Mrs. Bennet有5个女儿,她希望自己的女儿能够嫁给富豪。尤其是当她知道隔壁搬来了一位年收入5000英镑的Mr. Bingley,她让丈夫办一个舞会来撮合她的女儿和Mr. Bingley。舞会开始了,Mr. Bingley和他的朋友Mr. Darcy一起参加了这个舞会,Mr. Bingley和Jane一见钟情,两人一起跳了舞。而Mr. Darcy很傲慢,整个舞会上他都是冷眼旁观一切。
Jane rode horse to visit Mr.Bingley, however, she got wet in the way cause the rainy and got a bad cold. thus, she was settled down in Mr,Bingley. when Elizabeth got this new, she was worried about her and then walked to Mr. Bingley's house. at first, she found miss Bingly was nice to them. but before long, Elizebeth found miss Bingley's conplexion.
Mrs bennet took Jane and Lizz to home with her the youngest daughters. and in Mr Bingley's home, Mrs. Bennetmis misunderstand darcy's meaning, which made Lizz shame, for her prejudicement