There must be some reasons why y

There must be some reasons why y

作者: 沙子sandy | 来源:发表于2017-11-25 16:26 被阅读0次

I still remember the exciting moment when I saw Yoky's post of facilitator training 3C (creativity,curiosity,compassion).I have intuition I will be there definitely so I registered immediately for the first day since I need take care of my three-year-old kid the second day.However eventually I did not miss brilliant part of second day thanks to the inspiration by new friends who encouraged me to find right solution.It turns out that if you really want to do something ,God will also support you to open the door.

At a glance I was highly attracted because I was eager to get some basic skills of being a qualified facilitator.Nevertheness,when the entire two days were finished ,I profoundly realized it was not just an ordinary training ;it opened up a new world for me magically and a marvelous now &future is awaiting for me to create.

There must be some reasons why you are here

1.Meet your tribe

One of the most joyful &lucky things in the world is that you could meet lovely people who hold smilar value with you.In the training I am so honored to get known to nine new friends-they are not good at judging but smiling joyfully .They are diverse ,passionate,open-minded ,smart ,modest,curious,supportive ,compassionate ,vigorous, and creative.

They all regard each individual is unique and there are plenty of possibilities in life,which could be transformed to be more wonderful by unleashing our imagination and creativity.They aspire to lead a full-filling and meaning life.

When we were communicating,brainstorming ,playing and interacting it was very easy for us to align and resonate.Meanwhile we are strongly inspired by each other to come up with new ingenious ideas and concepts.Understanding and being understood seems to be effortless here.

I deemed that meeting the tribe is the important part in my self-deep-exploration journey .I do believe it will greatly help strengthen who I am and where I am going and empower me to stick to the my unique value thus keep moving forward .I recognized clearly that I am not alone and my tribe is somewhere .We are together on the way hand by hand.

There must be some reasons why you are here

2..Strength finding &Value& Mission Statement

We shared our Top 5 Strength through Gallap strength finder on-line assessment.It is impressive that Idot shared the result this time has changed throughly comparing with that two years ago.It seems that strength is not steady but dynamic --somehow innate but could be probably sharpened and perfected by practice.

Discovering strength is just the first step and next is understanding &learning how to make full use of them to fulfill ourselves.It must be a adventurous &marvelous self-exploration journey.

There must be some reasons why you are here

Yoky led us to try a series of deep practice by coming up with probing questions with all kinds of creative forms .

a.Role play -Two people are in a group to play the role of coach and coachee -describe a thing you felt so pround in your life and think why and who played important roles and what does that mean ..

b.Use the clay to squeeze it into certain shape to represent 1/the peak moment in your work or life --2/ your future

c.List one of your limited beliefs and learn how to turn it into beneficial version.

There must be some reasons why you are here

It occurred to me that I was deeply amazed by this new concept which help switch my mindset to appreciate the hurdles and tap my potential..

d.Group discuss what your real passion is and what holds you back right now

e.Dig out and write your core value and mission statement

There must be some reasons why you are here

We were all proactively engaged into the practice and I found we folks share similar values in common surprisingly .There must be some reasons why we meet here -:)and trust we will meet again in the near future.

Furthermore,I kept broadening myself by asking more questions --How does strength link with core value even mission statement ?what is the relationship among them ?How to combine them in an integrated way ?I believe they play critical role in leading a fulfilled and meaningful life.

3..How to implement --Practice Passiontely and Persistently

Practice---in the afternoon of the second day ,each one were equipped with 15minutes to practice to be a facilitator .We listened ,engaged and provided useful advice to each other.

There were artistic inspiration -using all sorts of fresh elements -snack (candy,biscuit,pocky ...)to express thing you would like most to finish before dying ... design thinking by drawing ...value recogonition ...color &personality ...WBS in project management creative illustration .unleashing your creativity......


In this world sometimes we need not just use words to express ourselves and communicate.It is far more interesting if some intriguing elements are added up-painting.drama.playing.improvisation..clay making.dancing .music ....they enriched and reshaped our world.

And I still would like to mention more fantastic gains from the training -meditation,laughter yoga.types of warm-up small games -we had so much fun from the activities and could apply them in our "future workshop".

The last step left me deep impression --Yoky led each of us to think what you would like to give to the world ..your giving ..

There must be some reasons why you are here

I blurted out -"to be yourself".Only when you are yourself it is possible you can make maximized contribution to the world .The whole yourself will bring big positive impact to the world.

It is very worthy to participate into the 3C 2days training.I was so proud that I made the right choice.

There must be some reasons why you are here

Thanks Yoky .Thanks Caroline..Cathy,Idot ,Ina,Althea,Tony,Emily ,Malgo,I am really glad and grateful to meet you .You are super amazing and awesome.

It is not the ending .we will meet again .All is just starting ...



      本文标题:There must be some reasons why y
