1.《band of brothers》对比《北爱》,在死亡随时发生的情况下,人生会简单很多。杂念太多,则百虑丛生。内心的煎熬要比外界的艰苦更消耗人的心智,艰苦、清贫的生活反倒能明心见性,能医心病,若是疲惫了就回老家去。
3. I wondered if people back home would ever know what it costs the soilders to win this war. In Amercia , things already looking like peace time, the standard of living is on the rise, race tracks and nightclubs are booming, you couldn’t get a hotel in Maiami Beach, it was so crowed. How could anyone ever know the price paid by soilders, in terror , agony, and bloodshed if they had never been to places like Normandy,Bastogne, or Haguenau?【与之相比,我们今天的挑战算个狗屁】
4.I think we thought that the Germans were probably the evilest people in the world, but as the war went along, we found out that it wasn’t the Germans, per sec.--why we fight【对待战争的反思,中日两国至今未有一部如此认真反思战争的影视作品】
5.A tree grown in Brooklyn.