

作者: ZQtGe6 | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 04:46 被阅读192次

    astro-ph.CO - 宇宙学和天体物理学
    cs.AI - 人工智能
    cs.CL - 计算与语言
    cs.CR - 加密与安全
    cs.CV - 机器视觉与模式识别
    cs.CY - 计算与社会
    cs.DB - 数据库
    cs.DC - 分布式、并行与集群计算
    cs.GR - 计算机图形学
    cs.HC - 人机接口
    cs.IR - 信息检索
    cs.IT - 信息论
    cs.LG - 自动学习
    cs.LO - 计算逻辑
    cs.MM - 多媒体
    cs.NI - 网络和互联网体系结构
    cs.RO - 机器人学
    cs.SD - 声音处理
    cs.SE - 软件工程
    cs.SI - 社交网络与信息网络
    eess.AS - 语音处理
    math.CO - 组合数学
    math.OC - 优化与控制
    math.ST - 统计理论
    physics.geo-ph - 地球物理学
    physics.soc-ph - 物理学与社会
    q-fin.PM - 投资组合管理
    q-fin.TR - 贸易与市场微观结构
    quant-ph - 量子物理
    stat.AP - 应用统计
    stat.CO - 统计计算
    stat.ME - 统计方法论
    stat.ML - (统计)机器学习

    • [astro-ph.CO]Stress testing the dark energy equation of state imprint on supernova data
    • [cs.AI]Can rationality be measured?
    • [cs.AI]Goal-based Course Recommendation
    • [cs.AI]Optimizing Answer Set Computation via Heuristic-Based Decomposition
    • [cs.AI]Trip Prediction by Leveraging Trip Histories from Neighboring Users
    • [cs.CL]A Bi-model based RNN Semantic Frame Parsing Model for Intent Detection and Slot Filling
    • [cs.CL]An Investigation of Supervised Learning Methods for Authorship Attribution in Short Hinglish Texts using Char & Word N-grams
    • [cs.CL]Building a Neural Semantic Parser from a Domain Ontology
    • [cs.CL]DBpedia NIF: Open, Large-Scale and Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Corpus
    • [cs.CL]Learning to Refine Source Representations for Neural Machine Translation
    • [cs.CL]Massively Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer and Beyond
    • [cs.CL]Meta Learning for Few-shot Keyword Spotting
    • [cs.CL]Moment Matching Training for Neural Machine Translation: A Preliminary Study
    • [cs.CL]Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation with Enhanced Decoder Input
    • [cs.CL]Quantized-Dialog Language Model for Goal-Oriented Conversational Systems
    • [cs.CR]A Review on The Use of Deep Learning in Android Malware Detection
    • [cs.CR]Exploratory Data Analysis of a Network Telescope Traffic and Prediction of Port Probing Rates
    • [cs.CR]Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Deep Learning with Irregular Participants
    • [cs.CV]3D PersonVLAD: Learning Deep Global Representations for Video-based Person Re-identification
    • [cs.CV]A Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network Framework for Group Activity Recognition
    • [cs.CV]A Poisson-Gaussian Denoising Dataset with Real Fluorescence Microscopy Images
    • [cs.CV]A Survey to Deep Facial Attribute Analysis
    • [cs.CV]A Unified Framework for Mutual Improvement of SLAM and Semantic Segmentation
    • [cs.CV]A Whole Slide Image Grading Benchmark and Tissue Classification for Cervical Cancer Precursor Lesions with Inter-Observer Variability
    • [cs.CV]Advanced Image Processing for Astronomical Images
    • [cs.CV]Adversarial Feature Genome: a Data Driven Adversarial Examples Recognition Method
    • [cs.CV]Attention Branch Network: Learning of Attention Mechanism for Visual Explanation
    • [cs.CV]Classification of X-Ray Protein Crystallization Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a Finder Module
    • [cs.CV]Color Image Enhancement Method Based on Weighted Image Guided Filtering
    • [cs.CV]Coupled Analysis Dictionary Learning to inductively learn inversion: Application to real-time reconstruction of Biomedical signals
    • [cs.CV]Coupled Recurrent Network (CRN)
    • [cs.CV]Curriculum Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
    • [cs.CV]Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Based Food Recognition Using Partially Labeled Data
    • [cs.CV]Deep Learning for Inferring the Surface Solar Irradiance from Sky Imagery
    • [cs.CV]Domain-Aware Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
    • [cs.CV]End-to-End Latent Fingerprint Search
    • [cs.CV]FPD-M-net: Fingerprint Image Denoising and Inpainting Using M-Net Based Convolutional Neural Networks
    • [cs.CV]Holistic Decomposition Convolution for Effective Semantic Segmentation of 3D MR Images
    • [cs.CV]Image-to-Image Translation via Group-wise Deep Whitening and Coloring Transformation
    • [cs.CV]Informative Object Annotations: Tell Me Something I Don't Know
    • [cs.CV]Latent Filter Scaling for Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
    • [cs.CV]Learning Not to Learn: Training Deep Neural Networks with Biased Data
    • [cs.CV]Learning a Disentangled Embedding for Monocular 3D Shape Retrieval and Pose Estimation
    • [cs.CV]MMFNet: A Multi-modality MRI Fusion Network for Segmentation of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
    • [cs.CV]Motion Blur removal via Coupled Autoencoder
    • [cs.CV]Motion Selective Prediction for Video Frame Synthesis
    • [cs.CV]Perceptually-based single-image depth super-resolution
    • [cs.CV]Practical Adversarial Attack Against Object Detector
    • [cs.CV]Precision Highway for Ultra Low-Precision Quantization
    • [cs.CV]RegNet: Learning the Optimization of Direct Image-to-Image Pose Registration
    • [cs.CV]Region Proposal Networks with Contextual Selective Attention for Real-Time Organ Detection
    • [cs.CV]Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection
    • [cs.CV]Similarity R-C3D for Few-shot Temporal Activity Detection
    • [cs.CV]Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification
    • [cs.CV]Spotting Micro-Expressions on Long Videos Sequences
    • [cs.CV]Structure-Aware 3D Hourglass Network for Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth Image
    • [cs.CV]TextNet: Irregular Text Reading from Images with an End-to-End Trainable Network
    • [cs.CV]Texture Deformation Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Editing
    • [cs.CV]The algorithm of formation of a training set for an artificial neural network for image segmentation
    • [cs.CV]The algorithm of the impulse noise filtration in images based on an algorithm of community detection in graphs
    • [cs.CY]Border Effect of Complex Network: An analysis on the cooperation network of movie stars across different regions
    • [cs.CY]Movies Network as the Indicator of Globalization
    • [cs.CY]PatientEG Dataset: Bringing Event Graph Model with Temporal Relations to Electronic Medical Records
    • [cs.CY]Water quality information dissemination at real-time in South Africa using language modelling
    • [cs.CY]Wibson: A Decentralized Data Marketplace
    • [cs.DB]On Functional Aggregate Queries with Additive Inequalities
    • [cs.DC]Bioinformatics Computational Cluster Batch Task Profiling with Machine Learning for Failure Prediction
    • [cs.DC]CLoTH: a Simulator for HTLC Payment Networks
    • [cs.DC]Correction to Byzantine Agreement in Expected Polynomial Time, JACM 2016
    • [cs.DC]JALAD: Joint Accuracy- and Latency-Aware Deep Structure Decoupling for Edge-Cloud Execution
    • [cs.DC]The ShareGrid Portal: an easy way to submit jobs on computational Grids
    • [cs.DC]The TAAROA Project Specification
    • [cs.DC]The Use of MPI and OpenMP Technologies for Subsequence Similarity Search in Very Large Time Series on Computer Cluster System with Nodes Based on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Many-core Processor
    • [cs.GR]A Survey on Non-rigid 3D Shape Analysis
    • [cs.HC]BCI decoder performance comparison of an LSTM recurrent neural network and a Kalman filter in retrospective simulation
    • [cs.HC]Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Comprehensive Historical Survey with Recent Developments
    • [cs.IR]Sequence to Sequence Learning for Query Expansion
    • [cs.IR]TransNFCM: Translation-Based Neural Fashion Compatibility Modeling
    • [cs.IT]A Proof of the Beierle-Kranz-Leander Conjecture related to Lightweight Multiplication in \mathds{F}_{2^n}
    • [cs.IT]Age of Information in Multihop Multicast Networks
    • [cs.IT]CodedSketch: A Coding Scheme for Distributed Computation of Approximated Matrix Multiplications
    • [cs.IT]Explicit Formulas for the Weight Enumerators of Some Classes of Deletion Correcting Codes
    • [cs.IT]Exploiting non-orthogonal multiple access in downlink coordinated multipoint transmission with the presence of imperfect channel state information
    • [cs.IT]GASP Codes for Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication
    • [cs.IT]Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Helper
    • [cs.IT]Reinforcement Learning for Self-Organization and Power Control of Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks
    • [cs.IT]Second-Order Converses via Reverse Hypercontractivity
    • [cs.IT]Study of Robust Diffusion Recursive Least Squares Algorithms with Side Information for Networked Agents
    • [cs.IT]Trainable Projected Gradient Detector for Massive Overloaded MIMO Channels: Data-driven Tuning Approach
    • [cs.LG]A New Concept of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Augmented General Sequence Tagging System
    • [cs.LG]Dropout Regularization in Hierarchical Mixture of Experts
    • [cs.LG]Dual Principal Component Pursuit: Probability Analysis and Efficient Algorithms
    • [cs.LG]Dynamic Online Gradient Descent with Improved Query Complexity: A Theoretical Revisit
    • [cs.LG]Dynamic Runtime Feature Map Pruning
    • [cs.LG]ECG Segmentation by Neural Networks: Errors and Correction
    • [cs.LG]Generalization Bounds for Uniformly Stable Algorithms
    • [cs.LG]Group Preserving Label Embedding for Multi-Label Classification
    • [cs.LG]Improving MMD-GAN Training with Repulsive Loss Function
    • [cs.LG]Invariant and Equivariant Graph Networks
    • [cs.LG]Joint Embedding Learning and Low-Rank Approximation: A Framework for Incomplete Multi-view Learning
    • [cs.LG]Learning when to Communicate at Scale in Multiagent Cooperative and Competitive Tasks
    • [cs.LG]Mixed-Order Spectral Clustering for Networks
    • [cs.LG]Overparameterized Nonlinear Learning: Gradient Descent Takes the Shortest Path?
    • [cs.LG]PPD: Permutation Phase Defense Against Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning
    • [cs.LG]Parallel Clustering of Single Cell Transcriptomic Data with Split-Merge Sampling on Dirichlet Process Mixtures
    • [cs.LG]Parallelized Interactive Machine Learning on Autonomous Vehicles
    • [cs.LG]Protecting Sensitive Attributes via Generative Adversarial Networks
    • [cs.LG]SNAS: Stochastic Neural Architecture Search
    • [cs.LG]Self-Attention Equipped Graph Convolutions for Disease Prediction
    • [cs.LG]Stochastic Trust Region Inexact Newton Method for Large-scale Machine Learning
    • [cs.LG]Structure Learning of Sparse GGMs over Multiple Access Networks
    • [cs.LG]Studying the Plasticity in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Random Pruning
    • [cs.LG]The CORAL+ Algorithm for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of PLDA
    • [cs.LG]Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Hashing-Based Neural Nets
    • [cs.LG]VMAV-C: A Deep Attention-based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Model-based Control
    • [cs.LG]bigMap: Big Data Mapping with Parallelized t-SNE
    • [cs.LO]The content correlation of multiple streaming edges
    • [cs.MM]Learning based Facial Image Compression with Semantic Fidelity Metric
    • [cs.NI]Iroko: A Framework to Prototype Reinforcement Learning for Data Center Traffic Control
    • [cs.RO]An Efficient L-Shape Fitting Method for Vehicle Pose Detection with 2D LiDAR
    • [cs.RO]Learning to Prevent Monocular SLAM Failure using Reinforcement Learning
    • [cs.RO]SRM: An Efficient Framework for Autonomous Robotic Exploration in Indoor Environments
    • [cs.RO]Self-Localization of Parking Robots Using Square-Like Landmarks
    • [cs.SD]Noise Flooding for Detecting Audio Adversarial Examples Against Automatic Speech Recognition
    • [cs.SD]Tensor-Train Long Short-Term Memory for Monaural Speech Enhancement
    • [cs.SE]Assuring Autonomous Systems: Opportunities for Integrated Formal Methods?
    • [cs.SE]The iEnvironment Platform: Developing an Open Science Software Platform for Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Modeling of Surface Water
    • [cs.SI]Analysis of contagion maps on a class of networks that are spatially embedded in a torus
    • [cs.SI]Elites Tweet? Characterizing the Twitter Verified User Network
    • [eess.AS]Pansori: ASR Corpus Generation from Open Online Video Contents
    • [math.CO]The hat guessing number of graphs
    • [math.OC]On Increasing Self-Confidence in Non-Bayesian Social Learning over Time-Varying Directed Graphs
    • [math.ST]Almost sure convergence for weighted sums of pairwise PQD random variables
    • [math.ST]Optimal Designs for Prediction in Two Treatment Groups Random Coefficient Regression Models
    • [math.ST]Optimal False Discovery Control of Minimax Estimator
    • [math.ST]Sign tests for weak principal directions
    • [physics.geo-ph]Deep learning electromagnetic inversion with convolutional neural networks
    • [physics.geo-ph]Incorporating Deformation Energetics in Long-Term Tectonic Modeling
    • [physics.soc-ph]The Chaperone Effect in Scientific Publishing
    • [q-fin.PM]Portfolio Optimization for Cointelated Pairs: SDEs vs. Machine Learning
    • [q-fin.TR]Optimizing Market Making using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
    • [quant-ph]Efficiently computable bounds for magic state distillation
    • [stat.AP]A backward procedure for change-point detection with applications to copy number variation detection
    • [stat.AP]Bayesian Point Set Registration
    • [stat.AP]Comparing Spatial Regression to Random Forests for Large Environmental Data Sets
    • [stat.AP]Detecting British Columbia Coastal Rainfall Patterns by Clustering Gaussian Processes
    • [stat.CO]An Algorithm for computing the t-signature of two-state networks
    • [stat.ME]Bayesian Propagation of Record Linkage Uncertainty into Population Size Estimation of Human Rights Violations
    • [stat.ME]Bayesian semiparametric modelling of phase-varying point processes
    • [stat.ME]Bi-clustering for time-varying relational count data analysis
    • [stat.ME]Model Selection for Mixture Models - Perspectives and Strategies
    • [stat.ME]On discrimination between the Lindley and xgamma distributions
    • [stat.ME]Optimal Treatment Selection Using the Covariate-Specific Treatment Effect Curve with High-dimensional Covariates
    • [stat.ME]Synthetic Difference in Differences
    • [stat.ME]rstap: An R Package for Spatial Temporal Aggregated Predictor Models
    • [stat.ML]A determinantal point process for column subset selection
    • [stat.ML]Bayesian Causal Inference
    • [stat.ML]Deep neural networks are biased towards simple functions
    • [stat.ML]Guessing Smart: Biased Sampling for Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks
    • [stat.ML]Large Multistream Data Analytics for Monitoring and Diagnostics in Manufacturing Systems


    • [astro-ph.CO]Stress testing the dark energy equation of state imprint on supernova data
    Ben Moews, Rafael S. de Souza, Emille E. O. Ishida, Alex I. Malz, Caroline Heneka, Ricardo Vilalta, Joe Zuntz

    • [cs.AI]Can rationality be measured?
    Tshilidzi Marwala

    • [cs.AI]Goal-based Course Recommendation
    Weijie Jiang, Zachary A. Pardos, Qiang Wei

    • [cs.AI]Optimizing Answer Set Computation via Heuristic-Based Decomposition
    Francesco Calimeri, Simona Perri, Jessica Zangari

    • [cs.AI]Trip Prediction by Leveraging Trip Histories from Neighboring Users
    Yuxin Chen, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani

    • [cs.CL]A Bi-model based RNN Semantic Frame Parsing Model for Intent Detection and Slot Filling
    Yu Wang, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin

    • [cs.CL]An Investigation of Supervised Learning Methods for Authorship Attribution in Short Hinglish Texts using Char & Word N-grams
    Abhay Sharma, Ananya Nandan, Reetika Ralhan

    • [cs.CL]Building a Neural Semantic Parser from a Domain Ontology
    Jianpeng Cheng, Siva Reddy, Mirella Lapata

    • [cs.CL]DBpedia NIF: Open, Large-Scale and Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Corpus
    Milan Dojchinovski, Julio Hernandez, Markus Ackermann, Amit Kirschenbaum, Sebastian Hellmann

    • [cs.CL]Learning to Refine Source Representations for Neural Machine Translation
    Xinwei Geng, Longyue Wang, Xing Wang, Bing Qin, Ting Liu, Zhaopeng Tu

    • [cs.CL]Massively Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer and Beyond
    Mikel Artetxe, Holger Schwenk

    • [cs.CL]Meta Learning for Few-shot Keyword Spotting
    Yangbin Chen, Tom Ko, Lifeng Shang, Xiao Chen, Xin Jiang, Qing Li

    • [cs.CL]Moment Matching Training for Neural Machine Translation: A Preliminary Study
    Cong Duy Vu Hoang, Ioan Calapodescu, Marc Dymetman

    • [cs.CL]Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation with Enhanced Decoder Input
    Junliang Guo, Xu Tan, Di He, Tao Qin, Linli Xu, Tie-Yan Liu

    • [cs.CL]Quantized-Dialog Language Model for Goal-Oriented Conversational Systems
    R. Chulaka Gunasekara, David Nahamoo, Lazaros C. Polymenakos, Jatin Ganhotra, Kshitij P. Fadnis

    • [cs.CR]A Review on The Use of Deep Learning in Android Malware Detection
    Abdelmonim Naway, Yuancheng LI

    • [cs.CR]Exploratory Data Analysis of a Network Telescope Traffic and Prediction of Port Probing Rates
    Mehdi Zakroum, Abdellah Houmz, Mounir Ghogho, Ghita Mezzour, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Jérôme François, Mohammed El Koutbi

    • [cs.CR]Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Deep Learning with Irregular Participants
    Lingchen Zhao, Yan Zhang, Qian Wang, Yanjiao Chen, Cong Wang, Qin Zou

    • [cs.CV]3D PersonVLAD: Learning Deep Global Representations for Video-based Person Re-identification
    Lin Wu, Yang Wang, Ling Shao, Meng Wang

    • [cs.CV]A Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network Framework for Group Activity Recognition
    Sina Mokhtarzadeh Azar, Mina Ghadimi Atigh, Ahmad Nickabadi

    • [cs.CV]A Poisson-Gaussian Denoising Dataset with Real Fluorescence Microscopy Images
    Yide Zhang, Yinhao Zhu, Evan Nichols, Qingfei Wang, Siyuan Zhang, Cody Smith, Scott Howard

    • [cs.CV]A Survey to Deep Facial Attribute Analysis
    Xin Zheng, Yanqing Guo, Huaibo Huang, Yi Li, Ran He

    • [cs.CV]A Unified Framework for Mutual Improvement of SLAM and Semantic Segmentation
    Kai Wang, Yimin Lin, Luowei Wang, Liming Han, Minjie Hua, Xiang Wang, Shiguo Lian, Bill Huang

    • [cs.CV]A Whole Slide Image Grading Benchmark and Tissue Classification for Cervical Cancer Precursor Lesions with Inter-Observer Variability
    Abdulkadir Albayrak, Asli Unlu, Nurullah Calik, Abdulkerim Capar, Gokhan Bilgin, Behcet Ugur Toreyin, Bahar Muezzinoglu, Ilknur Turkmen, Lutfiye Durak-Ata

    • [cs.CV]Advanced Image Processing for Astronomical Images
    Diganta Misra, Sparsha Mishra, Bhargav Appasani

    • [cs.CV]Adversarial Feature Genome: a Data Driven Adversarial Examples Recognition Method
    Li Chen, Hailun Ding, Qi Li, Jiawei Zhu, Haozhe Huang, Yifan Chang, Haifeng Li

    • [cs.CV]Attention Branch Network: Learning of Attention Mechanism for Visual Explanation
    Hiroshi Fukui, Tsubasa Hirakawa, Takayoshi Yamashita, Hironobu Fujiyoshi

    • [cs.CV]Classification of X-Ray Protein Crystallization Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a Finder Module
    Yusei Miura, Tetsuya Sakurai, Claus Aranha, Toshiya Senda, Ryuichi Kato, Yusuke Yamada

    • [cs.CV]Color Image Enhancement Method Based on Weighted Image Guided Filtering
    Qi Mu, Yanyan Wei, Zhanli Li

    • [cs.CV]Coupled Analysis Dictionary Learning to inductively learn inversion: Application to real-time reconstruction of Biomedical signals
    Kavya Gupta, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Angshul Majumdar

    • [cs.CV]Coupled Recurrent Network (CRN)
    Lin Sun, Kui Jia, Yuejia Shen, Silvio Savarese, Dit Yan Yeung, Bertram E. Shi

    • [cs.CV]Curriculum Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
    Yang Zhang, Philip David, Hassan Foroosh, Boqing Gong

    • [cs.CV]Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Based Food Recognition Using Partially Labeled Data
    Bappaditya Mandal, N. B. Puhan, Avijit Verma

    • [cs.CV]Deep Learning for Inferring the Surface Solar Irradiance from Sky Imagery
    Mehdi Zakroum, Mounir Ghogho, Mustapha Faqir, Mohamed Aymane Ahajjam

    • [cs.CV]Domain-Aware Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
    Yuval Atzmon, Gal Chechik

    • [cs.CV]End-to-End Latent Fingerprint Search
    Kai Cao, Dinh-Luan Nguyen, Cori Tymoszek, A. K. Jain

    • [cs.CV]FPD-M-net: Fingerprint Image Denoising and Inpainting Using M-Net Based Convolutional Neural Networks
    Sukesh Adiga V, Jayanthi Sivaswamy

    • [cs.CV]Holistic Decomposition Convolution for Effective Semantic Segmentation of 3D MR Images
    Guodong Zeng, Guoyan Zheng

    • [cs.CV]Image-to-Image Translation via Group-wise Deep Whitening and Coloring Transformation
    Wonwoong Cho, Sungha Choi, David Park, Inkyu Shin, Jaegul Choo

    • [cs.CV]Informative Object Annotations: Tell Me Something I Don't Know
    Lior Bracha, Gal Chechik

    • [cs.CV]Latent Filter Scaling for Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
    Yazeed Alharbi, Neil Smith, Peter Wonka

    • [cs.CV]Learning Not to Learn: Training Deep Neural Networks with Biased Data
    Byungju Kim, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyungsu Kim, Sungjin Kim, Junmo Kim

    • [cs.CV]Learning a Disentangled Embedding for Monocular 3D Shape Retrieval and Pose Estimation
    Kyaw Zaw Lin, Weipeng Xu, Qianru Sun, Christian Theobalt, Tat-Seng Chua

    • [cs.CV]MMFNet: A Multi-modality MRI Fusion Network for Segmentation of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
    Huai Chen, Yuxiao Qi, Yong Yin, TengXiang Li, Guanzhong Gong, Lisheng Wang

    • [cs.CV]Motion Blur removal via Coupled Autoencoder
    Kavya Gupta, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Angshul Majumdar

    • [cs.CV]Motion Selective Prediction for Video Frame Synthesis
    Veronique Prinet

    • [cs.CV]Perceptually-based single-image depth super-resolution
    O. Voinov, A. Artemov, V. Egiazarian, A. Notchenko, G. Bobrovskikh, D. Zorin, E. Burnaev

    • [cs.CV]Practical Adversarial Attack Against Object Detector
    Yue Zhao, Hong Zhu, Qintao Shen, Ruigang Liang, Kai Chen, Shengzhi Zhang

    • [cs.CV]Precision Highway for Ultra Low-Precision Quantization
    Eunhyeok Park, Dongyoung Kim, Sungjoo Yoo, Peter Vajda

    • [cs.CV]RegNet: Learning the Optimization of Direct Image-to-Image Pose Registration
    Lei Han, Mengqi Ji, Lu Fang, Matthias Nießner

    • [cs.CV]Region Proposal Networks with Contextual Selective Attention for Real-Time Organ Detection
    Awais Mansoor, Antonio R. Porras, Marius George Linguraru

    • [cs.CV]Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection
    Jinming Su, Jia Li, Changqun Xia, Yonghong Tian

    • [cs.CV]Similarity R-C3D for Few-shot Temporal Activity Detection
    Huijuan Xu, Bingyi Kang, Ximeng Sun, Jiashi Feng, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell

    • [cs.CV]Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification
    Yiheng Liu, Zhenxun Yuan, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li

    • [cs.CV]Spotting Micro-Expressions on Long Videos Sequences
    Jingting Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Sguier, Sujing Wang, Moi Hoon Yap

    • [cs.CV]Structure-Aware 3D Hourglass Network for Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth Image
    Fuyang Huang, Ailing Zeng, Minhao Liu, Jing Qin, Qiang Xu

    • [cs.CV]TextNet: Irregular Text Reading from Images with an End-to-End Trainable Network
    Yipeng Sun, Chengquan Zhang, Zuming Huang, Jiaming Liu, Junyu Han, Errui Ding

    • [cs.CV]Texture Deformation Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Editing
    WenTing Chen, Xinpeng Xie, Xi Jia, Linlin Shen

    • [cs.CV]The algorithm of formation of a training set for an artificial neural network for image segmentation
    S. V. Belim, S. B. Larionov

    • [cs.CV]The algorithm of the impulse noise filtration in images based on an algorithm of community detection in graphs
    S. V. Belim, S. B. Larionov

    • [cs.CY]Border Effect of Complex Network: An analysis on the cooperation network of movie stars across different regions
    Wen Zhou, Dong Zhang, Chen Chen, Dianbo Liu

    • [cs.CY]Movies Network as the Indicator of Globalization
    Zilu Yu, Chen Chen, Dianbo Liu

    • [cs.CY]PatientEG Dataset: Bringing Event Graph Model with Temporal Relations to Electronic Medical Records
    Xuli Liu, Jihao Jin, Qi Wang, Tong Ruan, Yangming Zhou, Daqi Gao, Yichao Yin

    • [cs.CY]Water quality information dissemination at real-time in South Africa using language modelling
    Laing Lourens, Arijit Patra, Luqmaan Hassim, Faheem Sima, Avashlin Moodley, Pulkit Sharma

    • [cs.CY]Wibson: A Decentralized Data Marketplace
    Matias Travizano, Carlos Sarraute, Gustavo Ajzenman, Martin Minnoni

    • [cs.DB]On Functional Aggregate Queries with Additive Inequalities
    Mahmoud Abo Khamis, Ryan R. Curtin, Benjamin Moseley, Hung Q. Ngo, XuanLong Nguyen, Dan Olteanu, Maximilian Schleich

    • [cs.DC]Bioinformatics Computational Cluster Batch Task Profiling with Machine Learning for Failure Prediction
    Christopher Harrison, Christine R. Kirkpatrick, Inês Dutra

    • [cs.DC]CLoTH: a Simulator for HTLC Payment Networks
    Marco Conoscenti, Antonio Vetrò, Juan Carlos De Martin, Federico Spini, Fabio Castaldo, Sebastiano Scròfina

    • [cs.DC]Correction to Byzantine Agreement in Expected Polynomial Time, JACM 2016
    Valerie King, Jared Saia

    • [cs.DC]JALAD: Joint Accuracy- and Latency-Aware Deep Structure Decoupling for Edge-Cloud Execution
    Hongshan Li, Chenghao Hu, Jingyan Jiang, Zhi Wang, Yonggang Wen, Wenwu Zhu

    • [cs.DC]The ShareGrid Portal: an easy way to submit jobs on computational Grids
    Cosimo Anglano, Massimo Canonico, Marco Guazzone

    • [cs.DC]The TAAROA Project Specification
    Cosimo Anglano, Massimo Canonico, Marco Guazzone, Matteo Zola

    • [cs.DC]The Use of MPI and OpenMP Technologies for Subsequence Similarity Search in Very Large Time Series on Computer Cluster System with Nodes Based on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Many-core Processor
    Yana Kraeva, Mikhail Zymbler

    • [cs.GR]A Survey on Non-rigid 3D Shape Analysis
    Hamid Laga

    • [cs.HC]BCI decoder performance comparison of an LSTM recurrent neural network and a Kalman filter in retrospective simulation
    Tommy Hosman, Marco Vilela, Daniel Milstein, Jessica N. Kelemen, David M. Brandman, Leigh R. Hochberg, John D. Simeral

    • [cs.HC]Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Comprehensive Historical Survey with Recent Developments
    Ali Alkhatlan, Jugal Kalita

    • [cs.IR]Sequence to Sequence Learning for Query Expansion
    Salah Zaiem, Fatiha Sadat

    • [cs.IR]TransNFCM: Translation-Based Neural Fashion Compatibility Modeling
    Xun Yang, Yunshan Ma, Lizi Liao, Meng Wang, Tat-Seng Chua

    • [cs.IT]A Proof of the Beierle-Kranz-Leander Conjecture related to Lightweight Multiplication in \mathds{F}_{2^n}
    Sihem Mesnager, Kwang Ho Kim, Dujin Jo, Junyop Choe, Munhyon Han, Dok Nam Lee

    • [cs.IT]Age of Information in Multihop Multicast Networks
    Baturalp Buyukates, Alkan Soysal, Sennur Ulukus

    • [cs.IT]CodedSketch: A Coding Scheme for Distributed Computation of Approximated Matrix Multiplications
    Tayyebeh Jahani-Nezhad, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali

    • [cs.IT]Explicit Formulas for the Weight Enumerators of Some Classes of Deletion Correcting Codes
    Khodakhast Bibak, Olgica Milenkovic

    • [cs.IT]Exploiting non-orthogonal multiple access in downlink coordinated multipoint transmission with the presence of imperfect channel state information
    Fahri Wisnu Murti, Rahmat Faddli Siregar, Soo Young Shin

    • [cs.IT]GASP Codes for Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication
    Rafael G. L. D'Oliveira, Salim El Rouayheb, David Karpuk

    • [cs.IT]Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Helper
    Jinyuan Chen, Chunhua Geng

    • [cs.IT]Reinforcement Learning for Self-Organization and Power Control of Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks
    Roohollah Amiri, Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Hani Mehrpouyan

    • [cs.IT]Second-Order Converses via Reverse Hypercontractivity
    Jingbo Liu, Ramon van Handel, Sergio Verdú

    • [cs.IT]Study of Robust Diffusion Recursive Least Squares Algorithms with Side Information for Networked Agents
    Y. Yu, R. C. de Lamare, Y. Zakharov

    • [cs.IT]Trainable Projected Gradient Detector for Massive Overloaded MIMO Channels: Data-driven Tuning Approach
    Satoshi Takabe, Masayuki Imanishi, Tadashi Wadayama, Kazunori Hayashi

    • [cs.LG]A New Concept of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Augmented General Sequence Tagging System
    Yu Wang, Abhishek Patel, Hongxia Jin

    • [cs.LG]Dropout Regularization in Hierarchical Mixture of Experts
    Ozan İrsoy, Ethem Alpaydın

    • [cs.LG]Dual Principal Component Pursuit: Probability Analysis and Efficient Algorithms
    Zhihui Zhu, Yifan Wang, Daniel P. Robinson, Daniel Q. Naiman, Rene Vidal, Manolis C. Tsakiris

    • [cs.LG]Dynamic Online Gradient Descent with Improved Query Complexity: A Theoretical Revisit
    Yawei Zhao, En Zhu, Xinwang Liu, Jianping Yin

    • [cs.LG]Dynamic Runtime Feature Map Pruning
    Tailin Liang, Lei Wang, Shaobo Shi, John Glossner

    • [cs.LG]ECG Segmentation by Neural Networks: Errors and Correction
    Iana Sereda, Sergey Alekseev, Aleksandra Koneva, Roman Kataev, Grigory Osipov

    • [cs.LG]Generalization Bounds for Uniformly Stable Algorithms
    Vitaly Feldman, Jan Vondrak

    • [cs.LG]Group Preserving Label Embedding for Multi-Label Classification
    Vikas Kumar, Arun K Pujari, Vineet Padmanabhan, Venkateswara Rao Kagita

    • [cs.LG]Improving MMD-GAN Training with Repulsive Loss Function
    Wei Wang, Yuan Sun, Saman Halgamuge

    • [cs.LG]Invariant and Equivariant Graph Networks
    Haggai Maron, Heli Ben-Hamu, Nadav Shamir, Yaron Lipman

    • [cs.LG]Joint Embedding Learning and Low-Rank Approximation: A Framework for Incomplete Multi-view Learning
    Hong Tao, Chenping Hou, Dongyun Yi, Jubo Zhu

    • [cs.LG]Learning when to Communicate at Scale in Multiagent Cooperative and Competitive Tasks
    Amanpreet Singh, Tushar Jain, Sainbayar Sukhbaatar

    • [cs.LG]Mixed-Order Spectral Clustering for Networks
    Yan Ge, Haiping Lu, Pan Peng

    • [cs.LG]Overparameterized Nonlinear Learning: Gradient Descent Takes the Shortest Path?
    Samet Oymak, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi

    • [cs.LG]PPD: Permutation Phase Defense Against Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning
    Mehdi Jafarnia-Jahromi, Tasmin Chowdhury, Hsin-Tai Wu, Sayandev Mukherjee

    • [cs.LG]Parallel Clustering of Single Cell Transcriptomic Data with Split-Merge Sampling on Dirichlet Process Mixtures
    Tiehang Duan, José P. Pinto, Xiaohui Xie

    • [cs.LG]Parallelized Interactive Machine Learning on Autonomous Vehicles
    Xi Chen, Caylin Hickey

    • [cs.LG]Protecting Sensitive Attributes via Generative Adversarial Networks
    Aria Rezaei, Chaowei Xiao, Jie Gao, Bo Li

    • [cs.LG]SNAS: Stochastic Neural Architecture Search
    Sirui Xie, Hehui Zheng, Chunxiao Liu, Liang Lin

    • [cs.LG]Self-Attention Equipped Graph Convolutions for Disease Prediction
    Anees Kazi, S. Arvind krishna, Shayan Shekarforoush, Karsten Kortuem, Shadi Albarqouni, Nassir Navab

    • [cs.LG]Stochastic Trust Region Inexact Newton Method for Large-scale Machine Learning
    Vinod Kumar Chauhan, Anuj Sharma, Kalpana Dahiya

    • [cs.LG]Structure Learning of Sparse GGMs over Multiple Access Networks
    Mostafa Tavassolipour, Armin Karamzade, Reza Mirzaeifard, Seyed Abolfazl Motahari, Mohammad-Taghi Manzuri Shalmani

    • [cs.LG]Studying the Plasticity in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Random Pruning
    Deepak Mittal, Shweta Bhardwaj, Mitesh M. Khapra, Balaraman Ravindran

    • [cs.LG]The CORAL+ Algorithm for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of PLDA
    Kong Aik Lee, Qiongqiong Wang, Takafumi Koshinaka

    • [cs.LG]Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Hashing-Based Neural Nets
    Yibo Lin, Zhao Song, Lin F. Yang

    • [cs.LG]VMAV-C: A Deep Attention-based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Model-based Control
    Xingxing Liang, Qi Wang, Yanghe Feng, Zhong Liu, Jincai Huang

    • [cs.LG]bigMap: Big Data Mapping with Parallelized t-SNE
    Joan Garriga, Frederic Bartumeus

    • [cs.LO]The content correlation of multiple streaming edges
    Michel de Rougemont, Guillaume Vimont

    • [cs.MM]Learning based Facial Image Compression with Semantic Fidelity Metric
    Zhibo Chen, Tianyu He

    • [cs.NI]Iroko: A Framework to Prototype Reinforcement Learning for Data Center Traffic Control
    Fabian Ruffy, Michael Przystupa, Ivan Beschastnikh

    • [cs.RO]An Efficient L-Shape Fitting Method for Vehicle Pose Detection with 2D LiDAR
    Sanqing Qu, Guang Chen, Canbo Ye, Fan Lu, Fa Wang, Zhongcong Xu, Yixin Ge

    • [cs.RO]Learning to Prevent Monocular SLAM Failure using Reinforcement Learning
    Vignesh Prasad, Karmesh Yadav, Rohitashva Singh Saurabh, Swapnil Daga, Nahas Pareekutty, K. Madhava Krishna, Balaraman Ravindran, Brojeshwar Bhowmick

    • [cs.RO]SRM: An Efficient Framework for Autonomous Robotic Exploration in Indoor Environments
    Chaoqun Wang, Delong Zhu, Teng Li, Max Q. -H. Meng, Clarence De. Silva

    • [cs.RO]Self-Localization of Parking Robots Using Square-Like Landmarks
    Canbo Ye, Guang Chen, Sanqing Qu, Qianyi Yang, Kai Chen, Jiatong Du, Ruien Hu

    • [cs.SD]Noise Flooding for Detecting Audio Adversarial Examples Against Automatic Speech Recognition
    Krishan Rajaratnam, Jugal Kalita

    • [cs.SD]Tensor-Train Long Short-Term Memory for Monaural Speech Enhancement
    Suman Samui, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Soumya K. Ghosh

    • [cs.SE]Assuring Autonomous Systems: Opportunities for Integrated Formal Methods?
    Mario Gleirscher, Simon Foster, Jim Woodcock

    • [cs.SE]The iEnvironment Platform: Developing an Open Science Software Platform for Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Modeling of Surface Water
    Paulo Alencar, Donald Cowan, Doug Mulholland

    • [cs.SI]Analysis of contagion maps on a class of networks that are spatially embedded in a torus
    Barbara I. Mahler, Ulrike Tillmann, Mason A. Porter

    • [cs.SI]Elites Tweet? Characterizing the Twitter Verified User Network
    Indraneil Paul, Abhinav Khattar, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Manish Gupta, Shaan Chopra

    • [eess.AS]Pansori: ASR Corpus Generation from Open Online Video Contents
    Yoona Choi, Bowon Lee

    • [math.CO]The hat guessing number of graphs
    Noga Alon, Omri Ben-Eliezer, Chong Shangguan, Itzhak Tamo

    • [math.OC]On Increasing Self-Confidence in Non-Bayesian Social Learning over Time-Varying Directed Graphs
    César A. Uribe, Ali Jadbabaie

    • [math.ST]Almost sure convergence for weighted sums of pairwise PQD random variables
    João Lita da Silva

    • [math.ST]Optimal Designs for Prediction in Two Treatment Groups Random Coefficient Regression Models
    Maryna Prus

    • [math.ST]Optimal False Discovery Control of Minimax Estimator
    Qifan Song, Guang Cheng

    • [math.ST]Sign tests for weak principal directions
    Davy Paindaveine, Julien Remy, Thomas Verdebout

    • [physics.geo-ph]Deep learning electromagnetic inversion with convolutional neural networks
    Vladimir Puzyrev

    • [physics.geo-ph]Incorporating Deformation Energetics in Long-Term Tectonic Modeling
    Sabber Ahamed, Eunseo Choi

    • [physics.soc-ph]The Chaperone Effect in Scientific Publishing
    Vedran Sekara, Pierre Deville, Sebastian Ahnert, Albert-László Barabási, Roberta Sinatra, Sune Lehmann

    • [q-fin.PM]Portfolio Optimization for Cointelated Pairs: SDEs vs. Machine Learning
    Babak Mahdavi-Damghani, Konul Mustafayeva, Stephen Roberts, Cristin Buescu

    • [q-fin.TR]Optimizing Market Making using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
    Yagna Patel

    • [quant-ph]Efficiently computable bounds for magic state distillation
    Xin Wang, Mark M. Wilde, Yuan Su

    • [stat.AP]A backward procedure for change-point detection with applications to copy number variation detection
    Seung Jun Shin, Yichao Wu, Ning Hao

    • [stat.AP]Bayesian Point Set Registration
    Adam Spannaus, Vasileios Maroulas, David J. Keffer, Kody J. H. Law

    • [stat.AP]Comparing Spatial Regression to Random Forests for Large Environmental Data Sets
    Eric W. Fox, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Anthony R. Olsen

    • [stat.AP]Detecting British Columbia Coastal Rainfall Patterns by Clustering Gaussian Processes
    Forrest Paton, Paul D. McNicholas

    • [stat.CO]An Algorithm for computing the t-signature of two-state networks
    M. Siavashi, S. Zarezadeh

    • [stat.ME]Bayesian Propagation of Record Linkage Uncertainty into Population Size Estimation of Human Rights Violations
    Mauricio Sadinle

    • [stat.ME]Bayesian semiparametric modelling of phase-varying point processes
    Bastian Galasso, Yoav Zemel, Miguel de Carvalho

    • [stat.ME]Bi-clustering for time-varying relational count data analysis
    Satoshi Goto, Mariko Takagishi, Hiroshi Yadohisa

    • [stat.ME]Model Selection for Mixture Models - Perspectives and Strategies
    Gilles Celeux, Sylvia Fruewirth-Schnatter, Christian P. Robert

    • [stat.ME]On discrimination between the Lindley and xgamma distributions
    Subhradev Sen, Hazem Al-Mofleh, Sudhansu S. Maiti

    • [stat.ME]Optimal Treatment Selection Using the Covariate-Specific Treatment Effect Curve with High-dimensional Covariates
    Wenchuan Guo, Xiao-hua Zhou, Shujie Ma

    • [stat.ME]Synthetic Difference in Differences
    Dmitry Arkhangelsky, Susan Athey, David A. Hirshberg, Guido W. Imbens, Stefan Wager

    • [stat.ME]rstap: An R Package for Spatial Temporal Aggregated Predictor Models
    Adam Peterson, Brisa Sanchez

    • [stat.ML]A determinantal point process for column subset selection
    Ayoub Belhadji, Rémi Bardenet, Pierre Chainais

    • [stat.ML]Bayesian Causal Inference
    Maximilian Kurthen, Torsten A. Enßlin

    • [stat.ML]Deep neural networks are biased towards simple functions
    Giacomo De Palma, Bobak Toussi Kiani, Seth Lloyd

    • [stat.ML]Guessing Smart: Biased Sampling for Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks
    Thomas Brunner, Frederik Diehl, Michael Truong Le, Alois Knoll

    • [stat.ML]Large Multistream Data Analytics for Monitoring and Diagnostics in Manufacturing Systems
    Samaneh Ebrahimi, Chitta Ranjan, Kamran Paynabar



