第4期 阅读英文小说A Wrinkle In Time学习新的词

第4期 阅读英文小说A Wrinkle In Time学习新的词

作者: 芹菜的阅读小空间 | 来源:发表于2017-11-29 13:49 被阅读0次

    A Wrinkle In Time Part 1


    At this shed thrown die books on the side of the road and tackled him with every ounce of strength she had, and arrived home with her blouse torn and a big bruise under one eye.

    这里有个很有意思的die,一直没有找到具体是什么意思,但是我觉得在这句里,我可以把它理解为“该死的”。 另外还有可以学习的单词:

    1.tackle n.滑车,装备,用具,扭到;vt.处理,抓住,固定,与……交涉;vi.扭到,拦截抢球

    英: 1. to try to deal with a difficult problem处理,对付(难题)

    英: 2. to try to take the ball away from an opponent in a game such as football or hockey

    英: 3. to talk to someone in order to deal with a difficult problem(为了解决难题)与……商谈,与……交涉tackle sb about sth.

    例如:When I tackled Susan about it, she admitted shed made a mistake.我找苏珊谈了这事,她承认是她错了。

    英: 4. to start fighting someone, especially a criminal对付,打(尤指罪犯)

    2.竭尽全力,学到了一个新的表达方式:with every ounce of strength

    3.bruise, [ bru:z] n.擦伤,挫伤,青肿;vt.使受淤伤,使受挫伤;vi.擦伤,受伤;

    英1: a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc.淤青,青肿,擦伤

    minor cuts and bruises轻微的伤口和淤青

    英2: if part of your body bruises, or if you bruise part of your body, it gets hit or hurt and a bruise appears (使)碰伤,擦伤,(使)成淤伤

    英3: to affect someone badly and make them feel less confident打击,挫伤(某人的自信心)bruise sbs pride/ego挫伤某人自尊心



    Her ten-year-old twin brothers, who got home from school an hour earlier than she did, were disgusted.Let us do the fighting when its necessary,they told her.


    disgust: n.厌恶,嫌恶vt.使厌恶,使作呕


    英1: a strong feeling of dislike, annoyance, or disapproval厌恶,气愤,反感

    with disgust: Joan looked at him with disgust.琼厌恶地看着他。

    in disgust: Sam threw his books down in disgust and stormed out of the room.萨姆气愤地扔下书,冲出房间。

    to sbs disgust: Much to my disgust, I found that there were no toilets for the disabled.让我非常气愤的是,我发现竟然没有供残疾人使用的厕所。


    disgust with: Nelsons disgust with US politics.纳尔逊对美国政治的反感

    Disgust at: The fans didnt hide their disgust at the umpires decision.球迷们没有掩饰对裁判这次判罚的不满。

    英2: a very strong feeling of dislike that almost makes you sick, caused by something unpleasant嫌恶,厌恶,作呕

    例如: He reached into the bin with a look of disgust on his face.他把手伸进垃圾箱,脸上带着厌恶的表情。


    英1: to make someone feel very annoyed or upset about something that is not acceptable使(某人)反感(厌恶,气愤)

    例如:Many parents claimed to be disgusted by the amount of violence in the film.许多家长称对电影里大量的暴力内容很反感。

    be disgusted to find/hear/see

    I was disguested to find the picture on page one of Sundays feature section.看到周日专题报道首页里的照片,我感到很气愤。

    英2: to be so unpleasant that it makes you feel almost sick使(某人)感到恶心(作呕)

    The thinking of dissecting a frog disgusts me.一想起解剖青蛙我就恶心。

    今天的就到这里,by Nancy Wu




          本文标题:第4期 阅读英文小说A Wrinkle In Time学习新的词
