

作者: 灵墨 | 来源:发表于2016-12-14 17:05 被阅读23次

One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. After hearing that all students were seated and waited for the test to begin. Now, the professor gave the test papers to all students with text facing down at the desk. Once he was done with handing out the test to all students, he asked them to turn the test pages and begin.


Student ’ s were confused to see that there was not a question but just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor noticed the students' face expression and told them, " I want you to write about what you see there. "


The students were still confused but got started with the test. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer sheets and started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students. All of them described about the black dot and tried to explain its position etc.. After the professor finished reading the whole class was silent.


Now, professor began to explain, " Don ’ t worry, I am not going to give you grades for this but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone focused on the black dot wrote about it but no one wrote about the white paper, the same is with our lives. The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents problems in our life.


Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate – our friends around us, the job that provides us our livelihood, the miracles we see everyday.


Still we just focus on day to day problems like health issues, lack of money, problems in relationships etc. but we never see that these problems are very small compared to everything we have in our lives. "


Moral Lesson: We should try to take eyes off our problems and Enjoy each one of our blessings, Each moment that life gives us. Be happy and Live Life Positively.




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