

作者: 平沙 | 来源:发表于2017-04-14 17:34 被阅读142次











Hello, my wonderful teachers and classmate

In the empty and quiet universe, there is a blue planet, its colors are like a pure and clear sapphire. But it's just like the sapphire that was carefully made and scraped of all of its imperfections with thousands of trials by the most skilled craftsmen in the entire universe. This sapphireis what we call: Earth.

After centuries past, Earth was supposed to become amore beautiful place, but when people look at the earth from space. Earth instead is starting to have unusual gray clouds that add imperfection to the perfect Earth centuries ago.

I live in Beijing-the city I thought was a modern and rich city, with the modern thing, this city also has old city preserved throughout the centuries. But, now I am starting to see the environmental damage that we have done: Gray usually is filled in every inch of air. The dark color at all moments warns the people of its deadliness, this environment makes me no longer safely and freely breath and walk. I know, in the past, London England was also the famous“Smog town”, Los Angeles America also had damaging environmentalproblems. But after had work, in the end, the environment was back to how itwas, with green trees and beautiful rivers again.

Beijing, maybe only in China’s largest cities. Now smog covered the entire country of China; streams and under ground water are getting polluted. Once in Lanzhou the polluted water source caused water costhighly increasing, with bottled water about 100 yuans per box. Trees are being cut down, various minerals are being all mined up. This made the entire China’s forest percentage under 20%. With this came the mud slides and air damage. The most important with the highly development of morden industry, liquid wastes,solid wastes, and air wastes are spreading next to us unstopped, making the environment more damaged. Facing the hard challenge, we can’t give up.

But China is just a small portion of Earth. For a long time, Humans made civilization on top of the environment. Almost no one ever thought to give Earth some help or something in return for protecting the Humans. While making our civilization more advanced, We are damaging the Earth in return:Global warming, acid rain, poison leaks, wild animals going extinct. These are what we are facing for the whole Earth. Facing these problems, what can we do?

The Earth giving us all it can provide for us, and with her beautiful environment. We can live here smelling the flowerssweetness, seeing tropical plants, and animal’s differences. Street sides greentrees and red flowers shows Beijing’s beauty, the sea tide with coral reefshowing its secrets. This is what the Earth have offered, we should protect it at a cost.

Earth is only one being, but she is Human’s beautiful home. Help the Earth, protect the Earth, protect the ecosystem, is protecting ourselves. At the same time leave a better place for our sons and grandsons.Even though I am still a student, it’s impossible to help the Humankind too much. But we can still start from doing little things around us. For example,walk more, suggest parents drive less and use buses, useless one-timeaccessories, and help protect the planet. Also, the government should focus on the waste recycling, especially old batteries. Letting us help to protect the environment, being a good volunteer.

We live on the same planet, having the same home, caring about the Earth is caring about our homes. Saving resources is saving our living basics. Earth, providing Human knowledge, is to let human help govern the Earth, protect the Earth, make Eartha better place. She gives us as much resource as she can provide. But for us?We are lucky to be chosen but foolishly make more and more mistakes. Water drops make a lake, piles of dirt makes mountains. Protect the environment, let us all start. My speech ends here, thanks for listening.


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