
作者: 圣微 | 来源:发表于2017-12-01 09:31 被阅读0次

" I attach more importance to love than meditation. Love without meditation is more than enough. Meditation without love is not enough. "- Meher Baba



Yoga, meditation, and contemplation, they have a certain role and some importance on the initial stage of the path, but they are confined by the illusion plane. If a person do yoga practice daily with a little motivation for comfortable and healthy body, his actual practice is the skills to live in the illusion world, so the more he does the practice, the more he focuses on it, the more he is bound by the world.


Some one says this exercise is the same as the effort to save our body when we're sick. I think they're totally different. Daily yoga exercises with making my body good, health and comfort are exercising that "I want to live a good life" and in it containing fear and attachment. It is the equivalent that a person takes care of his house every day with being afraid of his housing leakage here or there, afraid of something wrong with it and always hanging on to the house that was destined to collapse. When heart is combining with the illusion, the soul is bound by the illusion. Of course, such practice becomes the practice of melting in the illusion.


It's Ok to make efforts to save our bodies when we'r sick, because we'r not putting our mind on our bodies. In this aspect, our hearts did not combine with the illusion. It was only when the house was about to collapse and we repaire it. We had not wirried, feared about its collapse, so our hearts have broken away from the shadow of the illusion on the house.


Meditation and contemplation can take a certain role of emptiness and truth if we remind us these achievements only belonging our Masters. Otherwise this kind of "gain" is sure to encourage our egos, because the soul always knows everything about itself, and the awareness of "acquisition" inevitably leads to running of the Maya program.


In true love, we forget everything, which can build a strong connection with a master, and only the perfect master can change us, reshape us and take away our false self.



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