As a young man, we have a lot of passion and enthusiasm but nowhere to place them. It's a pity! Because we can't regain these emotions easily once we pass this period of time.
We can be angry or mad just in a moment when we are young. And when these circumstances happens, vioces which said we are wrong will be around us. I think this may be the worst disadvantage about being young. We always need to think about whether we are wrong or whether this is a big events that worth thinking twice even more times. But nomatter what result you finally get, you're still not sure about youself.
Recently, I was asked to buy a suit of company uniform which worth 1200RMB. At first, I didn't care about money. But the moment I see the real clothes, I regret my thoughts. It' s just like the uniform that service man in hotels wears. Besides, the quality is not good either. I don't think I can endure to wear this while I am having class and have meal in a restrant. I think I was cheated when I got this job. Now I want to get my freedom as an adult. I think it is a big event for me but my mother as well as other colleagues didn't think so.
What are called Little Things?
What are called Big Events?
For above two questions, I don't want to give a definition to it. Everyone's standard can be different because each person has something special she/ he cares about. For me, anything that could threaten my freedom are Big Events. I must do something to change the situation.