Day12 Page126-135

Day12 Page126-135

作者: Chinyans | 来源:发表于2017-06-16 19:01 被阅读0次

    Words and Expressions

    1.At about 6:00, all the relatives cleared out.

    clear out:to leave a place or building quickly

    :Wait to get on the train until the people getting off have cleared out.

    仿:When the bell rings, all the students clear out.

    2.I ripped open the package and pulled out my present.

      Mom got the camera ready and I tore open my gift.

    rip/tear open 撕开,很急切的心情

    例:Impatiently, Sue ripped the letter open.

    仿:When he got the express, he tore it open.

    3.From the way Rodrick was hyping his present, I thought he must have gotten me a big-screen TV or a motorcycle or something.

    hype:attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc大肆宣传,炒作(贬义)

    :Despite the media hype , I found the film very disappointing.

    仿:Some advertisers, especially those selling the health care products, attempt to hype their goods. Unfortunately, the elderly often buy them.

    4.We sent back inside, and Rowley showed me his Christmas loot.

    loot:things that you have bought or been givenin large amounts 战利品

    :Jodie came home from the mall with bags of loot.满载而归

    5.In case you're wondering what I'm doing in my room at 9:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve, let me fill you in.

    fill sb. in on:to give someone extra or missing information

    :I filled her in on the latest gossip.

    仿:He felt confused and asked me what was going on that night, so I filled him in.

    6.I forget to get a gift for Rowley, so I just slapped a bow on the "L'il cutie" book Rodrick gave me.

    slapp a bow on:to put or spread something quickly or carelessly onto a surface 贴个蝴蝶结

    :Ella wore a bow in her hair.

    I am kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas, and I headed up to Rowley's house.

    throw in the towel:也可以说 throw in the sponge, toss in the sponge,(来源于拳击比赛,教练向场内扔毛巾表示放弃比赛)放弃,认输。

    例:when John could stand no more of Mary's bad temper, he threw in the towel and left.

    仿:Chinese women’s volleyball team didn't throw in the towel in Bazil Olympic Games and finally they won the game.


    1.I didn't have the heart to tell Dad that I kind of lost interest in the whole weight-lifting thing when the wrestling unit ended last night.

    do not have the heart to do sth.不忍心做某事

    kind of:口语里经常会听到,有点像a little bit

    仿:I didn't have the heart to tell my Mom that I was kind of sick. Because I didn't want Mom to worry about me.

    2.But once again, I let my hopes too high.
    *set someone's expectation real low

    Let me get things straight, if you let your hopes too high, you will feel disappointed.


    In case you're wondering what I am doing in my lab all day, let me fill you in. Earlier today, I prepared all the stuffs needed for my experiment. Everything was ready. Then I began to do the experiment. Unfortunately, I broke one of my samples. So I needed to stat it over.At the same time, Dr.Chen came in and he asked me how was going on. I thought I should keep my serect. I acted cliam and told him that everything was well.



          本文标题:Day12 Page126-135
