Round and round

作者: 微笑的小鱼99 | 来源:发表于2019-01-06 01:33 被阅读1次

    Life is like a trend mill

    round and round it goes no begin nor ending

    dizzy is what you get

    Some goes along the ride

    others jump off when speeding

    and most just watch the others pass by and by the question is watch or jump in

    A ride is never without hurdles sometimes bumpy and swift

    or exiting speed downhill

    slow and time-consuming when going up

    But the ride is always fun emotions plays an important role

    but can you control them or just let them go when go than who will catch you

    I am on the Mary go round seeing you you look and hesitate

    shall you go or ever wait

    take a change or play on safe

    Time has proven the dangers much to often jumping on can hurt you much waiting for next round can lose the time maybe even more so what will it be

    Just close your eyes and draw your limits do not cross your borders

    and do not allow the others to do it control yourself and be in control

    I told you ones and now again be a boss on top of it when go is go and stop is stop if go never feel bad over it

    If stop do not hesitate

    a decision is always hard

    but from your heart

    and be accepted by the ones you love

    so never sorry but go on we see were life will end no tears nor sorrow just let it flow

    Arnaud van der Veere



        本文标题:Round and round
