

作者: 猫鱼薄荷Yeah | 来源:发表于2022-05-30 20:59 被阅读0次

Hello, everyone, I'm  Zhen chen li, Before  i talk my good stuff, I'm going to  do a little statement.

First, i think this community activity is me and  people from other countries  Have a video chat,  and we can talk which movie do you like, this kind of stuff, but the resort let me very disappointed:  i only can recording a video to  introduce my good stuff.

I was 10 years old, from Chong Qing,  i like to playing soccer, table tennis, swimming and i like english,.

Let's  talk about i like english, my favorite in english is to watch english  movie, i already watch'd《 Super Sonic》,《 Transformers》 ,《 Kung Fu Panda》and《 Battle of midway》 these movies all are fantastic.

We should really key point of I like table tennis, In table tennis, I'm good at pull the ball, chop and  serve, with  these good move, I always beat my classmate.

Last, thank you for listening, wish you have a good luck.


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