真实的运动(Authentic motion)
In the world of material design, motion describes spatial relationships, functionality, and intention with beauty and fluidity.
在material design的世界,动效美观及流畅地描述了对象的空间关系,功能及意图。
体积和重量(Mass and weight)
在物理世界,物体的运动需要有动力,运动也不会瞬间发生。material design的运动也有类似的表现,同时也不失优雅、简朴与美观。
1.自然的加速和减速(Natural acceleration and deceleration):加速和减速的变化是平滑的,而且加速和减速的变化是不对称的;避免线性运动,突然的速度变化是机械的,不自然的。
不对称的加减速更自然2.进入和离开(Entrances and exits):
An object’s change in speed as it enters or exits the frame suggests the distance it is traveling.
减速进入加速离开3.关于“ease”(About “ease” term):
The terms “ease in” and “ease out” are used in both traditional animation and UX animation. However, depending on the context, these terms have opposing meanings.
“ease in”和“ease out”的概念在传统的动画和在UX动画中均有被使用,但是确实两种相反的含义。
4.做出调整(Making adjustment):
Not all objects move the same way. Lighter or smaller objects may move faster because they require less force, and larger or heavier objects may need more time to speed up.
Find a curve that fits that character of motion you are describing.