

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-05-10 19:00 被阅读0次
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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 1:13–16 彼得前书1:13–16
13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 13 所以要准备好你们的心,警醒谨慎,专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所要带给你们的恩典。 14 你们既是顺服的儿女,就不要再效法从前无知的时候放纵私慾的生活。 15 那召你们的既是圣洁的,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁。 16 因为圣经上记着说:“你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。”
This morning our passage takes a turn. In the first twelve verses thus far in chapter 1 of 1 Peter, we have been told of the glorious work of God for believers: (1) born again to a living hope, (2) inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, (3) joy in trials that will ultimately result in praise, glory, and honor, and (4) the privilege of see the sufferings and glories of Christ. Though we are exiles here on earth, Peter has reminded his audience that they are elect exiles, standing upon the true grace of God. See the glorious work of God through Christ and the setting a part of the Spirit for you! 今天早上,我们的经文转了一个弯。在彼得前书第1章的前十二节经文都告诉我们,上帝为信徒们所做的辉煌的工作:(1)重生并有活泼的盼望,(2)有不能朽坏、不能玷污、不能衰残的基业,(3)试炼中的喜乐最终带来称赞,荣耀和尊贵,以及(4)有特权见到耶稣基督的苦难和荣耀。尽管我们是地上的寄居者,但彼得提醒他的听众,他们是被拣选的寄居者,是站在上帝的真实恩典上。藉着基督我们看到上帝的荣耀大工,并由圣灵分别为圣!
But if you’ll recall, Peter’s audience is confused, discouraged, and facing persecution and suffering. Their trials are present and overwhelming. We might imagine Peter’s audience saying, “I know I have a future hope of glory, but what do you have for me right now?” How do we live in the midst of our current trials and suffering? 但是,你还要记得彼得的听众当时正感到困惑,沮丧,面临迫害和痛苦。他们受到的试炼是现实的,势不可挡。我们可以想象彼得的听众说:“我知道我未来有荣耀的盼望,但是这对我现在有什么用?”在当前的试炼和苦难中,我们将如何生活?
We see a shift from what God has done and our identity (the indicatives) to how believers are to live and conduct themselves in this world now (the imperatives). This follows the broad theme of the book in that we get our identity first (elect exiles) before we’re told how to live (stand firm in the true grace of God). We see this throughout 1 Peter, and we see it here. Peter turns from what God has done for us in the new birth to how we live as those born again. We see five commands from 1:13–2:3. This morning we’ll focus on just the first two. 我们看到了一个拐点,从上帝已完成的救恩和我们已有的身份(陈述)转到信徒如何在现在这个世界上生活和行事为人(命令)。这遵循了本书的大主题,即我们首先获得自己的身份(蒙拣选的寄居者),然后被告知如何生活(在上帝的真正恩典里站稳)。我们在彼得前书整卷书中都看到了这一点,在这里也看到了。彼得从上帝在使我们重生中为我们所做的一切转移到我们作为已重生得救的人该如何生活。我们从1章13节–2章3节看到五个命令。今天,我们将关注前两个。
Peter’s main point in our passage (1:13–16) is that believers live to reflect their heavenly hope and true identity.Our lives should reflect our true identity and destination. 彼得在这段经文(1:13–16)中的主要观点是,信徒们的生活应反映他们属天的盼望和真实身份。我们的生活应该反映我们的真实身份和终极去向。
This important to understand for Christians today. Our identity informs our attitude and actions. How? 这对于今天的基督徒来说很重要。我们的身份决定了我们的态度和行动。怎样决定?
In ourpassage we have two commands that Peter gives us to his audience: 在我们的经文中,彼得给他的听众两个命令:
1. Set Your Hope on Future Grace (1:13): “set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” 1.将盼望放在未来的恩典上(1:13):“专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所要带给你们的恩典”
2. Be Holy Like Your Father (1:14–16): “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct” 2.像你们的天父一样圣洁(1:14–16):“那召你们的既是圣洁,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁”
First notice with me the therefore that indicates this shift of Peter’s letter. He goes from mainly recounting God’s glorious work of new birth and all the accompanying glories (e.g., our inheritance, a future salvation, living hope, joy in trials, and privileged insight into spiritual realities) to how they are to live in light of this identity. This ought not to be lost on us. Our lives are to reflect our identity. The commands of God are grounded and rooted in our new life and identity as his children. 首先请与我一起注意“所以”这个词在这里表明了彼得书信的重点在转移。他从叙述上帝荣耀的重生工作以及所有随之而来的荣耀(例如,我们的基业,未来的救赎,活泼的盼望,试炼中的喜乐以及看见属灵现实中的殊荣)转移到他们如何以此身份生活。我们不要忘记。我们的生活将反映我们的身份。上帝的诫命植根于我们的新生命和作为祂的儿女的身份中。
Our hope this morning is not in changing circumstances. Peter, instead, calls for Christians to remember who they are in Christ, and to live out that identity. This is also a reminder for us this morning that what we need is not rescue from hardship, but a Christ-centered perspective in hardship informed by our new birth and future hope. Be heavenly minded so that you are of great earthly good. 我们今天上午所盼望的不是环境的改变。相反,彼得呼吁基督徒要记住自己在基督里的身份,并活出这种身份。这也是在今天上午提醒我们,我们所需要的不是从苦难中解脱,而是需要一个因重生和未来的盼望而有的,以基督为中心的苦难观。要思念天上的事,这样你才能在世上起善良的作用。
1st Command: Set Your Hope on Future Grace 第一条命令:对未来的恩典寄予盼望
13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:13) 13所以要准备好你们的心,警醒谨慎,专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所要带给你们的恩典。 (彼得前书1:13)
The command here is to “set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Hope is not a feeling, but an act of faith. Often for Peter hope and faith are used interchangeably, essentially it means trusting God to fulfill his promises. Faith is trusting God to do what he says he’ll do. Hope is used similarly by Peter. 这里的命令是“专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所要带给你们的恩典。”盼望不是一种感觉,而是一种信心的行动。彼得经常将盼望和信心互换使用,从本质上讲,它意味着相信上帝能够实现祂的应许。信心是相信上帝会做祂说要做的事,彼得说盼望时也是这个意思。
• 1 Peter 1:21 “who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” Hope and faith are used side-by-side. •彼得前书1章21节“藉着他,你们信那使他从死人中复活、又给他荣耀的 神,叫你们的信心和盼望都在于 神” 盼望与信心并排使用。
• 1 Peter 3:5 “For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands,” What does it mean to hope in God? To trust him, or to put your faith in him. •彼得前书3章5节“因为古时仰望 神的圣洁妇女,正是这样装饰自己,顺服丈夫”,对上帝的仰望或盼望意味着什么?信靠祂,或者相信祂。
• 1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Be prepared to respond to those who ask for the hope that is in you, namely your faith or trust in God. •彼得前书3:15“只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为主;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人” 准备好回应那些寻求在你们心中所怀的盼望的人,即对上帝的信心或信靠。
What Peter is calling for in saying “set your hope fully on” future grace, is to call them to trust in God for the future, namely the second coming of Jesus Christ where all will be consummated, and all of God’s promises will be fulfilled. The inheritance will be received, that future salvation will be a present experience, that final result of praise, glory, and honor will be consummated. 彼得在吩咐“将盼望完全放在”未来的恩典上时,就是吩咐他们将未来信靠在上帝那里,耶稣基督将第二次降临,一切都将得到圆满,上帝的应许将全部实现,将会得到基业,将来的救赎将是实在的经历,称赞,荣耀和尊贵将是最终的圆满完美。
We see two manners by which Peter is calling for his listeners to “set their hope” on future grace. He says “preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded.” 我们看到了彼得吩咐听众“将盼望寄托于未来”的两种方式。 他说:“准备好你们的心,警醒谨慎。”
You might notice that your Bible has a footnote indicating that “preparing your minds for action” could be translated more literally as “girding up the lions of your mind.” The image there is of first century men who wore long flowing garments that would have made it difficult or nearly impossible to run or engage in some serious work. To “gird up the loins” is to wrap that extra flowing fabric around and tuck it in so that you could run without tripping and falling. The image is that of getting ready to engage in serious work or labor. 你可能会注意到圣经中有一个脚注,表明“准备好你们的心”可以更字面地直译为“束上你们心中的腰”。初世纪男人的形象是穿着飘飘长袍,使奔跑或从事某些严肃的工作变得困难或几乎不可能。 “束腰”是将多余的衣摆卷起来并塞住,这样你就可以奔跑而不绊倒。就是准备从事认真的工作或劳动的形象。
The modern equivalent is to roll up your shirt sleeves or put on your work clothes when you’re ready to do some yardwork or gardening. Prepare for serious work by putting on the appropriate gear and removing obstacles to accomplishing your work. In this context, Peter’s call to set our hope on the grace that is to be revealed is not a passive byproduct of just breathing. You don’t grow tomatoes, zucchini, and herbs in the garden by wishful thinking, but rather by tilling, digging, planting, and intentional, ongoing labor. 对应于现代的做法是,当你准备整理院子或园艺时,可以卷起衬衫袖子或穿上工作服。 穿上合适的装备并清除完成工作的障碍,为严肃的工作做准备。 在这种语境下,彼得吩咐我们将盼望寄托在将要显现的恩典上,这并不是指我们只要呼吸,盼望就会如副产品一样被动产生。 就好像要在花园里种西红柿、西葫芦和青菜,并不是凭空想想就出来,而是要通过松土,挖土,播种,有意的持续劳动而得来。
Setting our hope on God requires proactive and thoughtful exercise of the mind to meditate and ponder the glorious of our living hope. It requires effort, intentionality, discipline, and concentration, and it does not happen automatically or on autopilot. The Christian life is not passive, but rather engages ones mental faculties and energy to have a disciplined pursuit of Christ. The image is to exercise the hope muscles of our mind by pondering and meditating upon the glorious work of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Call to mind what Christ has accomplished in 1 Peter 1:1–12. We are to dislodge it from the background or storehouses of our brains and bring it to foreground of our hearts and mind. 将我们的希望寄托在上帝身上,需要积极,认真地运用理智,来沉思默想我们永活盼望的荣耀。 它需要努力、刻意、自律和专注。它不会自动发生或自动驾驶。 基督徒的生活不是消极的,而是让他们的智力和精力投入有纪律的对基督的追求。是通过沉思默想圣父、圣子和圣灵的荣耀工作来锻炼我们心中盼望的肌肉。请大家思想基督在彼得前书1:1–12中成就了什么。我们要将其从背景或大脑的储备中挪出带到我们心灵和思想的前景。
This is beautifully illustrated in Lamentations 3. Many of us know verses 22–23, which reads: “22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” But just because these realities are true doesn’t necessarily give us hope unless we remember them. Thus Lamentations 3:21, the verse immediately preceding, says, “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.” How do we have hope? When we call to mind God’s character, accomplishments, and sovereignty. 耶利米哀歌3章中有美好的例子。我们中的许多人都知道22-23节,其中写道:“ 22 耶和华的慈爱永不断绝,他的怜悯永不止息。 23 每天早晨都是新的;你的信实多么广大!” 但是,即使这些现实是真实的,除非我们记住它们,否则并不一定给我们带来盼望。 因此,哀歌3:21说:“但我的心一想起下面这件事,我就有指望。” 我们怎么有指望? 就是在我们想到上帝的品格,成就和主权的时候。
Lamentations 3:24 concludes, “‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” How does the author of Lamentations have hope? When his soul says to himself, “The LORD is my portion.” When he reminds himself of the truths that are real, reassuring, and revealed in God’s word, he takes heart. 耶利米哀歌3:24总结说:“我心里说:‘耶和华是我的业分,所以,我必仰望他。’”耶利米哀歌的作者如何有盼望? 当他的灵魂对自己说:“耶和华是我的业分。” 当他提醒自己真理是真实的,令人放心,并启示在神的话语中,他就会振作起来。
The second way that Peter calls his audience to set their hope is with sober-mindedness. This would be a direct contrast with drunkenness. Instead of drowning your sorrows, fears, anxieties, and present experience of animosity in substances that dull your senses, instead exercise self-control and possess full control of your mind and body. Drunkenness seeks to anesthetize the pain or to drown out the noise of life, to dull ones present experience. Peter instead calls them to prepare, to be sober, and to fix their minds instead on hope. 彼得吩咐听众建立盼望的第二种方式是要警醒谨慎。这与醉酒形成直接对比。不要用此类物质淹没你的悲伤、恐惧、焦虑和现时的负面体验,这些物质只会使你的感觉迟钝,而要操练节制,完全控制自己的心和身。醉酒的目的是麻醉当前的痛苦或淹没生活的喧嚣,对当下的体验感觉麻木。相反,彼得吩咐他们做好准备,警醒谨慎,并把自己的心安放在盼望之上。
One application for us this morning is that we can set our minds on the news. We can let our hopes rise and fall with each and every tweet, news report, Tribune article, or Governor update. Or we can be in such an unprepared state that we are unable to call to mind God’s promises. We may fail to gird up our minds for action. Or we may seek to drown our sorrows, fears, and anxieties by just wishful thinking, closing our eyes and hoping it all goes away. Drowning it all away in alcohol, drugs, that small dopamine hit every time we log onto social media or check our email, or the frenetic pursuit of accomplishment. Instead, we look to the “revelation of Jesus Christ.” Christ’s imminent return signals the consummation of all of God’s promises. We will have all that we have waited for and longed for, preeminently, to see Jesus face to face. Can you imagine the anticipation that is building for true exiles and aliens to finally go home once for all. No more 今天早上我们的一项应用是,我们可能把我们的思想放在新闻上,让我们的盼望就随着每条推文、新闻报道、《论坛报》文章或州长的更新而上下起伏。我们也可能处于一种未准备好的状态,而无法回想起上帝的应许;或者没有在心中束上腰;或者,我们可能只是一厢情愿,闭上眼睛,希望一切都消失掉,以淹没我们的悲伤、恐惧和焦虑。 每当我们登录社交媒体或查看我们的电子邮件或疯狂追求成就时,都像淹没在酒或毒品,带来多巴胺兴奋潮的那一类东西。反之,我们可以定睛于“耶稣基督的显现”,基督即将的来临预示着上帝所有应许的圆满完成,我们将拥有我们一直期待和渴望的一切,超级绝伦的,就是能够面对面地亲见耶稣。你能想象真正的寄居者和客旅对最后终于回到家中的期望吗?不再流亡寄居了
I have a few diagnostic questions for us this morning. Where are our hopes? What do you look forward to and what consumes your mind? Do we mainly long for taking that once-in-a-lifetime vacation? To finally get married? To have children? To finally have financial security? To buy a house? To retire? To hold your grandbabies?Or do you most anticipate or aspire to see Jesus face-to-face? 今天早上我有几个诊断性的问题。 我们的盼望在哪里?你期待着什么,以及什么占据了你的思想?我们是否渴望那千载难逢的度假?终于可以结婚了吗?要孩子吗?终于有了经济保障吗?买房子吗?退休吗?抱你的孙子孙女吗?还是最期望或渴望面对面地亲见耶稣?
Our identity as elect exiles, homesick for our true and lasting hope, awaiting the return of Christ, ought to inform our present experience, and dictate for us how we go about our life. We exercise the faith and hope muscles of our mind to ponder and meditate upon the living hope that we have in Christ. 我们作为蒙拣选的寄居者的身份,为真实和持久的盼望而怀着乡愁,等待着基督的再来,这些应该体现在我们当下的体验中,指挥我们该如何生活。我们操练信心和盼望的心智去思考和默想我们在基督里的永活盼望。
2nd Command: Be Holy Like Your Father 第二命令:像天父一样圣洁
14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:14–16) 14 你们既是顺服的儿女,就不要再效法从前无知的时候放纵私欲的生活。 15 那召你们的既是圣洁的,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁。 16 因为圣经上记着说:“你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。”(彼得前书1:14-16)
Now we come to the second command. Peter calls his readers to “be holy in all [their] conduct.” But notice how he frames this command in verse 14. He begins by appealing to their identity as “obedient children.” Remember back in verse 2 where Peter describes them as “elect exiles” who have been set apart by the Holy Spirit for “obedience to Jesus Christ” because we have been sprinkled by the blood of Christ. This is who we are—obedient children—because we have been rescued out of darkness, brought into God’s marvelous light, a holy nation, and a people ransomed by the precious blood of Christ. Peter does not call them slaves or servants here, but as children who are to resemble their Father. 现在我们来看第二个命令。 彼得呼召他的听众“在一切所行的事上也要圣洁”。 但是请注意他在第14节中如何表达这个命令。他首先指出他们的身份是“顺服的儿女”。请记住,在第2节中,彼得将他们形容为“蒙拣选的寄居者”,藉着圣灵得成圣洁,以致“顺服耶稣基督”,因为我们蒙基督的宝血所洒,这就是我们-顺服的儿女-因为我们已经从黑暗中得救,被带入了上帝奇妙的光明中,成为了圣洁的族类,被基督的宝血所赎的人。彼得在这里不称他们为奴隶或仆人,而是称他们是天父的儿女,要变得像天父一样。
We are to exhibit a family resemblance to our Father in heaven. If you’ve ever seen any of my five children, you’ll very quickly be able to identify them as a “Lee.” They resemble me in facial features, hair color, and skin tone. But have you ever noticed that households and parents and children have similar mannerisms, humor, and sometimes even a distinct smell. Similarly, Peter is calling his readers to resemble their heavenly Father, to look like him, act like him, love like him, and even to have his aroma. 我们最终要与天父相似。 如果你曾经见过我的五个孩子中的任何一个,你很快就能将他们识别为“李”家的孩子。 他们的面部特征,头发颜色和肤色方面与我相似。 但是你有没有注意到家庭,父母和孩子还有相似的举止,幽默感,有时甚至有独特的气味。 同样,彼得在呼召他的听众们要像他们的天父,看起来像祂,像祂一样行事,像祂一样爱人,甚至带有祂的香气。
Our family resemblance to God is contrasted with our former way of life and behavior, what Peter calls our “former ignorance.” This is before they knew Christ, living lives of unrighteousness and ungodliness. We read this later in 1 Peter where is says they are to “put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and evil and all slander” (2:1), “once [they] were not a people but now [they] are God’s people” (2:10), and even highlights that they have ceased from their former way of life: “sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry” (4:3). 我们像上帝的家人是与我们以前的生活方式和举止迥然不同的,彼得称我们为“从前的无知”。 这是在他们认识基督之前,过着不虔不义的生活。 我们稍后在彼得前书中读到这句话,说他们要“除去一切恶毒、一切诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒和一切毁谤的话”(2:1),“ [他们]从前算不得子民,但现在[他们]却作了神的子民”(2:10),甚至强调他们已经从以前的生活方式中退出:“邪淫,私欲,醉酒,荒宴,狂饮,和可憎拜偶像的事”(4:3)。
This call to holiness is to be in accord with “he who called you is holy.” Again highlighting this family resemblance to our heavenly Father who has called us out of our former life as elect exiles. Much like a child obeys their parents because they believe their parents know what is best, wise, and good for our flourishing, we too obey God as our wise and loving Father. 这种圣洁的呼召要与“那召你们的既是圣洁”相符。 再次强调了我们作为蒙拣选的寄居者是被天父从以往的生活呼召出来,是像天父的家人,就像孩子顺服父母一样,是因为他们相信父母知道什么是最好,最明智的,对我们的兴旺有好处,我们也服从上帝,因为祂是全智和全爱的天父。
Just reflect for a moment how our hope (the first command) connects with holiness (in the second command). As we experience trials and challenges, those trials are in the sovereign hands of our loving Father in heaven who uses them to produce holiness and even joy in his children. Through trials we can increasingly becoming more and more like our Father in heaven. Suffering helps clarify for every believer that our hopes cannot be rooted in this world for they will fail. Sufferings makes clear that our hope must be in God—and as we clarify the substance of our hope, we grow in holiness as we trust in our good heavenly Father. 请思考一下我们的盼望(第一个命令)如何与圣洁(在第二个命令中)联系在一起。当我们经历考验和挑战时,这些考验就掌握在我们天上慈父主权的手中,天父使用这些试炼使祂的儿女成为圣洁,乃至喜乐。通过试炼,我们可以越来越像我们的天父。苦难使每个信徒都清楚,我们的盼望不能植根于这个世界,因为这世界终将败坏。苦难清楚地表明,我们的盼望必须在上帝里面;当我们澄清盼望的实质时,我们会在圣洁中成长,因为我们相信自己良善的天父。
This holiness is manifest is no longer participating with the norms of the world, but rather to pattern our lives and behavior after our loving Father. His word is power to create, and this “calling” again indicates that grace precedes the demand for holy and ethical living. The indicative precedes the imperative much like the flow of the letter thus far. God’s people are strangers, exiles, and aliens such that they do not live conformed to the way of this world, but conformed to the standards, rules, laws, and norms of their homeland and culture. Christians are to be shaped by the standards of Christ. 这种圣洁的表现就是我们不再与世界为伍,而是以我们慈爱的天父为榜样来塑造我们的生活和行为。祂的话是创造的力量,这种“呼召”再次表明,恩典先于对圣洁和道德生活的要求。陈述总在命令之前,整封信都是如此。上帝的子民是外人、寄居者和客旅,因此他们的生活不符合这个世界的方式,但符合其天国文化的标准、规则、法律和规范。基督徒要以基督的标准被塑造。
He goes on to give the ground or evidence from citing Leviticus. This quote “You shall be holy, for I am holy” is cited from Leviticus, perhaps specifically Leviticus 19:2, 20:6 or 20:26, but its repeated throughout Leviticus. The call here is for God’s people to reflect God’s character for God’s glory in God’s world. Holiness is befitting or appropriate for God’s people. In the same way a cowboy rides horses and a basketball player dribbles a ball, Christians live holy lives. 他继续引用利未记来提供理由或证据。 利未记,特别是利未记19:2、20:6或20:26“你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的”这句话贯穿着利未记。这里的呼召是上帝的子民要反映上帝的品格,以彰显上帝在上帝世界里的荣耀。圣洁是适合或适宜上帝的子民。 就像牛仔们要骑马,篮球运动员要运球一样,基督徒要过着圣洁的生活。
But one thing I don’t want us to miss in the book of Leviticus. Throughout the book, but in particular chapter 19, we see the repeated refrain “I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:1–4 reads, “1 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy. 3 Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father, and you shall keep my Sabbaths: I am the LORD your God. 4 Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the LORD your God. 但是我不希望我们在利未记中错过一件事。 在整卷利未记中,尤其是在第19章中,我们反复看到“我是耶和华你们的神”。 利未记19:1-4读到:“* 1 耶和华对摩西说: 2 “你要告诉以色列全体会众,对他们说:你们要分别为圣,因为我耶和华你们的 神是圣洁的。 3 各人要孝敬父母,也要谨守我的安息日;我是耶和华你们的 神。 4 你们不可转向偶像,也不可为自己铸造神像;我是耶和华你们的 神。*”
The repeated message throughout Leviticus and especially highlighted in chapter 19, is that Israel’s identity as God’s people informed their behavior. 在利未记中反复出现的信息,尤其是在第19章中特别强调,是以色列人作为上帝子民的身份决定了他们的行为。
• Leviticus 19:9–10, how you reap your fields matters, why? Because “I am the Lord your God.” •利未记19:9-10,如何收割田地很重要,为什么呢?因为“我是耶和华你们的神。”
• Leviticus 19:11–12, you shall not steal or lie, why? Because “I am the Lord” •利未记19:11–12,你不得偷窃或说谎,为什么?因为“我是耶和华”
• Leviticus 19:13–14, don’t oppress your neighbor, why? Because “I am the Lord” •利未记19:13–14,不要压迫你的邻居,为什么呢?因为“我是耶和华”
• Leviticus 19:15–16, don’t be unjust or discriminate against the poor, why? Because “I am the Lord” •利未记19:15–16,不要不公正或歧视穷人,为什么?因为“我是耶和华”
• Leviticus 19:17–18, don’t hate your brother or seek vengeance, why? Because “I am the Lord” •利未记19:17–18,不要恨你的兄弟或寻求报仇,为什么?因为“我是耶和华”
And it goes on and on. Instructions are given for how to treat your daughter, how to honor the elderly, how to treat strangers and sojourners, and how to be just in your business dealings. Each one is followed by “I am the Lord” or “I am the Lord your God.” The point is that your identity as God’s people informs all of life. You allegiance to Jesus transforms what you do, how you live, what you pursue, what you fight for, and every single aspect of life. There is no part of our lives that does not come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. All of us—our every thought and action—belongs to him. He wants us to be conformed to his image in our heads, hearts, and hands. 如此反复重申。这些指示了如何对待你的女儿,如何尊重老人,如何对待外人和寄居者以及如何在商业往来中的指导。每个人后面都跟随着“我是耶和华”或“我是耶和华你的神”。 关键点在于你作为上帝子民的身份会影响你的整个生命。 效忠耶稣会改变你的工作、生活、追求、奋斗以及生活的方方面面。 我们的生活中没有任何一部分不属于耶稣基督的统治。 我们所有人(我们的一切想法和行动)都属于祂。 祂希望我们的思想、心灵和手所做的都符合祂的形象。
Application & Conclusion 应用与结论
We have such glorious good news as believers. We have been born again to a living hope, we have an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, a salvation ready to be revealed, and the glorious privilege of living in this particular moment. But Peter tells us that is not all. We get to resemble our heavenly Father. We are his children, he is our Father, and we have the distinct privilege of increasingly looking more and more like him. If we don’t the Father, we’ll increasingly resemble the holiness of the Father. 我们信徒有如此荣耀的好消息。 我们重生得着永活的盼望,我们拥有不能朽坏、不能玷污、不能衰残的基业,将要显现的救恩,以及在这个特定历史时刻生活的光荣特权。 但是彼得告诉我们,这还不是全部,我们得以变得像我们的天父,我们是祂的孩子,祂是我们的天父,我们拥有变得越来越像祂的专享殊荣,我们将越来越像父亲的圣洁。
One of the stunning things about this passage is that we have been given so much (1:1–12) in Christ. And by God’s grace, and even in the face of trials, we are to set out hope fully on the grace that will be revealed at the coming of Jesus. We intentionally, with determination and intentionality, meditate upon the work of God in Christ, and as we do that, we dislodge misplaced hope, we remove lesser loves and replace it with love for God, we unearth our idols of comfort and security, and replace them with deep longings for Christ return. And as that process takes place, we become more and more who we truly are: obedience and holy children of God. 这段经文令人惊奇的事情之一是,我们在基督里得到了太多(1:1-12)。 靠着上帝的恩典,即使面对试炼,我们也对耶稣再来时将要显现的恩典充满盼望。 我们有决心和刻意地默想上帝在基督里的工作,并且这样做时,我们抛弃了错位的盼望,我们减少别的爱,代之以对上帝的爱,我们用对基督再来的深切渴望代替我们舒适和安全的偶像。 在这个过程中,我们越来越多地成为真正的自己:顺服神和圣洁的儿女。
What I hope this 1 Peter series is doing in us is revealing our tendency to trust in lesser things: not our health, not in the government, not in vaccines, not in antibody tests, but rather our hope is in Christ, and as we trust in him and eagerly await his return, we increasingly live holy lives that resemble our heavenly Father. 我希望这卷彼得前书在我们里面做工,使我们所信靠的:不是我们的健康,不是政府,不是疫苗,不是抗体测试,而是我们在基督里的盼望,当我们信靠祂并热切地等待祂的再来时,我们过着越来越像我们天父般圣洁的生活。
How amazing is it to think that if you’re a believer, you right now look more like Jesus than a child of Satan. Peter tells us that we are his possession, redeemed, and we have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light. We were once not his people—we were enemies, strangers, and outsiders. But now, if we are trusting in Jesus, we are not only is adopted children, brought into his family, we now look like Jesus. And by God’s grace we will increasingly be conformed to his image and resemble—in every aspect of our lives—more and more like Jesus. 如果你是一个基督信徒,现在看起来更像耶稣,而不是撒旦的孩子,那真是太神奇了。 彼得告诉我们,我们是祂的产业,已经得赎,我们从黑暗中被召唤到祂奇妙的光明中。 我们曾经不是祂的子民,而是敌人、陌客和局外人。 但是现在,如果我们相信耶稣,我们不仅是被领养的孩子,被带入祂的家庭,我们现在看起来也像耶稣。 靠着上帝的恩典,我们将越来越符合祂的形像,并在我们生活的每个方面都越来越像耶稣。
Some of us don’t like the idea of family resemblance. For example, I’m taller than my dad, but he was the tallest of all his brothers and sisters. And he has all white hair so I’m anticipating the day when I get white hair. Or diabetes runs through my family so I know I need to cut back on the pop and dessert. There are some family resemblance things that are positive, neutral, and some negative. But as children of God, there are only positive things. We will resemble Christ so that we are more holy, more loving, more steadfast, more gentle, more bold, more courageous, more just, more joyful, more peaceful, more patience, more kind, more self-controlled, and more eager for his return. 我们中有些人不喜欢像家人的想法。 例如,我比父亲个子高,但是他是他所有兄弟姐妹中最高的。 而且他有一头白发,所以我期待着有白发的那一天。 糖尿病困扰着我的家族,所以我知道我需要节制饮料和甜点。 有一些家庭相似的东西是正面的,中立的和负面的。 但是作为上帝的儿女,只有积极正面的事情。 我们将像基督一样,使我们更加圣洁,更有爱,更坚定,更柔和,更壮胆,更勇敢,更公正,更喜乐,更平和,更耐心,更仁慈,更节制,更渴望祂的再来。
There is broad pervasive lies about holiness. You’re just going to be a stickler, a fuddy-duddy, or a kill-joy. The lie is that you’ll be at home staring at your naval and berating yourself for your sins. That can’t be further from the truth. Followers of Jesus, who have a living hope, an indestructible inheritance, and the glorious privilege of partaking in these realities, we can explode with joy in the pursuit of Christ-likeness and increasing holiness because of who God is and what he has done. To disdain holiness is to work against all the good that God has in store for us and how he is at work in us for our good. 关于圣洁,有着这样流传甚广的谎言,就是你将成为一个固执己见,一个老古板,或一个无趣扫兴的人。这谎言就是,你将在家面壁思过,痛斥自己的罪孽。事实与其相去甚远。 耶稣的追随者们充满活泼的盼望,坚不可摧的基业,以及在这些现实中享有荣耀的特权,我们可以欣喜若狂的向往基督的样式和圣洁,因为我们知道上帝是谁以及祂做了什么。轻视圣洁是要抵挡上帝为我们存留的一切美好,也抵挡上帝为我们的益处而在我们里面所作的工。
If you don’t know Jesus this morning, I want to call you to take your eyes off of lesser, insufficient, and ultimately disappointing hopes, and to set your hope fully on Jesus Christ. He has removed every obstacle so that you could receive the free gift of salvation this morning by recognizing that you cannot save yourself, that your way is ultimately unsatisfying, that you’ve fallen short of his perfect standard, and that you need him. God is glad to extend his work to all those who will confess the name of Christ as their only hope. 如果你今天早上还不认识耶稣,我想呼吁你把视线从不值得的、不足够的并最终令人失望的希望上转移开,将你的盼望完全放在耶稣基督身上。祂清除了所有障碍,愿你今天早上意识到自己无法救自己,自己的方式最终不尽人意,也达不到神的完美标准, 你需要祂,愿你今天上午接受无价的救恩礼物,上帝很高兴接纳所有愿意承认基督是唯一盼望的人。
So while our hope is in Christ, we know—because the very power of God is at work—his grace will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. He’s alive right now, he’s coming back, he will make all that wrong right once again. Where our cries of “how long O Lord” until injustices are done away with, pandemics are put aside, trafficking is abolished, disease is banished, and all manner of brokenness, both in our hearts and in our world, will made right at the revelation of Jesus Christ. And then in that day, in the lyrics of our closing song… 因此,我们的盼望在基督里,我们知道-因为上帝的大能正在做工-祂的恩典将带我们到耶稣基督的显现中。 祂现在还活着,将要再来,祂将要伸张正义,拨乱反正。我们呼喊着“耶和华啊,还要多久”直到:所有不公都被清除,大流行病被除灭,人贩被废除,疾病被消灭,并且我们的心中和世界上的一切败坏都得到纠正,在耶稣基督显现再来时,一切都要归正完美。当那天来临时,我们的崇拜结束圣诗这样唱……
When He shall come with trumpet sound 祂将在荣耀声响中再来
Oh, may I then in Him be found 哦愿我得以被提在祂里面
Dressed in His righteousness alone 单单披着祂公义袍
Faultless stand before the throne 无瑕疵站立祂座前
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论题
Sermon Title: Hope that Leads to Holiness 讲道标题:盼望导致圣洁
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:13–16 讲道文字:彼得前书1:13–16
Main Point: Believers live to reflect their heavenly hope and true identity. 要点:信徒们的生活反映了他们天上的盼望和真实身份。
Outline: 大纲:
1. Set Your Hope on Future Grace (1:13) 1. 寄盼望于未来的恩典(1:13)
2. Be Holy Like Your Heavenly Father (1:14–16) 2. 像天父一样圣洁(1:14–16)
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. How does the “therefore” in verse 13 imply about what came before (1:1–12) and what follows (1:13–2:3)? 1. 第13节中的“所以”如何暗示之前(1:1-12)和之后(1:13-2:3)的内容?
2. What does it mean to “set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ?” 2. “专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所要带给你们的恩典”是什么意思?
3. What are some examples of “preparing your minds for action” and “being sober-minded?” 3. 关于“准备好你们的心”和“警醒谨慎”有哪些例子?
4. What is the significance of being “obedient children” in verse 14? 4. 第14节中成为“顺服的儿女”有什么意义?
5. Take a moment to read Leviticus 19. What do you notice about God’s commands and how they relate to the Israelites identity as his people (e.g., “I am the Lord your God”)? 5. 花一点时间阅读利未记19。你注意到上帝的命令有什么特点?这些命令与以色列人作为祂的子民的身份有何关系(例如,“我是耶和华你们的神”)?
6. How is our conformity to Christ-like holiness a beautiful reality rather than a burdensome command? 6. 我们效法基督的圣洁如何成为美好的现实而不是负担繁重的命令?
Application Questions: 应用问题
1. How can you increasingly “set your hope” on future grace this week? 1. 本周你如何才能对未来的恩典越来越“专心盼望”?
2. What steps can you take to gird up the loins of your mind and be sober-minded in your life? 2. 你可以采取哪些步骤来束上心中的腰,并在生活中保持警醒谨慎?
3. Can you think of any “passions of your former ignorance” that no longer characterize your life as an opportunity to give public praise to God for his work of transformation? 3. 你能想到任何“从前无知,放纵私欲”不再刻画你的生活?抓住这个机会向上帝赞美祂的改造工作。
4. Are there areas of “former ignorance” that need to continually be put to death? 4. 是否还存在着处于“从前无知”的方面需要着手清除?
5. What are some ways we can joyfully strive to pursue Christ-like holiness? 5. 我们可以通过哪些方式快乐地努力追求基督般的圣洁?
Prayer Focus: 祷告重点:
Praise God for all that he has done for us in Christ Jesus (1:1–12) and for making us his children that increasingly resemble our heavenly Father. Confess any areas of sin, such as failing to set your hope on Christ, laziness, drunkenness (literal or spiritual), and losing sight of our identity as his children. Thank God for forgiveness of sins, present and future grace in Christ Jesus, and for Christ’s imminent return. Ask God for well-placed hope in him, and that you would increasingly become who you truly are: a holy and blessed obedient child of God. 赞美神,因为祂在基督耶稣里为我们所做的一切(1:1-12),并且使我们成为祂的儿女,使这些儿女越来越像我们的天父。 承认任何方面的罪,例如未能将盼望放在基督身上,懒惰、醉酒(无论是具体的还是精神上的)以及看不见我们作为祂儿女的身份。 感谢上帝赦免了罪,基督耶稣现在和将来的恩典以及基督的即将来临。 求上帝帮助使你在祂身上寄予厚望,使你逐渐成为自己真正的身份:一个圣洁而蒙福且顺服上帝的孩子。


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    【彼前3:3】你们不要以外面的辫头发、戴金饰、穿美衣为妆饰, 【彼前3:4】只要以里面存着长久温柔、安静的心为妆饰...

  • 彼得前书

    【彼前1:5】你们这因信蒙上帝能力保守的人,必能得着所预备、到末世要显现的救恩。 【彼前1:6】因此,你们是大有喜...

  • 属天盼望是灵魂的锚——《彼得前书》1—5章


  • 雅比斯的祷告

    2021.1.6,继续昨天的生活模式哈哈 ! 上午走路,边走路边听圣经~彼得前书1~5章,彼得后书1~3章 ! 继...

  • 彼得前书导论

    一、作者 传统认为是使徒彼得。 1、内证。 彼前1:1,耶稣基督的使徒彼得。彼得原名是西门,耶稣给他起名叫亚兰语“...


