I. Words and express
1. They will trot out the hard-won words of their college education.
trot out to bring forward, as for approbation or admiration, esp repeatedly
hard-won achieved only after a lot of effort and difficulty
2. Criticism is the stage on which journalists do their fanciest strutting. It's also where reputations for wit are born.
strutting someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important.
"It's also where reputations for wit are born" (评论文体)同时也是智慧展示声望的地方
3. The reader deserves a movie buff who will bring along a reservoir of knowledge, passion and prejudice.
a movie buff 电影迷
reservoir 原义是“蓄水池”,此处比喻为作者的知识储备
4. A final caution is to aviod the ecstatic adjectives that occupy such disproportionate space in every critic's quiver----words like "enthralling" and "luminous".
ecstatic feeling extremely happy and excited
5. Obviously I'm now assuming a more urbane body of readers.
urbane behaving in a relaxed and confident way in social situations
6. But even in this world of evanescent notes a good critic can make sense of what happened by writing good English.
evanescent something that is evanescent does not last very long
II. Summary
Criticism is a kind of nonfiction which appraise an art work, evaluate a performance, recongnize what is good and which is bad. The critic need a special set of skills and a special body of knowledge. However, there are more things to prepare before writing. Critics should figure out the purpose of their writing. If they were the readers, what they would like to know?
Zinsser told us four conditions that apply to good criticism. Fistly, write something you like. Critics are also normal people. You should know everything you want to write, but you don't need force yourself like everything. Secondly, don't give away too much of the plot, or you'll destory reader's enjoyment. Thirdly, use specific detail, you can cite some examples. The last, avoid ecstatic adjectives, use a lean and vivid style to express what you observed and what you think. What's more, criticism is one person's opinion, so the writer should dare to express themselves.
III. Thoughts