东张西望系列 - 中外历史

东张西望系列 - 中外历史

作者: Minji_Xu | 来源:发表于2018-03-16 21:02 被阅读0次
China Through the Ages - Xia Dynasty. Meanwhile, Egyptians started building pyramids. China Through the Ages - Shang Dynasty. Meanwhile, Trojan War took place. Bible writing is said to begin. China Through the Ages - Western Zhou Era. Meanwhile, Israel saw King David Reign. A character described both in the Bible and the Quran. China Through the Ages - Spring Autumn Period. Meanwhile, founder of Buddhism was born, together with the founder of Confucianism. China Through the Ages - Warring States. Meanwhile, in Europe, we saw the Golden Age of Athens, which has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy, architecture, and literature. China Through the Ages - Qin Dynasty. Meanwhile, in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, the Alexandria Library began its mission to collect all the world's knowledge. China Through the Ages - West Han Dynasty. Meanwhile birth of Jesus. China Through the Ages - Easter Han Dynasty. Meanwhile, Bible writing finished as Roman Empire came to its prime time. China Through the Ages - Three Kingdoms Period.Meanwhile, in Europe continent, we saw Western Roman Empire. China Through the Ages - Western Jing Dynasty. China Through the Ages - Eastern Jin Dynasty. Meanwhile, in Europe, a declining Western Roman Empire was to be replaced by European Dark Ages Era. Between a sophisticated Roman Empire based on slavery and a freer but more chaotic and brutal European Dark Age, which one you would choose to live in? China Through the Ages - South and North Dynasties.When did our ancestors learn about the technique of fermentation, how they learned to make 馒头(steamed bread), 包子(bun), 饼(baked pancake), 面条(noodle), 糕(cake). How they chose ways to make food: to 煮(cook),烤(grill),蒸(steam) or 炸 (fry)? China Through the Ages - Sui Dynasty. It is said that the famous Japanese art of flower arrangements (花道, Ikebana) has its origin from China's Sui Dynasty. China Through the Ages - Tang Dynasty. Many people view Tang Dynasty as a period of China's golden age. Empress Wu also started a top-down driven women's movement. China Through the Ages - Five Dynasties.Since nobody controlled the central design of currency, coins took different shapes and styles during this chaotic era. They can be read from the left or the right; clockwise or anti-clockwise. China Through the Ages - Northern Song Dynasty. Meanwhile, In Europe, Western Europe rose from Dark Ages to be a strong power. China Through the Ages - Southern Song Dynasty. Meanwhile, In Europe, Renaissance began after the Middle Ages. China Through the Ages - Yuan Dynasty. Meanwhile, in the 14th century, Europe had its greatest catastrophe: the Black Death. China Through the Ages - Ming Dynasty. Meanwhile, Europe had its age of Discovery. Colonisation began. China Through the Ages - Qing Dynasty. Meanwhile, USA declared Independence War, freeing from British Empire.


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      本文标题:东张西望系列 - 中外历史
