- 重载算术运算符
data class Point(val x: Int,val y:Int){
operator fun plus(other: Point): Point { // operator关键字修饰plus函数:a + b = a.plus(b)
return Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)
operator fun Point.plus(other: Point) : Point{...}//也可用扩展函数定义
Point(10,20) + Point(30,40) == Point(40,60)
operator fun Point.unaryMinus(): Point { return Point(-x,-y) } // -a
表达式 |
函数名 |
a * b |
times |
a / b |
div |
a % b |
mod |
a + b |
plus |
a - b |
minus |
+a |
unaryPlus |
-a |
unaryMinus |
!a |
not |
++a |
inc |
--a |
dec |
operator fun Point.times(scale: Double) : Point { .... } // Point(10,20) * 1.5 == Point(15,30)
operator fun Double.times(p: Point) : Point { .... } // 1.5 * Point(10,20) == Point(15,30)
operator fun Char.times(count: Int) : String { .... } // 'a' * 3 == "aaa"
中缀运算符 |
作用 |
shl |
带符号左移 |
shr |
带符号右移 |
ushr |
无符号右移 |
and |
按位与 |
or |
按位或 |
xor |
按位异或 |
inv |
按位取反 |
0x0F and 0xF0 == 0
0x0F or 0xF0 == 255
- 重载复合赋值运算符
通常定义了plus、times ,+=、*=也生效
val numbers = ArrayList<Int>()
numbers += 42 // numbers[0] == 42
operator fun <T> MutableCollection<T>.plusAssign(element:T) { this.add(element) }
- 重载比较运算符
- == 等于Java的equals, === 等于Java的 ==
- override fun equal(obj: Any? : Boolean { ... } //就是重写 ==,没有用operator 关键字
- data类型编译器会默认实现 equals
- compareTo 和Java一样
class Person(val firstName: Stirng,lastName: String) : Comparable<Person> {
override fun compareTo(other: Person) : Int {
return compareValuesBy(this,other,Person::lastName,Person::firstName)
- 集合与区间的约定
operator fun Point.get(index: Int) : Int{
return when(index){
0 -> x
1 -> y
else -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("...")
operator fun Point.set(index: Int,value: Int) {
return when(index){
0 -> x = value
1 -> y = value
else -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("...")
val p = Point(10,20) // p[1] == 20
p[0] = 20 // p[0] == 20
operator fun get(rowIndex: Int,colIndex: Int)
- a in c 相当于 c.contains(a) :
operator fun Obj.contains(p: Type) : Boolean
- start..end 相当于 start.rangeTo(end) ! ..优先级低于算术运算符 ! :
operator fun <T: Comparable<T>> T.rangeTo(that : T) : ClosedRange<T>
- for循环 对应 iterator(和Java相同)
operator fun CharSequece.iterator() : CharIterator
- 结构声明和组件函数
val p = Point(10,20)
val (x,y) = p // x == 10 y == 20
class Point(val x: Int,val y: Int) { //componentN:N<=5 只能到前五个
operator fun component1() = x
operator fun component2() = y
- 委托属性
class Delegate {
operator fun getValue(...) {..}
operator fun setValue(...,value: Tyep) {..}
class Foo{
var p: Type by Delegate() //通过 Delegat来对p操作
- kotlin有个懒加载 by lazy()就是使用委托
class Person(val name: String){
val emails by lazy { loadEmails(this) }
- 实现委托属性(原理) P198 7.5.3 代码清单 7.19-24
- 一个操作数据库框架exposed就是通过委托实现