
I will start by defining a struct in C. I would see it as a customized, composite data type, which may be constructed from the existing built-in data types [int, char, etc.], bit fields [integers of specified bit size] and other structs. This example shows a simple example of a struct definition, along with the declaration of a variable of that type and access to one of the fields. A struct is a handy and flexible way to represent data. Similar facilities exist in most modern programming languages.
**How does a C++ class differ from a C struct? **There are a few differences. The key ones are:
- A class can also contain functions [called methods].
- The member variables and methods are hidden from the outside world, unless their declaration follows a public label.
- There can be a pair of special methods – the constructor and destructor – that are run automatically when an instance of the class [an object] is created and destroyed.
- Operators to work on the new data type can be defined using special methods [member functions].
- One class can be used as the basis for the definition of another [inheritance].
- Declaring a variable of the new type [an instance of the class; an object] requires just the name of the class – the keyword class is not required.
Most of these are illustrated in the example here.
But what about a struct in C++? The last example here gives a clue. The only difference between a struct and class in C++ is the default accessibility of member variables and methods. In a struct they are public; in a class they are private.
Having imparted this information, I urge you not to exploit it too heavily. A key priority when you are writing code is to ensure that it is readable [=maintainable]. Somebody – it could be you – might need to look at this code in a year’s time and understand what it does. I have heard advice as follows: Assume that the person that will maintain your code is an armed psychopath, who has limited patience and knows your home address.