2020-03-15 作文

作者: 加菜 | 来源:发表于2020-03-15 21:59 被阅读0次

L3-C 学号:20193002128 蔡嘉盈

I think that the team sport is compulsory for student ,it has a lot of advantage for them, and this effect will accompany all of their life.

At first, do some sport may help us build up a good physique and improve our life. But the team sport are more than that, it can build up the relationship with our friend or teammate, even our family

Moreover, through the team sport, we can practice our relationship processing capacity and adaptability, which may help us work in the future. It not only play a game, but also an experience that can not be absent.


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    本文标题:2020-03-15 作文
