

作者: 小贴贴七夏 | 来源:发表于2017-12-31 17:07 被阅读60次

雅歌 2;
唱诗:诗篇 128:1,2

不要惊动,不要叫醒我所亲爱的,等他自己情愿。 (歌 2:7;3:5;8:4)





什么是正确的时间和地点?“等他自己情愿” 是指所有必要步骤都已经完成了。请记住,这是婚礼歌曲。只有当一对夫妻真正结婚后才能享受性爱,这样才能得到主耶和华的祝福。


January 20
Song of Songs 2
Song: Psalm 128:1,2


“Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."(Song of Songs 2:7;3:5;8:4)

It is no easy task to properly explain the song of Songs. I understand it to contain a cycle of wedding songs. Despite its complexity, there are many items in this Bible book that are important for us. One item that is striking is the recurring admonition to “not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." This admonition is found at least three times in the book, so it must be very important.

The word “arousal" leads us to think about sexual intimacy. Inevitably, every serious relationship leads to increasing arousal. This is normal and natural. The question is: How do we deal with aroused sexual feelings?

It is important to note that in all these passages, the daughters of Jerusalem are compared with the gazelles and does of the field. These are skittish animals that take off at the first indication of danger. If anyone tries to force physical intimacy, a boy or girl should immediately leave and stay away.

Sometimes, we deliberately set out to arouse. Dress and behavior give a clear mesage: I am available. The Song of Songs does not tell us that arousal itself is wrong; rather, it says that the time and place must be right.

What is the right time and place?  "Until it so desires" means the time when all the necessary steps have been followed. Remember, these are wedding songs. Sexuality can only be truly enjoyed when a couple is properly married. Then it will be blessed by the Lord.

Question: What happens to intimacy when the proper conditions are not in place?


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