Hard Time

作者: 鼠姑娘 | 来源:发表于2018-11-22 05:11 被阅读4次

    Hard time for Lele is gone. 3 days and nights he was in high fever and headache, mixed with throwing up. As he told me he did not feel well after eating something, and he was very sober though he was weak, as per my experience and knowledge, I knew he got virus, so I decided to observe him for 3 days, kept feeding him water and being around him as much as I can. He could barely eat until yesterday, He had very little strength to talk and walk, even his sister messed up with his favorite toys, he was just asking. He brushed his teeth and went bed early every night, he was kind of mad that I always misunderstood him (I actually was worrying that the fever would burn his brain), he talked about some things that happened before with details, so I am glad that I did right. This morning he gets up with higher spirit, still not eat much but he starts talking more and playing more, and fighting with his sister, seems he is having a cold but hyper Lele is definitely back! God bless!  :)

    Lele had the same symptom once when he was 2-year old. Back in my hometown in China, started with puking and bad diarrhea, I kept massaging his palms and feeding him light food and water, it did not help much, as in the remote town between the mountains, the temperature varied during day and night, there wasn't heat or cooling system in my father's house, nor a good doctor, plus I had to return the county. The good thing was, his sickness did not get worse. So by the time we arrived my auntie's house, Lele 's fever started very bad, he was actually screaming at night, his little body was burning, he could not express how he felt except crying, I wish I could take his pain, I was crying for helpless. We tried every medicine for kids that we could think of, nothing worked well, so I had to take him to the nearest clinic, the doctor there told me he got virus (I believed it was not virus in the beginning when we were in my father's house), the fastest way to take out his pain was to use antibiotic, I had no choice but agreed. After using antibiotic, he seemed be better, but the way of his body recover was super slow, my auntie' kept feeding him liquid food for about half month, till we landed on the train to Beijing, he was still having diarrhea. He lost a lot of weight, big head but tiny body, I really felt guilty that I thought I could not take care of him.

    However Lele was very sweet during his sickness, on the long journey to Chicago, he followed me very close that I never needed to look for him in the airport or train station; he smiled and hugged me often, no matter what food I got for him, he tried to eat as much as he could. He was very good on the plane and fast train too, whatever I asked him to do he did it. I was so proud of him and felt so lucky to have a son like him. This time, he was sick but he was still very sweet, he listened even better than he used, asked me for hugs and being close to him, he tried to comfort me when he saw me sad, he asked me to go back my bed as he did not want to pass his sickness to me last night, I was there just for making him feel safer. No matter how hyper he gets, I know he is a really good boy, I am glad that my friends think so too. As a kid who didn't get much love from my own mother, I understood every mother could have a hard time, but pushing the kids away and forcing them walking away from their mother, it is absolutely not wise and heart-broken. What they need is love and caring, let them feel they are always wanted and being loved all the time, no matter how old they get and how far they go, the bond and connection will be there, forever.



        本文标题:Hard Time
