
作者: Andy_7469 | 来源:发表于2020-04-19 16:46 被阅读0次

班级:L3-C 姓名:Andy 学号:20193000808

日期:2020/4/19 作业序号(writing assignment No):005


Some people believe that some internet websites should be restricted to prevent people from accessing sex or violent sites. To what extend do you agree with this opinion.

Generally speaking, it is correct to restrict people from accessing violent pornographic websites. Especially for teenagers, their worldview is still being formed. If they are allowed to preview these undesirable content at will, this will affect their thoughts and behaviors, which may increase the crime rate of young people. In addition, there are many ways people will be exposed to these violent pornographic contents in daily life, so it is more important that people themselves need to consciously resist these contents and guide young people to establish a correct value correctly. So that they will not be affected by these bad content in the future.


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