此文为笔者的上篇文章《谬误 Fallacies (一)》的续译
循环论证(circular argument):和 回避问题 一样
因为他们总是在广播里说 ‘我们只说实话’,
复杂问题(complex question): 提出一个让别人不能同意或者不同意的问题,因为回答这样的问题会让他们陷入你的设的前提陷阱。一个简单的例子:
否定前提(denying the antecedent): 一个推导形式的错误
偷换概念(equivocation) : 在论证的过程中把一个术语的意思变成另外一个意思
circular argument: same as begging the question.
“You can count on WARP News for the facts, because they constantly say on
the air that “we just give you the facts,” so that must be a fact too!”
Real-life circular arguments often follow a bigger circle, but they all
eventually end up starting in the same place they want to end.
complex question: posing a question in such a way that people cannot agree
or disagree with you without committing themselves to some other claim you
wish to promote. A simple example: “Are you still as selfcentered as you
used to be?” Answering either “yes” or “no” commits you to agreeing that
you used to be self-centered. A more subtle example: “Will you follow your
conscience instead of your pocketbook and donate to the cause?” Saying
“no,” regardless of their real reasons for not donating, makes people feel
guilty. Saying “yes,” regardless of their real reasons for donating, makes
them noble. If you want a donation, just ask for it.
denying the antecedent: a deductive mistake of the form
“ If p then q.
Therefore, not-q.”
Remember that, in the statement “If p then q,” p is called the “antecedent”
and q the “consequent.” The second premise of a modus tollens—a valid
form—denies the consequent, q (go back to Rule 23 and check). Denying the
antecedent (p), though, yields quite a different—and invalid— form. A true
conclusion is not guaranteed even if the premises are true. For example:
When the roads are icy, the mail is late.
The roads are not icy.
Therefore, the mail is not late.
Although the mail would be late if the roads were icy, it may be late for other
reasons too. This argument overlooks alternatives.
equivocation: sliding from one meaning of a term to another in the middle of
an argument.
Women and men are physically and emotionally different. The sexes are not
“equal,” then, and therefore the law should not pretend that we are.
Between premise and conclusion this argument shifts the meaning of the term
“equal.” The sexes are not physically and emotionally “equal” in the sense in
which “equal” means simply “identical.” Equality before the law, however,
does not mean “physically and emotionally identical” but “entitled to the
same rights and opportunities.” Rephrased with the two different senses of
“equal” made clear, the argument goes:
Women and men are not physically and emotionally identical. Therefore,
women and men are not entitled to the same rights and opportunities.
Once the equivocation is removed, it is clear that the argument’s conclusion
is neither supported by nor even related to the premise. No reason is offered
to show that physical and emotional differences imply different rights and