

作者: 七霁 | 来源:发表于2016-11-19 07:01 被阅读0次

    1 Multicultural society

    Cultural diversity

    Musicians are inspired by the country's cultural diversity.

    People from a wide variety of backgrounds
    Cultural differences
    (People in a multicultural society) have different beliefs and values
    Are exposed to different cultures and lifestyles

    Ethnic food/ clothing
    Different customs and traditions
    Attract many tourists

    2 Build understanding and trust

    Live in harmony with each other

    South Africa's different cultural groups usually live in harmony with each other.

    Have equal educational and employment opportunities

    (Cultural differences) cause barriers to communication
    Cause misunderstanding

    3 Discrimination at school or in the workplace

    Are treated unfairly
    Cause tensions and conflicts

    (Company/ enterprise) employ a culturally-diverse workforce

    A culturally-diverse workforce is more productive.

    Workforce: a well-educated/ healthy/ competitive workforce
    Have more creative ideas

    4 New immigrants

    Feel lonely and isolated
    Cannot speak the local language well
    Are paid lower wages

    Provide them with free integration courses
    Help them develop a sense of belonging
    Help them integrate into society

    5 Cultural heritage

    Historic sites
    Traditional customs
    Customs and traditions
    Traditional moral values

    Children should be taught to respect traditional moral values.

    Rules of etiquette
    Traditional music
    Form part of our cultural identity

    Feel disconnected from their cultural heritage
    (Other cultures)Erode their sense of cultural identity

    6 Traditional virtues

    Traditional virtues

    The traditional virtues of fair play and loyalty are disappearing from professional sport.

    Hard work
    Have respect for their elders

    They have no idea of right and wrong and have no respect for their elders.

    Sincerity and kindness
    Honesty and integrity
    Patience and self-control
    Frugality and moderation
    Good family relationships
    A strong commitment to family and work
    A strong sense of what is right and wrong
    A sense of responsibility towards their community/ school/ country/ own safety
    Live in harmony with nature

    Follow rules without questioning them

    7 (Teenagers today) Are more independent

    Are more innovative
    Are open-minded and creative
    Are exposed to many new ideas
    Have the courage to challenge old ideas
    Will compete for jobs in a global market
    Are more likely to accept different views and lifestyles

    8 Traditional lifestyles/ ways of life

    Threaten traditional lifestyles

    A changing climate and developing industry threaten traditional lifestyles.

    Mass-produced products

    Keep traditions alive
    Hand-made goods

    9 Historical events

    Historical figures
    Historical periods
    Connect us to the past
    Give us a collective memory
    Form part of our cultural identity

    Is a rich source of inspiration for artists
    Wars and conflicts in history
    Help today's leaders avoid the same mistakes
    Help them make better plans and decisions
    Promote international peace and understanding
    Help people understand and solve social problems

    (People know little about history)Feel disconnected from their heritage

    10 Study history

    World history
    National history
    Local history
    Political history
    Social history
    Art history
    (History class) is informative and interesting
    Improve students' analytical skills
    Sharpen their critical-thinking skills
    Develop moral judgement
    Help them better understand social change
    Gain a better understanding of their culture
    Famous historical quotes
    Draw inspiration from history

    Have different values
    Tend to have different views on the same event
    (History books) may contain bias
    May be misleading



