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ansible 常用模块:firewalld 使用

ansible 常用模块:firewalld 使用

作者: 重庆思庄 | 来源:发表于2019-12-29 15:02 被阅读0次

    - name: Manage arbitrary ports/services with firewalld


    icmp_block: # The ICMP block you would like to add/remove to/from a zone in firewalld.

    icmp_block_inversion: # Enable/Disable inversion of ICMP blocks for a zone in firewalld.

    immediate: # Should this configuration be applied immediately, if set as permanent.

    interface: # The interface you would like to add/remove to/from a zone in firewalld.

    masquerade: # The masquerade setting you would like to enable/disable to/from zones within firewalld.

    offline: # Whether to run this module even when firewalld is offline.

    permanent: # Should this configuration be in the running firewalld configuration or persist across reboots. As of Ansible 2.3, permanent

    operations can operate on firewalld configs when it is not running (requires firewalld >= 3.0.9).

    Note that if this is `no', immediate is assumed `yes'.

    port: # Name of a port or port range to add/remove to/from firewalld. Must be in the form PORT/PROTOCOL or PORT-PORT/PROTOCOL for port


    rich_rule: # Rich rule to add/remove to/from firewalld.

    service: # Name of a service to add/remove to/from firewalld. The service must be listed in output of firewall-cmd --get-services.

    source: # The source/network you would like to add/remove to/from firewalld.

    state: # (required) Enable or disable a setting. For ports: Should this port accept (enabled) or reject (disabled) connections. The states

    `present' and `absent' can only be used in zone level operations (i.e. when no other parameters but

    zone and state are set).

    timeout: # The amount of time the rule should be in effect for when non-permanent.

    zone: # The firewalld zone to add/remove to/from. Note that the default zone can be configured per system but `public' is default from

    upstream. Available choices can be extended based on per-system configs, listed here are "out of the

    box" defaults. Possible values include `block', `dmz', `drop', `external', `home', `internal',

    `public', `trusted', `work'.

    例子:允许 HTTP访问

    - name: the firewall port for http is open


    service: http

    permanent: true

    immediate: true

    state: enabled



        本文标题:ansible 常用模块:firewalld 使用
