赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 025 My Fath

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 025 My Fath

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-05-15 04:57 被阅读0次
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    I. Reading 阅读

    My father does the same thing every morning. He gets up at six o'clock. He washes, brushes his teeth and combs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven o'clock he leaves the house. My father has very regular habits.


    II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解

    1. every ['ɛvri] a. 每个
      例: He visits his teacher every Sunday.
    2. morning ['mɔrnɪŋ] n.早上
    3. wash [wɔʃ] vi.洗脸,洗手
      例: My kung fu teacher always washes in cold
    4. brush [brʌʃ] vt.刷
    5. teeth [tiθ] n.牙齿(tooth[tuθ]的复数形)
      one tooth 一颗牙齿
      two teeth 两颗牙齿
    6. comb [kom] vt.用梳子梳(comb也可作名词,表示“梳子”的意思)
      例: Comb your hair. It's a mess.
    7. hair [hɛr] n.头发(不可数)
    8. then [ðɛn] adv.然后
    9. clothes [kloz] n.衣服
      a. clothes是复数,表示“衣服”,但却是不可数名词。不可说:
      a cloth ( X )
      two clothes ( X )
      three clothes ( X )
      但可说:some clothes 一些衣服
      many clothes 许多衣服
      b. clothes是衣服的总称。以下名词则为可数名词。
      上衣:shirt [ʃɝt] n.衬衫
      a shirt, two shirts
      blouse [blaʊs] n.女人的圆领衬衫
      a blouse, two blouses
      coat [kot] n.西装的上装
      a coat, two coats
      裤子:trousers ['traʊzɚz] n.长裤(由于裤管有两个,故始终用复数)
      a trouser ( X )
      two trousers ( X )
      a pair of trousers 一条裤子
      two pairs of trousers 两条裤子
      shorts [ʃɔrts] n. 短裤
      a shorts ( X )
      two shorts ( X )
      a pair of shorts 一条短裤
      two pairs of shorts 两条短裤
      裙:skirt [skɝt] n.裙子
      a skirt, two skirts
      套装:suit [sut] n.男西装(上装及裤子)
      a suit, two suits
      dress [drɛs] n.女用服装(一件式)
      a dress, two dresses
    10. eat [it] vt. 吃
      例: I usually eat a sandwich for lunch.
    11. breakfast ['brɛkfəst] n. 早餐
    12. listen ['lɪsn] vi.倾听(与介词to并用,方可置宾语)
      例: He is listening music. ( X )
      →He is listening to music. ( O )
    13. news [nuz] n.新闻,消息(不可数)
      a piece of news 一则消息
      例: That's a very good news. ( X )
      That 's very good news. ( O )
      That's a very good piece of news.( O )
    14. radio ['redɪo] n.收音机
    15. o'clock [ə'klɑk] n. ......点钟
      eight o'clock 八点钟
    16. Ieave [liv] vt. 离开
      例: What time does the train leave the station?
    17. regular ['rɛgjəlɚ] a.有规律的
      例: My father goes to bed at regular hours.
    18. habit ['hæbɪt] n.习惯
      例: Smoking is a bad habit.

    III. Grammar Points 语法重点


    1. 稍早我们曾介绍了现在进行时的型态及用法。我们现在将两种时态作个比较
      例: He has breakfast at seven every morning.
      He is having breakfast now.
      动作”;而第二句is having(正在吃)等于is eating,则表示“现在正在发生的动作”。
    2. My father does the same thing every morning.
      =Every morning my father does the same thing.
      上句中的every morning是时间副词。英文中的时间副词可置于句首或句尾,但多半置于句尾。中文里的时间副词,则多置于主语之后。比较下列句子:
      英文:I today am busy. ( X )
      → I am busy today. ( O )
      =Today I am busy.
    3. He gets up at six o'clock.
      =He rises at six o'clock.
      a. get up 起床 (=rise [raɪz])
      go to bed 睡觉
      例: A farmer usually gets up early in the morning.
      b. at six o'clock 在六点钟
      =at six
      例: He gets up at five (o'clock) every morning.
    4. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast.
      put on 穿戴(衣、帽、鞋、袜子、耳环等可佩带在身上的任何东西)
      take off 脱下(上列的任何东西)
      例: Put on your bathing suit and Iet's go swimming。
      Take off your shoes. They're dirty.
      wear [wɛr] 与put on均表示“穿”的意思,但
      wear强调“穿着了······”(已穿好的状态),而put on则强调“穿上······”(穿的动作)。
      例: After I wash, I put on my school uniform.
      Bob wears a suit and tie to work.
    5. At exactly seven o'clock he leaves the house.
      =He leaves the house at exactly seven (o'clock).
      exactly [ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 精确地
      例: Please see me at exactly nine (o'clock) tonight.

    IV. Substitution 替换

    1. He gets up at six o'clock every morning,
      He wakes up at six o'clock every morning.
      He rises at six o'clock every morning.
    2. At exactly seven o'clock he leaves the house.
      At about nine o'clock she goes to work.
      At around seven-fifteen I go to school.


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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 025 My Fath
