Lecture 3:Types of Learning

Lecture 3:Types of Learning

作者: 薛家掌柜的 | 来源:发表于2018-08-25 15:30 被阅读0次

    Learning with Different Output Space Y

    More Binary Classification Problems


    • credit approve/disapprove
    • email spam/non-spam
    • patient sick/not sick
    • advertisement profitable/not profitable
    • answer correct/incorrect

    Multiclass Classification


    • written digits \Rightarrow 0,1,...,9
    • pictures \Rightarrow apple,orange,strawberry
    • email \Rightarrow spam,primary,social,promotion,update



    • patient features \Rightarrow how many days before recovery
    • company data \Rightarrow stock price
    • climate data \Rightarrow temperature

    Structured Learning

    • sentence\Rightarrowstructure(class of each word)
    • protein data \Rightarrow protein folding
    • speech data \Rightarrow speech parse tree
      Mini summary
      binary classification:y = \{-1,+1\}
      multiclass classification:y = \{1,2,3,...,k\}
      regression:y = R
      structured learning:y = structures

    Learning with Different Data Label y_n

    Supervised Learning(every x_n with corresponding y_n)

    Unsupervised Learning( without y_n,clustering,a challenge but useful problem)

    • articles \Rightarrow topics
    • consumer profiles \Rightarrow consumer groups
      unsupervised learning :diverse,with possibly very different performance goals

    Semi-supervised(with some y_n)

    • face images with a few labeled ⇒ face identifier (Facebook)
    • medicine data with a few labeled ⇒ medicine effect predictor
    semi-supervised learning: leverage unlabeled data to avoid ‘expensive’ labeling

    Reinforcement Learning(a very 'different' but natural way of learning)

    learning with 'partial/implicit information'(often sequentially)
    比如说,你教小狗‘sit down’,但是它并不会真的‘sit’,但是它会学到‘sit is good’。
    因此,可以说,reinforcement: implicit y_n by goodness(\tilde y)
    Mini summary
    supervised learning:all y_n
    semi-supervised:some y_n
    unsupervised:no y_n
    reinforcement learning:implicit y_n by goodness \tilde y

    Learning with Different Protocol f ⇒ (x_n,y_n)

    Batch Learning(Batch Supervised multiclass classification:learning from all known data)

    • batch of (email,spam?)\Rightarrowspam filter
    • batch of(patient,cancer?)\Rightarrowconcer classifier
    • batch of patient data\Rightarrowgroup of patients

    Online Learning(hypothesis 'improves' through receiving data instances sequentially)

    online spam filter,with sequentially:

    1. observe an email x_t
    2. predict spam status with current g_t(x_t)
    3. receive 'desired label y_n' from user,then update g_twith(x_n,y_n)

    Active learning(Learning by 'Asking')

    当输入一个x_n时,算法不知道对应的y_n,然后向目标函数fquery the y_n of chosen x_n,这就是Active learning :improve hypothesis with fewer labels(hopefully)by asking questions strategically
    Mini summary
    batch:all known data
    active:strategically-observed data

    Learning with Different Input Space X

    Concrete Features(each dimension ofx \subseteq R^drepresents 'sophisticated physical meaning')

    • (size,mass)for coin classification
    • customer info for credit approval
    • patient info for cancer diagnosis

    Raw Features(often need human or machines to convert to concrete ones)

    • Digit Recognition Problem:features\Rightarrowmeaning of digit(simple physical meaning,thus more difficult for ML than concrete features)
    • image pixels
    • speech signal

    Abstract Learning(again need features'conversion/extraction/construction')

    • rating prediction problem
    • student ID in tutoring system
    • advertisement ID in online ad system
      Mini summary
      concrete:sophisticated(and related) physical meaning
      raw:simple physical meaning
      abstract:no(or little)physical meaning



          本文标题:Lecture 3:Types of Learning
