V23805-day9 循环论证谬误

V23805-day9 循环论证谬误

作者: 富贵BillD | 来源:发表于2021-04-03 20:18 被阅读0次

1.Premise: The criminal mind that has been rehabilitated isn’t the true criminal mind.

Conclusion: the criminal mind cannot be rehabilitated.

Reason: This argument makes the mistake of “Question-Begging Definition” fallacy. The conclusion is justified from the definition of the criminal mind. If any cases occur that are different from the conclusion, they are not true criminal mind;this argument is meaningless,and it lacks in real cases to prove it.

2.Premise: The Bible says in itself that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God.”

Conclusion:The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God.

Reason:This argument makes the mistake of “Arguing in a Circle ” fallacy. In this argument, the premise is the conclusion, and the conclusion equals to the premise already, lacking the process of reasoning.


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    本文标题:V23805-day9 循环论证谬误
