1.There's always time. Time is priorities.
You never run out of time. If you didn't finish something by the time it was due, it's because you didn't consider it urgent or enjoyable enough to prioritize ahead of whatever else you were doing.
2. Days always fill up faster than you'd expect.
Build in some buffer time. As the founder of Ruby on Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson, said, "Only plan on four to five hours of real work per day."
设置一段缓冲时间。就像Ruby on Rails公司的创始人大卫汉森所说的:“每天只需计划4到5个小时的工作就够了。”
3.Stop multitasking. It kills your focus.
There have been academic studies that found the brain expends energy as it readjusts its focus from one item to the next. If you're spending your day multitasking, you're exhausting your brain.
4.We're always more focused and productive with limited time.
Work always seems to find a way of filling the space allotted for it, so set shorter time limits for each task.
5.Work around procrastination.
Try Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro Technique. Pomodoro is Italian for tomato, and the technique's name refers to the tomato-shaped cooking timer Cirillo used to break his work into 25-minute increments with five-minute breaks in between. You can use the same idea with your own increments, as long as they inspire bursts of hard work.
6.Break down a massive task into manageable blocks.
Alabama football coach Nick Saban follows a similar philosophy he calls the Process. Instead of having his players focus on winning the championship, he trains them to focus on only what is directly in front of them.
7. No two tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prioritize.
Daily to-do lists are effective ways of scheduling your day. Just do what you can to keep bullet points from making "clean desk" on par with "file taxes."
8.Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day.
Determine which task in front of you is most important, and focus your energy on getting that done as soon as possible.
9.Always take notes.
Don't assume you'll remember every good idea that comes into your head during the day. It doesn't matter if it's a notebook, whiteboard, or an app like Evernote--just write stuff down.
10.Take Some Breaks.
Whenever you find yourself for 10-15 minutes, take a break. Too much stress can take toll on your body and affect your productivity. Take a walk, listen to some music or do some quick stretches. The best idea is to take off from work and spend time with your friends and family.
11.Set deadlines for everything.
Spending too much time on a project or keeping it on the backburner for too long will lead to stagnation. Get things done and move on.