Day3-step up game加强策略;this is be

Day3-step up game加强策略;this is be

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2021-11-13 17:04 被阅读0次


    I told Dad that I wanted to get in shape, and he said I could start going to the gym with HIM. 

    I am not trying to be rude or anything. He has been going to the same gym for years, but whatever he is doing there doesn't really look like it's WORKING.

    walk work wall wok 


    No offense to Mom or anything 无意冒犯

    jerky 混蛋

    jerky 风干的,食物

    beef jerky 风干牛肉干

    only half the picture

    solid choice on my part 非常好,正确的,明智的选择;深思熟虑的决定

    I make a solid choice 

    on my part 从我的角度看

    from where I stand 以我之见

    solid 靠谱的

    Eric is so solid/reliable


    flaky 雪花;轻飘

    he is flaky 

    get away with that 没有什么,也什么关系;免于。。。;没有什么什么,也行


    I can't believe you could get away with that 真不敢信,没有驾照你就敢上路

    small print 

    fine print 合同法律条文上的小字

    scare me into doing 让我害怕做什么;让人进入某种状态; out of  doing sth 摆脱

    scare me into drinking 让我害怕喝酒

    talk sb into doing sth 劝某人;


    sweet-talk  sb into doing sth 说甜言蜜语,忽悠你做某事

    butter up

    slipping 滑


    my E is slipping 

    my E has been slipping

    slip 小纸条;银行小票;机器打印出来的小票

    small mistake

    blooper my boss make a blooper today! 错误

    slip 小错误

    slip 偷偷给某人

    slip their advertising into places you wouldn't expect 偷偷;悄悄的植入广告

    我们要 吃健康的食物

    I eat healthy food. I go to the shopping mall. 

    I doesn't buy anything with ingredients you can't pronounce.

    step up their advertising game 加强他们的广告策略

    game 策略

    step up 增强;增加

    beef up 加强

    big step down 

    huge step down

    well, I don't know if it's just me 我不知道,是不是只有我,。。。


    stay back 


    I  stayed back in eighth grade TWICE 上了2个8年级

    I repeat first year in high school

    I'm sure those guys are gonna play DIRTY 玩赖;

    do sth under table 暗箱操作;见不得人的事

    the game has been rigged 操纵;冠军早已内定

    the game/show/vote 选秀;选举

    it is unfair


    play dirty 

    play unfair way

    play in a dishonest way/descent way

    gnarly 东西特别好;特别牛; 不好

    bad 两幅面孔的词

    gnarly 东北话;你这人太“登儿”; 嘚瑟;哈尔滨,


    pigsty 猪圈

    trade on 利用

    trade on 

    there are nothing trading on time?寸金难买寸光阴

    no amount of money ever bought a second of time


    threw in sth 免费赠送

    threw on 穿上

    Eric 能不能送一个写作课、阅读课

    threw in a free try your writing course?

    threw 比赛故意放水

    throw a match/game/fight

    dry-erase markers 马克笔

    but it turns out he got paid to take a dive 打假拳;收人钱;打黑拳;故意输掉比赛

    take a dive 


    throw a game

    signed up 报名

    sign me up for 替某人报名


    You are E teacher. Stop telling jokes, I didn't sign up for this 我不是冲你这个


    didn't sign up for this 不关我事情;

    beyond/above paycheck 

    the job is beyond/above my paycheck 就这点钱,我很难跟你办事



    I didn't sign up for this. It is beyond my paycheck. It is not my business, not my responsibility.

    ME and 

    me and my friend 地道,但语法不正确

    me and my family 

    our team was off to a good start

    fill in for sb 替某人做某事

    my boyfriend is not here, would you please fill in for him?

    fill me in 告诉某人;你快跟我说说;Really, you went to Paris? 

    tell me about it, what happened?

    benchwarmer 冷板凳, 备胎

    he stepped in dog poop and I laughed at him. 踩狗屎

    I wouldn't clocked in at cheetah speed 如果那天你要看我跑多快,你会发现,我跑的速度肯定能赶上 猎豹

    Later in the day, Su finished his second semi-final clocking 9.6 seconds; a new personal best.


    clocking +速度 以。。。速度

    he finished the game, clocking 9.6 seconds   跑了9.6 

    clock 动词, 花了多长时间。

    clock in 跑了多少时间

    timing 时间

    time 计时间

    would you please time me ? 帮我计时?

    good timing 刚好;正好



          本文标题:Day3-step up game加强策略;this is be
