Our uniquely human ability to look down from a higher level doesn't apply just to understanding reality and the cause-effect relationships underlying it; it also applies to looking down on yourself and those around you. I call this ability to rise above your own and others' circumstances and objectively look down on them "higher-level thinking." Higher level thinking gives you the ability to study and influence the cause-effect relationships at play in your life and use them to get the outcomes you want.
“Higher level thinking” 其实就是小董提到的“上帝视角”,意思是我们要变出一个“影分身”,飞出自己和周围的环境,飞到更高的层次上,然后从上往下看自己的本尊和周围的人和事,因为只有这样,我们才能更加客观地看自己,而不是主观因素和情绪的干扰,从而做出更加正确的决策。