

作者: 陆满庭 | 来源:发表于2022-01-19 13:52 被阅读0次

    Different species can't breed, apart from some exceptions like lions and tigers, or donkeys and horses.

    * 不同的物种不能繁育后代,除了一些例外,如狮子和老虎之间,或驴和马之间。

    * apart from ...:除了、除…以外

    * species ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 种类;(单复同)物种

    * breed [breed][briːd] v. 繁殖;养育

    * exception [ik-'sep-shuhn][ɪk'sepʃn] n. 例外;不合规则

    * donkey ['dong-kee]['dɒŋki] n. 驴

    What stops species from producing offspring and what's the biggest species separation that can produce offspring?

    * 是什么阻止了(不同)物种之间繁衍后代?能繁衍后代的最大物种大小差异是多少?

    * offspring ['awf-spring, 'of-]['ɒfsprɪŋ] n. 后代;子孙;产物

    * separation [sep-uh-'rey-shuhn][ˌsepə'reɪʃn] n. 间隔,差异

    Picture the information that is given from the mommy tiger and the daddy donkeys like zippers.

    * 想象一下老虎妈妈和驴爸爸的情况,就像拉链一样。

    * mommy ['mom-ee]['mɒmi] n. 妈咪,妈妈

    * daddy ['dad-ee]['dædi] n. <口>爸爸

    * zipper ['zip-er]['zɪpə] n. 拉链

    Tiger zippers have really big teeth like a snowsuit.

    * “老虎拉链”的齿非常大,例如雪地服(的拉链)。

    * teeth 原型:tooth [tooth][tuːθ] n. 牙齿;这里指拉链咬合的一个个小齿状物;

    * snowsuit ['snoh-soot]['snəʊsjuːt] n. 孩童用防雪装

    Donkey zippers have really small teeth like those on a delicate piece of clothing.

    * “驴子拉链”的齿则真的非常小,就像那些精致衣服上的拉链锯齿一样。

    * delicate ['del-i-kit]['delɪkət] adj. 精美的;精致的

    If you try to zip the one side of the snowsuit to the other side of the delicate clothes it just won't go.

    * 如果你试着把雪地服的一边拉链与精致衣服的另一边拉链拉合,它就是拉不动。

    * zip [zip][zɪp] v. 拉拉链

    If the two zippers were similar enough though - like a horse /donkey or lion / tiger... they may just fit.

    * 而如果某两个拉链足够相似,例如像马和驴,或者狮子与老虎……,它们可能正好合适。

    * fit [fit][fɪt] v. 适合;适宜

    Not perfectly but they might fit.

    * 不太完美,但可能适合。

    * perfectly ['pur-fikt-lee]['pɜːfɪktli] adv. 无瑕疵地;完美地



