

作者: 90ab24c1aab6 | 来源:发表于2017-04-15 23:18 被阅读0次

Lean production: Thinking Production System.
Taking the delay risks to facing problems immediately and forcing employees to solve them directly.
Problem--->Stop right now--->Thinkging--->Solving

Process流程/批量生产:large-scale production
Product产品/流程:construct work cell; destruct process islands
The #advantage# of product production:

  1. Time costs take the limit to the real production value time; less time waiting on production.
    Real flexible production.
  2. Found the low quality step more rapidly with less "maybe" unqualified products.
    Internal automatically quality inspection.

Inventory hides problems!####

This situation not only exists in the production process, also in large projects. when several functional departments carrying out specific processes in hatches, then delivering to next planned department, the whole time must be delayed with unnecessary and overelaborate hierarchy process, with quantities control standards for each department and longer approving waiting time. The result is obvious, disorder and unqualified projects.
Integrating real value time departments together to integrating production steps...
3.Higher efficiency from the whole view.
4.Less storage room waste, cost saving.
5.Safety. Inherent safe for less and shorter process.
6.Improve employee satisfaction and self-efficacy.
7.Money saving from storage, opportunity cost.

The attitude, facing and handle issues directly and rapidly~~~!!!###

The disadvantages(Temporary costs)###

1.Employee full-skill, operating every machine.
2.A single machine doesn't work--->the whole work cell stopped
3.Longer transformation time delayed production
4.Outsourcing --->Internal production



