

作者: 海棠的院子 | 来源:发表于2020-02-15 11:11 被阅读0次

Love to read sex novels, especially classical novels, friends must have heard of "adopt Yin to mend Yang". How to understand this word? Modern "monster" thinks that if the sexual life of men and women is not harmonious, it is "adopt Yin to mend Yang" or "adopt yang to mend Yang"

For example, if a man's sexual life cannot be satisfied, such as the inability to have an erection and the duration is not long, his temperament will change, he will be depressed and pessimistic, his sexual desire will gradually decline, and he will induce various physiological diseases

If women can't reach orgasm for a long time, or their sexual life can't be satisfied, they will suffer from psychological depression, physiological insomnia, body ache and other symptoms. Some women who can't reach orgasm may also cause pelvic organ congestion and various kinds of genital inflammation. This is the problem of the couple

In fact, in order to have a more harmonious sex life, for a long time, the ancients found an excuse to adopt Yin and Yang, summed up a variety of different ways to extend the time and make men and women achieve orgasmic sexual intercourse. And men and women can achieve the function of adjusting physiology, balancing psychology, improving physique and prolonging life through harmonious sex life

In the medical classics of the art in the room, it means that in the sexual life, we can adopt various methods to achieve a kind of physical and mental health situation of happy spirit and eliminate sexual tension between husband and wife. However, due to the limited knowledge at that time, we had to adopt various abstract expression methods, so we also spread many wrong ideas. Taking Yin and nourishing yang is one of the concrete manifestations


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