

作者: diplomaticoffic | 来源:发表于2019-07-17 21:36 被阅读0次

Today,we went to Stanford University to finish our presentation. In the morning ,we spent 55 minutes present ing our task. I only present one thing before Hawk presented the microworld. When the  local student asked whether I can work on my own  or with Hawk. I said seperarely,but Hawk insisted together. He then. asked me lots of ideas,but since yesterday,s things ,I don,t want to talk to him anymore. At noon,we ate our final dinner at Stanford. I took to much,because I saw  them took to many things for salad. I wasted nearly a half.After lunch,I stayed in the self —study room. Then,we had our presentation. Unfortunately,we don,t have ppt,we arranged in the last. I was more regret that I let Hawk chose I write on the board and he speaks first. It means I had less chance to perform myself in front of the teacher. And actually ,Hawk destroyed the presentation and our relationship as he makes the speech worse by not agree my idea,it was quite lucky that it didn't have prize for the presentation. 

In the evening,we had our first traditional American food in the cheese factory in California. It was  quite delicious. And it is my first time to sit next to Emily. We took lots of pictures. We also worn the  formal school uniform suits. 

Tomorrow,we will go to Los Angeles. Hope I can have a great time there.




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