
作者: 分享放大价值 | 来源:发表于2021-07-07 00:22 被阅读0次





    tables[255]: 表示此bridge上最多可以有255个oftable,即openflow流表table个数。
    n_tables: 表示实际生效的oftable个数,在ofproto_init_tables中被初始化为255。
    tables_version: 用来控制流表是否可被查询到。
    expirable: 链表上挂的是此bridge上所有oftable中需要超时处理的openflow流表struct rule。

    cls: 指向分类器用来保存流表,
    name: 默认为NULL,可使用如下命令更改name

    ovs-vsctl -- --id=@ft create Flow_Table name=test1 -- set Bridge br10 flow_tables=0=@ft

    max_flows: 支持最大openflow流表个数,默认为UINT_MAX,可通过如下命令修改

    ovs-vsctl -- --id=@ft create Flow_Table flow_limit=10000 -- set Bridge br10 flow_tables=0=@ft

    n_flows: 当前配置的流表个数。
    miss_config: 用来决定查找流表失败后的行为,支持如下配置

    OFPUTIL_TABLE_MISS_DEFAULT: 由不同版本openflow协议规定,1.0-1.2版本,报文需要被送到controller,1.3及以后的版本,直接丢包
    OFPUTIL_TABLE_MISS_CONTROLLER: 将报文通过packet-in消息发给controller
    OFPUTIL_TABLE_MISS_CONTINUE: 继续在下一个table进行匹配

    struct rule表示openflow流表信息。
    cr: 指向cls_rule,包含流表优先级和匹配域,最终需要将cls_rule插入分类器,struct rule对分类器不可见。
    table_id: 表示将流表插入哪个table。
    hard_timeout: 流表超时时间,从创建流表,或者修改流表开始计时,超时时间到后,不管此流表有没有被使用,都会被删除。
    idle_timeout: 流表空闲超时时间,从最近流表被使用开始计时,如果指定时间内此流表没有被使用,则被删除。
    expirable: 一个链表节点,如果hard_timeout或者idel_timeout任意一个被设置了,则将流表插入ofproto->expirable链表。
    actions: 指向rule_actions,用来指定流表的action,可以指定多个action。

    rule_actions表示流表的action,其中ofpacts_len指定了ofpacts的大小,ofpacts指定了具体的action,可以有多个action,即多个struct ofpact。

    struct ofpact表示具体的action,其中type指定了action类型,如下所示

    #define OFPACTS                                                         \
        /* Output. */                                                       \
        OFPACT(OUTPUT,          ofpact_output,      ofpact, "output")       \
        OFPACT(GROUP,           ofpact_group,       ofpact, "group")        \
        OFPACT(CONTROLLER,      ofpact_controller,  userdata, "controller") \
        OFPACT(ENQUEUE,         ofpact_enqueue,     ofpact, "enqueue")      \
        OFPACT(OUTPUT_REG,      ofpact_output_reg,  ofpact, "output_reg")   \
        OFPACT(BUNDLE,          ofpact_bundle,      slaves, "bundle")       \
        /* Instructions. */                                                 \
        OFPACT(METER,           ofpact_meter,       ofpact, "meter")        \
        OFPACT(CLEAR_ACTIONS,   ofpact_null,        ofpact, "clear_actions") \
        OFPACT(WRITE_ACTIONS,   ofpact_nest,        actions, "write_actions") \
        OFPACT(WRITE_METADATA,  ofpact_metadata,    ofpact, "write_metadata") \
        OFPACT(GOTO_TABLE,      ofpact_goto_table,  ofpact, "goto_table")
    /* enum ofpact_type, with a member OFPACT_<ENUM> for each action. */
    enum OVS_PACKED_ENUM ofpact_type {
    #undef OFPACT

    struct classifier
    struct classifier用来表示分类器,里面保存的是openflow流表。
    subtables: 有序数组,保存cls_subtable,根据cls_subtable->max_priority排序,查找流表时使用。
    subtables_map: 也是用来保存cls_subtable,插入流表时使用。
    tries[3]: 前缀树,根据流表中的cls_trie->field字段将流表插入树根节点cls_trie->root。最多支持3个前缀树。默认为MFF_IPV4_DST和MFF_IPV4_SRC两个前缀树。

    /* Prefix trie for a 'field' */
    struct cls_trie {
        const struct mf_field *field; /* Trie field, or NULL. */
        rcu_trie_ptr root;            /* NULL if none. */

    n_tries: 当前配置的前缀树的个数。
    flow_segments[3]: 保存staged查找用到的field的结束位置

    //查找openflow流表时,将struct flow分为四段内容进行分段查找,
    enum {
        FLOW_SEGMENT_1_ENDS_AT = offsetof(struct flow, dl_dst),
        FLOW_SEGMENT_2_ENDS_AT = offsetof(struct flow, nw_src),
        FLOW_SEGMENT_3_ENDS_AT = offsetof(struct flow, tp_src),
    /* U64 indices for segmented flow classification. */
    const uint8_t flow_segment_u64s[4] = {
        FLOW_SEGMENT_1_ENDS_AT / sizeof(uint64_t),
        FLOW_SEGMENT_2_ENDS_AT / sizeof(uint64_t),
        FLOW_SEGMENT_3_ENDS_AT / sizeof(uint64_t),
    classifier_init(&table->cls, flow_segment_u64s);

    n_flow_segments: 分段个数。
    publish: 控制是否将subtable插入有序数组subtables,即控制subtable是否对查找可见。

    struct cls_subtable
    struct cls_subtable表示有相同mask的流表的集合,比如"ip, nw_src="和"ip, nw_src="这两条流表有相同的mask,则它们就会被插入同一个cls_subtable。
    cmap_node: classfier->subtables_map的一个节点。
    max_priority: 保存struct cls_subtable中所有流表中的最大优先级。
    max_count: 有最大优先级流表的个数。
    rules_list: 链表,用来保存流表struct cls_rule。添加流表时,使用CLS_FOR_EACH_TARGET宏遍历所有的rule。
    struct flowmap index_maps[4]: 将流表mask分成cls->n_flow_segments+1段,每段保存到对应的struct flowmap。

        /* Init indices for segmented lookup, if any. */
        prev = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < cls->n_flow_segments; i++) {
            stage_map = miniflow_get_map_in_range(&mask->masks, prev,
            /* Add an index if it adds mask bits. */
            if (!flowmap_is_empty(stage_map)) {
                *CONST_CAST(struct flowmap *, &subtable->index_maps[index])
                    = stage_map;
            prev = cls->flow_segments[i];
        /* Map for the final stage. */
        *CONST_CAST(struct flowmap *, &subtable->index_maps[index])
            = miniflow_get_map_in_range(&mask->masks, prev, FLOW_U64S);
        /* Check if the final stage adds any bits. */
        if (index > 0) {
            if (flowmap_is_empty(subtable->index_maps[index])) {
                /* Remove the last index, as it has the same fields as the rules
                 * map. */
        *CONST_CAST(uint8_t *, &subtable->n_indices) = index;

    n_indices: 分段的个数。
    indices[3]: 保存hash值。将流表匹配域分成n_indices段,并和对应的mask index_maps相与后计算hash值。

        for (i = 0; i < subtable->n_indices; i++) {
            ihash[i] = minimatch_hash_range(&rule->match, subtable->index_maps[i],
                                            &mask_offset, &basis);

    trie_plen[3]: 根据前缀树用的field计算当前subtable的mask的field的长度,如果为0,说明不需要前缀树,否则在查找流表时,需要先在前缀树中查找。

        for (i = 0; i < cls->n_tries; i++) {
            subtable->trie_plen[i] = minimask_get_prefix_len(mask,

    struct cmap rules: 用来保存struct cls_match。匹配流表时find_match使用。
    struct minimask mask: 当前subtable的mask。

    struct cls_rule
    priority: 流表优先级。
    cls_match: 指向struct cls_match。
    match: 指向struct minimatch,包含具体的匹配字段及其mask。

    struct minimatch

    struct minimatch {
        union {
            struct {
                struct miniflow *flow;
                struct minimask *mask;
            struct miniflow *flows[2];


    分类器使用TSS(tuple space search)算法查找流表,具体为插入流表时根据流表mask生成不同的subtable,有相同mask的流表需要插入到同一个subtable,在subtable中根据mask和流表相与后的结果计算出hash值,插入subtable的hashmap subtable->rules中。


    Tuple Priority Sorting(优先级排序)
    为了解决这个问题,在subtable T中引入了变量T.pri_max用来保存subtable T中所有流表的优先级的最大值,同时将subtable T根据T.pri_max按照递减顺序插入分类器的有序数组subtables中。这样在查找流表时,按照优先级从高到低遍历有序数组subtables,如果找到了匹配流表F,则将F保存到B中,遍历下一个subtable时,如果B.pri 大于等于 T.pri_max,则说明当前和之后的subtable肯定没有比B优先级更高的流表,则B就是优先级最高的匹配流表。如果B.pri小于T.pri_max,则说明T中可能有更匹配的流表,继续查找当前subtable T中的流表,如果匹配到了F,并且F.pri大于B.pri,说明找到了更高优先级的流表,将F保存到B,继续遍历。伪码如下图所示


    Staged Lookup(分段查找)
    先看一下没有 分段查找优化时会有什么问题,假如有如下两条流表信息

    priority=200, ip, nw_dst= dst_port=80 action=output:1
    priority=100, ip, nw_dst=  action=output:2

    一条数据流匹配上面流表 45666 ->

    根据Tuple Priority Sorting优化后的TSS查找,首先匹配优先级为200的流表,显然匹配不上,但是下发megaflow流表的掩码会被设置包含目的ip和目的端口号,接着匹配优先级100的流表,可以匹配成功,最终下发到megaflow的流表如下

    ip,nw_dst=, dst_port=22 action=output:2

    如果再有相同目的网段ip,但是目的端口号不同的数据流经过ovs,还是会miss megaflow,走慢速路径的处理。

    为了解决这个问题引入了分段查找,具体实现为将flow信息分为四个group: metadata(比如入端口), l2, l3和l4。然后将subtable中的一个hash表改成4个hash表,第一个hash表只包含metadata信息,第二个包含metadat和l2信息,第三个包含metadata,l2和l3信息,第三个包含metadat,l2,l3和l4信息,即全部信息,也就是以前的hash表。这样的话,报文在匹配时,首先匹配metadata,如果不能命中,就不用继续匹配后面的group,如果能命令metadata,则继续匹配l2,依次进行。


    ip,nw_dst= action=output:2

    后面相同目的网段ip,但是目的端口号不同的数据流经过ovs,就可以命中 megaflow实现快速转发。

    Prefix Tracking

    priority=200, ip, nw_dst= dst_port=80 action=output:1
    priority=100, ip, nw_dst=  action=output:2

    数据流 45666 -> 匹配上面的流表时,根据优先级排序和分段查找,会先匹配11.5.6.7/32,尽管匹配不上,但是也会将32位掩码下发到megaflow中。

    ip,nw_dst= action=output:2

    解决这个问题的办法是引入了基于ipv4/v6的前缀树prefix trie,注意这个trie是每个openflow table都有的,并且所有的subtable共用相同的trie。当需要匹配ip地址时,在查找hash表前,先根据LPM查找前缀树,来决定(1)megaflow流表需要的最长前缀,(2)哪个hash表可以直接跳过。


    20 /8
    10.1 /16
    10.2 /16
    10.1.3 /24







    /* Default fields to use for prefix tries in each flow table, unless something
     * else is configured. */
    const enum mf_field_id default_prefix_fields[2] =
        { MFF_IPV4_DST, MFF_IPV4_SRC };
    static void
    oftable_init(struct oftable *table)
      classifier_init(&table->cls, flow_segment_u64s);
      //设置前缀树,默认为src ip和dst ip
      classifier_set_prefix_fields(&table->cls, default_prefix_fields,

    初始化分类器struct classifier相关字段,参数flow_segments指定了段分类器的个数和结束位置。

    /* Initializes 'cls' as a classifier that initially contains no classification
     * rules. */
    classifier_init(struct classifier *cls, const uint8_t *flow_segments)
        cls->n_rules = 0;
        cls->n_flow_segments = 0;
        if (flow_segments) {
            while (cls->n_flow_segments < CLS_MAX_INDICES
                   && *flow_segments < FLOW_U64S) {
                cls->flow_segments[cls->n_flow_segments++] = *flow_segments++;
        cls->n_tries = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < CLS_MAX_TRIES; i++) {
            trie_init(cls, i, NULL);
        cls->publish = true;


    /* Inserts 'rule' into 'cls'.  Until 'rule' is removed from 'cls', the caller
     * must not modify or free it.
     * 'cls' must not contain an identical rule (including wildcards, values of
     * fixed fields, and priority).  Use classifier_find_rule_exactly() to find
     * such a rule. */
    classifier_insert(struct classifier *cls, const struct cls_rule *rule,
                      ovs_version_t version, const struct cls_conjunction conj[],
                      size_t n_conj)
        const struct cls_rule *displaced_rule
            = classifier_replace(cls, rule, version, conj, n_conj);
    /* Inserts 'rule' into 'cls' in 'version'.  Until 'rule' is removed from 'cls',
     * the caller must not modify or free it.
     * If 'cls' already contains an identical rule (including wildcards, values of
     * fixed fields, and priority) that is visible in 'version', replaces the old
     * rule by 'rule' and returns the rule that was replaced.  The caller takes
     * ownership of the returned rule and is thus responsible for destroying it
     * with cls_rule_destroy(), after RCU grace period has passed (see
     * ovsrcu_postpone()).
     * Returns NULL if 'cls' does not contain a rule with an identical key, after
     * inserting the new rule.  In this case, no rules are displaced by the new
     * rule, even rules that cannot have any effect because the new rule matches a
     * superset of their flows and has higher priority.
    const struct cls_rule *
    classifier_replace(struct classifier *cls, const struct cls_rule *rule,
                       ovs_version_t version,
                       const struct cls_conjunction *conjs, size_t n_conjs)
        struct cls_match *new;
        struct cls_subtable *subtable;
        uint32_t ihash[CLS_MAX_INDICES];
        struct cls_match *head;
        unsigned int mask_offset;
        size_t n_rules = 0;
        uint32_t basis;
        uint32_t hash;
        unsigned int i;
        //申请struct cls_match,将rule中相关字段赋值到struct cls_match
        /* 'new' is initially invisible to lookups. */
        new = cls_match_alloc(rule, version, conjs, n_conjs);
        ovsrcu_set(&CONST_CAST(struct cls_rule *, rule)->cls_match, new);
        subtable = find_subtable(cls, rule->match.mask);
        if (!subtable) {
            subtable = insert_subtable(cls, rule->match.mask);
        /* Compute hashes in segments. */
        basis = 0;
        mask_offset = 0;
        //这里根据分段的mask index_maps,计算分段hash
        for (i = 0; i < subtable->n_indices; i++) {
            ihash[i] = minimatch_hash_range(&rule->match, subtable->index_maps[i],
                                            &mask_offset, &basis);
        hash = minimatch_hash_range(&rule->match, subtable->index_maps[i],
                                    &mask_offset, &basis);
        head = find_equal(subtable, rule->match.flow, hash);
        if (!head) {
            /* Add rule to tries.
             * Concurrent readers might miss seeing the rule until this update,
             * which might require being fixed up by revalidation later. */
            //则设置subtable->trie_plen为mask指定的ip掩码长度。则将rule插入分类器的前缀树,用于实现prefix tracking
            for (i = 0; i < cls->n_tries; i++) {
                if (subtable->trie_plen[i]) {
                    trie_insert(&cls->tries[i], rule, subtable->trie_plen[i]);
            /* Add rule to ports trie. */
            if (subtable->ports_mask_len) {
                /* We mask the value to be inserted to always have the wildcarded
                 * bits in known (zero) state, so we can include them in comparison
                 * and they will always match (== their original value does not
                 * matter). */
                ovs_be32 masked_ports = minimatch_get_ports(&rule->match);
                trie_insert_prefix(&subtable->ports_trie, &masked_ports,
            //将分段hash值插入subtable->indices,用于实现staged lookup
            /* Add new node to segment indices. */
            for (i = 0; i < subtable->n_indices; i++) {
                ccmap_inc(&subtable->indices[i], ihash[i]);
            n_rules = cmap_insert(&subtable->rules, &new->cmap_node, hash);
        } else {   /* Equal rules exist in the classifier already. */
            struct cls_match *prev, *iter;
            /* Scan the list for the insertion point that will keep the list in
             * order of decreasing priority.  Insert after rules marked invisible
             * in any version of the same priority. */
            FOR_EACH_RULE_IN_LIST_PROTECTED (iter, prev, head) {
                if (rule->priority > iter->priority
                    || (rule->priority == iter->priority
                        && !cls_match_is_eventually_invisible(iter))) {
            /* Replace 'iter' with 'new' or insert 'new' between 'prev' and
             * 'iter'. */
            if (iter) {
                struct cls_rule *old;
                if (rule->priority == iter->priority) {
                    cls_match_replace(prev, iter, new);
                    old = CONST_CAST(struct cls_rule *, iter->cls_rule);
                } else {//rule优先级大于iter,查到iter前面
                    cls_match_insert(prev, iter, new);
                    old = NULL;
                /* Replace the existing head in data structures, if rule is the new
                 * head. */
                if (iter == head) {
                    cmap_replace(&subtable->rules, &head->cmap_node,
                                 &new->cmap_node, hash);
                if (old) {
                    struct cls_conjunction_set *conj_set;
                    conj_set = ovsrcu_get_protected(struct cls_conjunction_set *,
                    if (conj_set) {
                        ovsrcu_postpone(free, conj_set);
                    ovsrcu_set(&old->cls_match, NULL); /* Marks old rule as removed
                                                        * from the classifier. */
                    ovsrcu_postpone(cls_match_free_cb, iter);
                    /* No change in subtable's max priority or max count. */
                    /* Make 'new' visible to lookups in the appropriate version. */
                    cls_match_set_remove_version(new, OVS_VERSION_NOT_REMOVED);
                    /* Make rule visible to iterators (immediately). */
                    rculist_replace(CONST_CAST(struct rculist *, &rule->node),
                    /* Return displaced rule.  Caller is responsible for keeping it
                     * around until all threads quiesce. */
                    return old;
            } else {
                /* 'new' is new node after 'prev' */
                cls_match_insert(prev, iter, new);
        /* Make 'new' visible to lookups in the appropriate version. */
        cls_match_set_remove_version(new, OVS_VERSION_NOT_REMOVED);
        /* Make rule visible to iterators (immediately). */
                          CONST_CAST(struct rculist *, &rule->node));
        /* Rule was added, not replaced.  Update 'subtable's 'max_priority' and
         * 'max_count', if necessary.
         * The rule was already inserted, but concurrent readers may not see the
         * rule yet as the subtables vector is not updated yet.  This will have to
         * be fixed by revalidation later. */
        if (n_rules == 1) {
            subtable->max_priority = rule->priority;
            subtable->max_count = 1;
            pvector_insert(&cls->subtables, subtable, rule->priority);
        } else if (rule->priority == subtable->max_priority) {
        } else if (rule->priority > subtable->max_priority) {
            subtable->max_priority = rule->priority;
            subtable->max_count = 1;
            pvector_change_priority(&cls->subtables, subtable, rule->priority);
        /* Nothing was replaced. */
        if (cls->publish) {
        return NULL;


    /* The new subtable will be visible to the readers only after this. */
    static struct cls_subtable *
    insert_subtable(struct classifier *cls, const struct minimask *mask)
        uint32_t hash = minimask_hash(mask, 0);
        struct cls_subtable *subtable;
        int i, index = 0;
        struct flowmap stage_map;
        uint8_t prev;
        size_t count = miniflow_n_values(&mask->masks);
        subtable = xzalloc(sizeof *subtable + MINIFLOW_VALUES_SIZE(count));
        miniflow_clone(CONST_CAST(struct miniflow *, &subtable->mask.masks),
                       &mask->masks, count);
        /* Init indices for segmented lookup, if any. */
        prev = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < cls->n_flow_segments; i++) {
            stage_map = miniflow_get_map_in_range(&mask->masks, prev,
            /* Add an index if it adds mask bits. */
            if (!flowmap_is_empty(stage_map)) {
                *CONST_CAST(struct flowmap *, &subtable->index_maps[index])
                    = stage_map;
            prev = cls->flow_segments[i];
        /* Map for the final stage. */
        *CONST_CAST(struct flowmap *, &subtable->index_maps[index])
            = miniflow_get_map_in_range(&mask->masks, prev, FLOW_U64S);
        /* Check if the final stage adds any bits. */
        if (index > 0) {
            if (flowmap_is_empty(subtable->index_maps[index])) {
                /* Remove the last index, as it has the same fields as the rules
                 * map. */
        *CONST_CAST(uint8_t *, &subtable->n_indices) = index;
        for (i = 0; i < cls->n_tries; i++) {
            subtable->trie_plen[i] = minimask_get_prefix_len(mask,
        /* Ports trie. */
        ovsrcu_set_hidden(&subtable->ports_trie, NULL);
        *CONST_CAST(int *, &subtable->ports_mask_len)
            = 32 - ctz32(ntohl(MINIFLOW_GET_BE32(&mask->masks, tp_src)));
        /* List of rules. */
        cmap_insert(&cls->subtables_map, &subtable->cmap_node, hash);
        return subtable;

    分类器查找函数用于在分类器中查找匹配flow,并且对指定版本可见的流表信息,参数wc是需要在classifier_lookup过程中赋值的,将查找分类器时用到的field mask保存到wc,以便下发megaflow时使用。

    在查找中还用到了上面介绍的Tuple Priority Sorting,Staged Lookup和Prefix Tracking等优化技术。

    /* Finds and returns the highest-priority rule in 'cls' that matches 'flow' and
     * that is visible in 'version'.  Returns a null pointer if no rules in 'cls'
     * match 'flow'.  If multiple rules of equal priority match 'flow', returns one
     * arbitrarily.
     * If a rule is found and 'wc' is non-null, bitwise-OR's 'wc' with the
     * set of bits that were significant in the lookup.  At some point
     * earlier, 'wc' should have been initialized (e.g., by
     * flow_wildcards_init_catchall()).
     * 'flow' is non-const to allow for temporary modifications during the lookup.
     * Any changes are restored before returning. */
    const struct cls_rule *
    classifier_lookup(const struct classifier *cls, ovs_version_t version,
                      struct flow *flow, struct flow_wildcards *wc)
        return classifier_lookup__(cls, version, flow, wc, true);
    /* Like classifier_lookup(), except that support for conjunctive matches can be
     * configured with 'allow_conjunctive_matches'.  That feature is not exposed
     * externally because turning off conjunctive matches is only useful to avoid
     * recursion within this function itself.
     * 'flow' is non-const to allow for temporary modifications during the lookup.
     * Any changes are restored before returning. */
    static const struct cls_rule *
    classifier_lookup__(const struct classifier *cls, ovs_version_t version,
                        struct flow *flow, struct flow_wildcards *wc,
                        bool allow_conjunctive_matches)
        struct trie_ctx trie_ctx[CLS_MAX_TRIES];
        const struct cls_match *match;
        /* Highest-priority flow in 'cls' that certainly matches 'flow'. */
        const struct cls_match *hard = NULL;
        int hard_pri = INT_MIN;     /* hard ? hard->priority : INT_MIN. */
        /* Highest-priority conjunctive flows in 'cls' matching 'flow'.  Since
         * these are (components of) conjunctive flows, we can only know whether
         * the full conjunctive flow matches after seeing multiple of them.  Thus,
         * we refer to these as "soft matches". */
        struct cls_conjunction_set *soft_stub[64];
        struct cls_conjunction_set **soft = soft_stub;
        size_t n_soft = 0, allocated_soft = ARRAY_SIZE(soft_stub);
        int soft_pri = INT_MIN;    /* n_soft ? MAX(soft[*]->priority) : INT_MIN. */
        /* Synchronize for cls->n_tries and subtable->trie_plen.  They can change
         * when table configuration changes, which happens typically only on
         * startup. */
        /* Initialize trie contexts for find_match_wc(). */
        for (int i = 0; i < cls->n_tries; i++) {
            trie_ctx_init(&trie_ctx[i], &cls->tries[i]);
        //宏PVECTOR_FOR_EACH_PRIORITY 保证subtable的最大优先级大于hard_pri + 1,如果不大于循环就结束,这是Tuple Priority Sorting的实现要求。
        /* Main loop. */
        struct cls_subtable *subtable;
        PVECTOR_FOR_EACH_PRIORITY (subtable, hard_pri + 1, 2, sizeof *subtable,
                                   &cls->subtables) {
            struct cls_conjunction_set *conj_set;
            /* Skip subtables with no match, or where the match is lower-priority
             * than some certain match we've already found. */
            match = find_match_wc(subtable, version, flow, trie_ctx, cls->n_tries, wc);
            if (!match || match->priority <= hard_pri) {
            conj_set = ovsrcu_get(struct cls_conjunction_set *, &match->conj_set);
            if (!conj_set) {
                /* 'match' isn't part of a conjunctive match.  It's the best
                 * certain match we've got so far, since we know that it's
                 * higher-priority than hard_pri.
                 * (There might be a higher-priority conjunctive match.  We can't
                 * tell yet.) */
                hard = match;
                hard_pri = hard->priority;
            } else if (allow_conjunctive_matches) {
        /* In the common case, at this point we have no soft matches and we can
         * return immediately.  (We do the same thing if we have potential soft
         * matches but none of them are higher-priority than our hard match.) */
        if (hard_pri >= soft_pri) {
            if (soft != soft_stub) {
            return hard ? hard->cls_rule : NULL;


    static const struct cls_match *
    find_match_wc(const struct cls_subtable *subtable, ovs_version_t version,
                  const struct flow *flow, struct trie_ctx trie_ctx[CLS_MAX_TRIES],
                  unsigned int n_tries, struct flow_wildcards *wc)
        if (OVS_UNLIKELY(!wc)) {
            return find_match(subtable, version, flow,
                              flow_hash_in_minimask(flow, &subtable->mask, 0));
        uint32_t basis = 0, hash;
        const struct cls_match *rule = NULL;
        struct flowmap stages_map = FLOWMAP_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
        unsigned int mask_offset = 0;
        int i;
        /* Try to finish early by checking fields in segments. */
        for (i = 0; i < subtable->n_indices; i++) {
            if (check_tries(trie_ctx, n_tries, subtable->trie_plen,
                            subtable->index_maps[i], flow, wc)) {
                /* 'wc' bits for the trie field set, now unwildcard the preceding
                 * bits used so far. */
                goto no_match;
            /* Accumulate the map used so far. */
            stages_map = flowmap_or(stages_map, subtable->index_maps[i]);
            //增量计算flow hash
            hash = flow_hash_in_minimask_range(flow, &subtable->mask,
                                               &mask_offset, &basis);
            if (!ccmap_find(&subtable->indices[i], hash)) {
                goto no_match;
        /* Trie check for the final range. */
        if (check_tries(trie_ctx, n_tries, subtable->trie_plen,
                        subtable->index_maps[i], flow, wc)) {
            goto no_match;
        hash = flow_hash_in_minimask_range(flow, &subtable->mask,
                                           &mask_offset, &basis);
        rule = find_match(subtable, version, flow, hash);
        if (!rule && subtable->ports_mask_len) {
            /* The final stage had ports, but there was no match.  Instead of
             * unwildcarding all the ports bits, use the ports trie to figure out a
             * smaller set of bits to unwildcard. */
            unsigned int mbits;
            ovs_be32 value, plens, mask;
            mask = MINIFLOW_GET_BE32(&subtable->mask.masks, tp_src);
            value = ((OVS_FORCE ovs_be32 *)flow)[TP_PORTS_OFS32] & mask;
            mbits = trie_lookup_value(&subtable->ports_trie, &value, &plens, 32);
            ((OVS_FORCE ovs_be32 *)&wc->masks)[TP_PORTS_OFS32] |=
                mask & be32_prefix_mask(mbits);
            goto no_match;
        /* Must unwildcard all the fields, as they were looked at. */
        flow_wildcards_fold_minimask(wc, &subtable->mask);
        return rule;
        /* Unwildcard the bits in stages so far, as they were used in determining
         * there is no match. */
        //没有匹配规则,将查找用到的mask stages_map保存到wc
        flow_wildcards_fold_minimask_in_map(wc, &subtable->mask, stages_map);
        return NULL;
    static inline const struct cls_match *
    find_match(const struct cls_subtable *subtable, ovs_version_t version,
               const struct flow *flow, uint32_t hash)
        const struct cls_match *head, *rule;
        CMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (head, cmap_node, hash, &subtable->rules) {
            if (OVS_LIKELY(miniflow_and_mask_matches_flow(&head->flow,
                                                          flow))) {
                /* Return highest priority rule that is visible. */
                CLS_MATCH_FOR_EACH (rule, head) {
                    if (OVS_LIKELY(cls_match_visible_in_version(rule, version))) {
                        return rule;
        return NULL;


    /* By default, choose a priority in the middle. */
    #define OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 0x8000





