see at the initiative level that the initiative contains multiple themes. If an initiative is not broken down into child items, then only a single theme can be assigned.

    Work Item Hierarchy (Plans, Initiatives, Epics, Stories)

    Will there be additional levels of backlog categorization? How many levels are supported in the taxonomy?

    With Portfolio, you first can have one or multiple portfolio plans, each plan
    can be either cross-team/cross-project, or focused on one particular project. Within a plan, work items are structured into three actual levels of hierarchy:
    Initiative > Epic > Story.

    Below stories, you can have sub-tasks directly in JIRA. Subtasks are not explicitly represented in Portfolio, but they are considered for aggregated progress tracking and reporting. The structure is orthogonal to JIRA Projects, so you can pull data from multiple JIRA Projects into one portfolio plan. Additionally, the issues can be assigned to themes (which typically will represent higher-level business objectives or resource investment buckets). While themes are the highest-level items, they don't actually represent an extra level in the hierarchy since the items within an initiative can contribute to different themes.

    Backlog management



          本文标题:【JIRA】Backlog management 积压工作管理
