Google Image Download By Python

Google Image Download By Python

作者: Colin_0463 | 来源:发表于2017-12-05 03:30 被阅读0次

Dear all:

  • I wrote a simple Python Script to download the Google Images.
  • It could download all images of a specific Search Term on Google Image webpage
  • How to set the environment and how to use it is on below
  • I hope it could make some help for Sephra's project
  • As J also use Python, I think he can understand the script and set the environment

1. Python Version and Libraries

1.1 Version

  • Python 3.6 with anaconda3
  • Chrome browser

1.2 Libraries

  • selenium : Could be installed easily by pip
    • Reference : (https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium)
    • Notation : As the Google Image Search APIs could not be used since 2011, many developers now using this library to develop webpage crawlers
pip install selenium

2. Full Code

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
import time
import urllib
import sys

# search URL
# 要搜索的网址 
Url_Behind = "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q="
Url_SearchTerm = sys.argv[1] # 要搜索的词条 Search Term
Url_After = "&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjTqs6EwPDXAhXCa7wKHQzNAn0Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=1069"

searchUrl = Url_Behind + Url_SearchTerm + Url_After

# Chrome驱动器下载,配置过程详见下个章节
# Chrome Driver, How to configure it, please see next chapter 
path = 'D:\\DATA\\chromedriver.exe'

# start Chrome
# 启动 Chrome
driver = webdriver.Chrome(path)

# Maximize the website window
# 网站窗口最大化, 因为每次爬取只能看到视窗内的图片

# start search
# 开始搜索

# scroll postion
# 模拟滚动窗口以浏览下载更多图片 
pos = 0

# image id, 要下载的图片编号
m = 0 

img_url_list = []

for i in range(20):
    pos += i*500 # scroll down
    js = "document.documentElement.scrollTop=%d" % pos
    # Find Image
    # 找到图片
    ELEMENT = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("img")

    for element in ELEMENT:
        # find image download URL
        # 找到图片下载地址
        IMG_URL = element.get_attribute('src')
        if type(IMG_URL) == str and IMG_URL[8:17] == "encrypted":
            img_url = IMG_URL
            if img_url != None and (img_url not in img_url_list):
                m += 1
                # Image save Dir and filename,could set by your self
                # 图片保存地址和图片名,可以自己设置
                filename = "D:\\DATA\\PicCrawler\\" + Url_SearchTerm + str(m) + ".jpg"
                print("Save Picture %s" %filename)
    # show more images on webpage
    # 点击网页的“显示更多图片按钮”,显示更多图片继续下载
    click_btn = driver.find_element_by_id('smb')

# Close webpage
# 关闭网页

3. Usage

3.1 Download Chrome driver

path = 'D:\\DATA\\chromedriver.exe'
  • You can set the path by yourself

3.2 Install selenium library

pip install selenium

3.3 Start Download

  • You can execute the script with Term you want to search
  • For instants, if you want to download the image of Soccer you can use like this:
python filename.py soccer

4. Discussion

  • When you search a Term on Google Image, it usually only show less than 1000 images(Don't know Why!), The script only can download all the showed images, So if we can let the webpage show more images when search a Term, we can download more images.

Sorry for absent our discussion, Hope it could help.**



    本文标题:Google Image Download By Python
