December 13,2017

December 13,2017

作者: 老蛮腰 | 来源:发表于2017-12-13 11:52 被阅读9次

It is anniversary of Nanjing massacre today. Eighty year ago, Japanese army invaded Nanjing, and massacred about 300000 persons during the first six weeks they occupied the city, the capital of China. They drove thousands of civilian to the riverside, then shot and thrust them, burn their bodies at last. Furthermore, we are never be able to count the quantity of single criminals committed by soldiers. It express how uncivilized and brutal Japanese were. Even to this day, some Japanese refuse to admit their guilty. Some of them try their best to decline the quantity of the victims. Some of them announced that it is inevitable in the war. Some of them think that they have apologize for the massacre, so Chinese should forget it. Most of Japanese don't know the massacre or evade the topic. It express that some Japanese still live in Middle Ages.


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      本文标题:December 13,2017
