Day9 EnglishPod 125笔记 NO SMOKIN

Day9 EnglishPod 125笔记 NO SMOKIN

作者: 若湖_yuki | 来源:发表于2017-10-18 21:58 被阅读0次

    A: It smells like an ashtray in here!

    B: Hi honey! What’s wrong? Why do you have that look on your face?

    A: What’s wrong? I thought we agreed that you were gonna quit smoking.

    B: No! I said I was going to cut down which is very different. You can’t just expect me to go cold turkey overnight!

    A: Look, there are other ways to quit. You can try the nicotine[ˈnɪkətiːn] patch, or nicotine chewing gum. We spend a fortune on cigarettes every month and now laws are cracking down and not allowing smoking in any public place. It’s not like you can just light up like before.

    B: I know, I know. I really am trying but, I don’t have the willpower to just quit. I can’t fight with the urge to reach for my pack of smokes in the morning with coffee or after lunch! Please understand?

    A: Fine! I want a divorce!

    1.ashtray [ˈæʃtreɪ]

    烟灰缸 An ashtray is a small dish in which smokers can put the ash from their cigarettes and cigars.

    2.cut down

    to use less or do less of something

    I haven't been able to quit smoking completely, but at least I've cut down. [=cut back]

    — often +on

    I've had to cut down on [=reduce,cut back on] the amount of money I spend on clothes.

    She suggested he cut down on his drinking.

    a building material that helps cut down on noise

    3.light up

    点烟;开始吸烟 If you light up, you make a cigarette, cigar, or pipe start burning and you start smoking it.

    I can't wait to light up [=smoke a cigarette] after work.

    4.cold turkey


    the act of stopping a bad habit (such as taking drugs) in a sudden and complete way

    I tried lots of ways to stop smoking, even cold turkey.


    Instead of trying to quit cold turkey, why don't you slowly decrease the amount that you smoke?

    Some people have to go cold turkey to stop.

    5.nicotine patch

    6.nicotine chewing gum

    7.spend a fortune on sth

    a very large amount of money

    We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune...

    Their house is worth a fortune.

    They spent a small fortune[=a surprisingly or unexpectedly large amount of money] on redecorating their house.

    He made a small fortune in the London property boom.

    She made her/a fortune in real estate.

    8.crack down

    to start to be strict about punishing people for doing something that is illegal or not allowed:to enforce a law or rule more strictly

    严厉打击;镇压 If people in authority crack down on a group of people, they become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws.

    People have been violating this law for years, and now the government is finally starting to crack down.

    There has been a lot of drinking. We are cracking down now. Anyone who gets caught is fired.

    — often +on

    Authorities are cracking down on companies that pollute.

    The government has cracked down hard on those campaigning for greater democracy[dɪˈmɑːkrəsi]...


    意志力;毅力 the ability to control yourself:strong determination that allows you to do something difficult (such as to lose weight or quit smoking)

    He conquered his drinking problem through sheer willpower.

    I know I've got the willpower to do it...

    His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed.

    10.urge for sth/to do sth

    强烈的欲望;冲动;迫切的要求 If you have an urge to do or have something, you have a strong wish to do or have it.

    He had an urge to open a shop of his own...

    the urge for something sweet

    He fought the urge to cry/laugh.

    creative/sexual urges

    11.craving for sth/to do sth

    a very strong desire for something

    I had/felt a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.

    a craving for chocolate

    She felt a desperate craving to be loved.

    12.what does it have to do with ...?和...有毛线关系

    This is a very strange phrase. Okay, so, first of all, why would a turkey be cold? They have lots of feathers. And second of all, what does it have to do with cigarettes?

    13.a social smoker / a habitual smoker




          本文标题:Day9 EnglishPod 125笔记 NO SMOKIN
