Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)-大西洋移民试点项目, 针对大西洋四省的移民计划。 国际毕业生申请时不再需要任何工作经验!

大西洋四省包括新布伦瑞克省, 纽芬兰和拉布拉多省, 新斯科舍省以及爱德华王子岛省。
还记得我们不久前发布的关于“大西洋地区发展战略 Atlantic Growth Strategy"的文章吗? 在大西洋地区发展战略中, 为期三年的吸引移民试点计划是发展战略的重心。
短短几个月, 这个移民试点计划已经成为了现实。 据加拿大移民局官网2017年1月27日的消息称, 从2017年3月开始, 将在大西洋四省实施 Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)-大西洋移民试点项目。大西洋四省包括 新布伦瑞克省, 纽芬兰和拉布拉多省, 新斯科舍省以及爱德华王子岛省。
AIP项目是一个雇主担保类的移民项目, 目的在于吸引更多的技术人才还有国际学生扎根在大西洋省份, 为大西洋省份的发展发光发热。申请人需要得到在大西洋省份指定雇主提供的入职信(Offer letter)。 在雇主的支持下, 相应的组织会为新移民家庭提供 安家居住服务。 如果申请人是毕业生, 申请学生毕业的学校必须是公立学校。 下面我们就和大家分享Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)-大西洋移民试点项目的一些细节。
Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)-大西洋移民试点项目
Atlantic High-Skilled Program大西洋高等技术项目
Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program大西洋中级技能项目
Atlantic International Graduate Program大西洋国际毕业生项目
申请各项目所要求的工作经验,教育要求和工作邀请将取决于申请人是技术人才还是毕业生, 其他要求对于两种申请人都是相同的。下面具体为大家说明加拿大移民局对大西洋国际毕业生项目的申请要求。
You do not need any work experience
You must have:
• a minimum 2 year degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship credential from a recognized publicly-funded institution in an Atlantic province
• been a full-time student in Canada for at least two years
• graduated in the last 12 months when you apply
• lived in one of the Atlantic provinces for at least 16 months in the last 2 years before you graduated
• had the visa or permit needed to work, study or train in Canada
Your study or training program cannot be:
• English or French second language courses for more than half of the program, or
• distance learning undertaken for more than half the length of the program.
You can’t apply if you had a scholarship or fellowship requiring you to return to your home country after you graduate.
You must have a job offer that is:
• from a designated employer in an Atlantic province (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island)
• non-seasonal
• reviewed by the province (details on the endorsement process will be available in early March 2017)
• The National Occupational Classification (NOC) and duration of the job offer depends on your application.
Job offers for international graduates must:
• be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
• last at least one year
Your job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience. However, you need to meet employment requirements for the job you are offered. The requirements are listed in the NOC.
The employer does not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment
• 来自大西洋省(新布伦瑞克省,纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省或爱德华王子岛省)的指定雇主,
• 非季节性
• 经由各省审查(详细的审查过程将于2017年3月初提供)
• 国家职业分类(NOC)和工作邀请的期限取决于您的申请。
• 是技能类型/ 0级,A,B或C
• 工作邀请至少持续一年
Language 语言要求
You must:
have at least a level four (4) in the Canadian Language Benchmarks in English or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens in French, and
take an approved language test that shows you meet the level for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Your results must be less than two years old when you apply.
You will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you immigrate. The amount you need depends on the size of your family and includes family members you support that are not immigrating with you.
You do not need to show proof if you are already living and working in Canada with a valid work permit.
To help you settle in Canada, you must have a needs assessment before you immigrate. After the assessment, you will get a plan. The plan will tell you:
• about the community where you will live, and
• where you can get help for you and your family.
为了帮助申请人在加拿大定居,申请人必须在移民前进行需求评估。评估后申请人会收到安居计划, 这份计划会给申请人指出:
Endorsement certificate 认可证书
Details on the endorsement process will be available in early March 2017.
想起前些年移民的时候, 移民局要求国际毕业生工作经验必须要与大学的专业对口。 之后移民局又要求国际毕业生需要一年的全职永久工作经验之后才能申请。现在的留学生们真是太幸运了!加币汇率低,移民政策更好, 希望大家不要错过这个机会!
欢迎来到美丽的大西洋, 开启你在加拿大的人生探索。
