S 342 Chatterbox

作者: 王妮101 | 来源:发表于2018-02-25 14:14 被阅读26次

It’s a lovely sunny day ,

and Susie sheep has come to play with Peppa .

“ Hello Susie .” “ Hello Peppa .”

Peppa and Susie are best friends .

“ Guess what happend to me yesterday .”

“ Yesterday I went to the duck pond and I see Mrs.duck .”

“ well yesterday ……”

“ Then I went to the supermarket with mommy, we bought bread carrots and…… what’s wrong ?”

“You talk too much , blah blah blah blah, just like that blah blah blah .”

“ mummy Susie sheep said I talked too much .”

“ Well ,you are a bit of chatterbox Peppa .”

“ Chatterbox ,that’s right , chatterbox here , chatterbox there , chatter , chatter ,chatter , you never stop talking .”

“ I can easily stop talking , if I want to .”

“ No ,you can’t .”  “ I can .”  “ You can’t .”

“ that’s it , I am never going to talk again .”

“ Hello Suzie .”

“ Hello Peppa .”

“ hello Zoe ,you look nice today .”

“ Thank you , Suzie , this is my new dress .”

“ why are you not talking , Peppa ?”

“ This is a silly game .”

“ what’s game are you playing .”

“ Suzie said I was a chatterbox and I could be never quiet .”

“ You are not being very quiet now , are you ?”

“ Right , I am not going to talk ever again . Starting now !”

“ Hello everyone !”

“ Hello Danny !” “Hello Danny !”

“ What’s the matter with Peppa ?”

“ She is not talking .”

“ Oh who wants the grape ?”

“ Me please .” “ Me please .”


“ You can’t nod your head . that’s cheating ,and you can’t blink .”

“ Hello everyone !” “ Hello Pedro .”

“ What’s the matter with Peppa ?”

‘“ She is never going to talk ever again .”

“ why ?”

“ Because she talks too muck .”

“ I do not talk too much .Anyway you are always walking like this , oh , look at me ,I am Suzie sheep ,see .”

“ what I mean ?”

“ And you say this micky macky Boo baa boo .”

“ that’s nothing like me .”

“ It’s a bit like you , Suzie .”

“ You are just as noisy as me .”

“ I can be quiet .”

“It’s not easy .”

“ it’s not that tough , Peppa .”

“ Ok , you do it then.” 

“ let’s all do it .”

“ We can show my mommy .”

“ Mommy ,we are all going to be quiet .”

“very quiet .”

“ so quiet you can drop something over floor and hear it .”

“quiet as a mouse .”

“you are not being quiet at all .”

“you are all being very noisy .”

“ We can be quiet whenever we want .”

“ Start being quiet on the count of one 、two……”

“ I am not ready , ok now .”

“ On your mark ready get set ……” “three .”

“ Hello I am home , oh I thought the house was empty .”

“ Peppa and her friends are playing being quiet .”

“ It’s not playing , it’s very hard work .”

“ Oh Peppa !”

Peppa cannot stop herself from talking .

“ Oh daddy ,I think I might be a chatterbox .”

“ That’s not such a bad thing ,Peppa . It’s a good to talk ,in fact . I think you are an expert at talking .”

“ That’s right ,I am an expert at talking .”

“ I am an expert at talking too .”

“ No one not , I am a chatterbox .”

“ I am more of a chatterbox than you .”

“ Ho , ho , you two are just the Same .”

“ Yes , we are .”

“ That’s why we are best friends .”

Chatter Chatter Chatter ,

Peppa loves talking , Suzie loves talking ,everybody loves talking .


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